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Andra Nordin, Kira Harland, Angela Zhang, Or’el Anbar

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1 Andra Nordin, Kira Harland, Angela Zhang, Or’el Anbar
Dietary Habits Survey Andra Nordin, Kira Harland, Angela Zhang, Or’el Anbar

2 Our survey intends to record and analyze data to further understand the dietary gaps between social classes, genders, and different ethnicities. Today, there is a large array of diets that people identify with: Omnivore- mixed diet. Pescatarian- Fish, but no other meat. Vegetarian- No meat, fish, or poultry. Vegan- No animal-based products. No meat, fish, poultry, milk, eggs, honey, etc.

3 Amount of Vegetarians & Vegans in America
A 2008 study found that: 3.2% of U.S. adults are vegetarian (7.3 million) O.5% of U.S. adults are vegan (1 million) 10% of U.S. adults follow a vegetarian-inclined diet (22.8 million) Of this 7.3 million: 59% female 41% male 42% 18-34 30.7% 35-54 17.4% over 55 More than half of those surveyed had been following a vegetarian diet for over 10 years.

4 Awareness, Morality, an Enhanced Sense of Civic Responsibility, and the Sixties effecting Dietary Decisions For example: You find aspects of food production immoral so you stop consuming certain products. (Meat, Dairy…. Grapes!)

5 Religions with dietary restrictions
Judaism, Hinduism, Jainism, and Mormonism are all religions that have dietary codes associated with them. Hinduism No beef Sometimes no meat or poultry products at all Jainism A completely vegan diet No root vegetables, garlic, or onions Mormonism No caffeine, alcohol, or other addictive substances Judaism A kosher diet Islam No pork, blood, alcohol, or carnivorous animals. No meat that was not slaughtered in the described Islamic way Buddhism (Theravada and Mahayana) (often) Vegan lifestyle – coexistence “five pungent spices”

6 Survey Questions… We will be asking each subgroup the following questions: Would you classify yourself as: A vegan, I don't eat animal based products. A vegetarian, I don't eat meat of any sort (includes chicken, fish, and other seafood). I eat fish and other seafood but no other meat. I have a mixed diet that includes meat. If you do eat meat, how often do you eat meat in your meals? I don't eat meat. 1-2 times a week. 3-6 times a week. More than 7 times a week. What is the main type of meat you eat? Standard grocery store FDA-approved meat. I only eat organic meat. I don't pay attention to where my meat comes from. Do you believe you have a balanced diet? Yes No I don't care. If you were to become a vegetarian, what would be your motivation for doing so? Animal Rights Health Issues (ex. high blood pressure, high cholesterol, etc.) I don't like the taste of meat. Curiosity Religious Reasons The belief that a plant-based diet is healthier. What is your "milk" of choice? Dairy Milk (goat & cow) Almond Milk Soy Milk Hemp Milk Rice Milk I don't drink milk. If you are a vegetarian, how often do you "cheat?" Once a month. Once every 2 weeks Once a year. I don't cheat. I am not a vegetarian. How do you classify yourself? Underweight Normal Overweight Obese

7 Subgroup A Jewish Age Group 40+ College-Educated Caucasian 7 Surveyed

8 Expected Results for Subgroup A
d. I have a mixed diet that includes meat. c. 3-6 times a week d. Standard grocery store FDA-approved meat. a. Yes f. The belief that a vegetarian diet is healthier. a. Dairy Milk (cow & goat) f. I am not vegetarian. b. Normal

9 Subgroup B Male Eastern Asian Age Group 15-17 Not Registered Voters
5 Surveyed

10 Expected Results for Subgroup B
d. I have a mixed diet that includes meat. d. More than 7 times a week. d. I don’t pay attention to where my meat comes from. c. I don’t care. c. Curiosity a. Dairy Milk (cow & goat) f. I am not vegetarian. b. Normal

11 Subgroup C Female In-College Age Group 18-30 Registered Voters
8 Surveyed

12 Expected Results for Subgroup C
b. A vegetarian, I don’t eat meat of any sort. a. I don’t eat meat. a. Yes a. Animal Rights a. Dairy Milk (cow & goat) a. I don’t cheat. b. Normal

13 Survey Results

14 Question 1:Would you classify yourself as: Subgroup A:
57% d. I have a mixed diet that includes meat. 29& b. Vegetarian 14% c. Pescatarian Subgroup B: 100% d. I have a mixed diet that includes meat. Subgroup C: 13% Pescatarian 25% Vegetarian 63% I have a mixed diet that includes meat.

15 Question 2: If you do eat meat, how often do you eat meat in your meals?
Subgroup A: 14% More than 7 times a week. 15% 1-2 times a week. 29% 3-6 times a week. 43% I don’t eat meat. Subgroup B: 40% 3-6 times a week. 60% More than 7 times a week. Subgroup C: 13% More than 7 times a week. 38% I don’t eat meat. 50% 3-6 times a week.

16 Question 3: What is the main type of meat you eat? Subgroup A:
14% I don’t pay attention to where my meat comes from. 43% I don’t eat meat. 43% Standard grocery store FDA-approved meat. Subgroup B: 40% Standard grocery store FDA-approved meat. 60% I don’t pay attention to where my meat comes from. Subgroup C: 13% I only eat organic meat. 25% I don’t pay attention to where my meat comes from. 25% Standard grocery store FDA-approved meat. 38% I don’t eat meat.

17 Question 4: Do you believe you have a balanced diet? Subgroup A:
100% Yes Subgroup B: 20% I don’t care. 40% No 40% Yes Subgroup C: 25% I don’t care. 75% Yes

18 Question 5: If you were to become a vegetarian, what would be your motivation for doing so?
Subgroup A: 71% The belief that a plant-based diet is healthier. 40% Health Issues Subgroup B: 20% Curiosity 80% Health Issues Subgroup C: 13% Curiosity 13% The belief that a plant-based diet is healthier. 25% I don’t like the taste of meat. 50% Animal Rights

19 Question 6: What is your "milk" of choice? Subgroup A:
14% Almond Milk 14% I don’t drink milk. 29% Soy Milk 38% Dairy Milk Subgroup B: 20% Almond Milk 20% I don’t drink milk. 60% Dairy Milk Subgroup C: 13% I don’t drink milk. 25% Soy Milk 63% Dairy Milk

20 Question 7: If you are a vegetarian, how often do you "cheat?“
Subgroup A: 43% I am not vegetarian. 57% I don’t cheat. Subgroup B: 20% Once a month. 80% I am not vegetarian. Subgroup C: 13% I don’t cheat. 13% Once a month. 25% Once a year. 50% I am not vegetarian.

21 Question 8: How do you classify yourself? Subgroup A:
14% Overweight 86% Normal Subgroup B: 20% Underweight 80% Normal Subgroup C: 12.5% Underweight 12.5% Overweight 75% Normal

22 Question 1- Type of Diet …Female vs. Male

23 Survey Predictions Subgroup A- Subgroup B- Subgroup C-
almost completely correct. Subgroup B- Subgroup C- very incorrect.

24 Conclusion What did we learn?
That dietary restrictions within a religion can be how you manage your eating style, however within our local community we found that religion had little or nothing to do with the what people eat. The type of diet you have and morals surrounding eating other living animals more or less comes down to your own personal beliefs about life.

25 Works Cited "Faith and Food." Faith and Food - the Way to Your Heart. Web. 04 Jan < "Vegetarianism In America." Vegetarian Times - Great Food, Good Health, Smart Living. Web. 04 Jan <

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