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Prices Unit Review.

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1 Prices Unit Review

2 Markets Perfectly Competitive: allocative and productive efficiency; P=D=MR=MC=min ATC Monopolistic: less efficient Oligopoly: even less (perhaps least) Monopoly: natural (economies of scale) vs. gov’t created (patents, etc.); regulation (self- or gov’t) greater efficiency (but diseconomies of scale) Monopsony Predatory pricing and limit pricing

3 Against the Law Price floors: min. wage Price ceilings: rent control
Inefficiency + Black markets Information Asymmetry Lemons, moral hazard, adverse selection Government Laws: Wagner Act, Taft-Hartley Sherman Anti-Trust Act: bans monopoly activities that interfere with interstate commerce

4 Labor Consumption vs. Leisure Now vs. later Reservation wage
Efficiency wages: why does In ‘N Out pay above minimum wage?

5 Unions Labor monopoly balances monopsony power of bosses
Undermined by changing laws, success, and transition to globalized service economy (greater foreign competition + professionals less likely to unionize)

6 Wal-Mart Good: 1) lower prices higher real wages; 2) relentless focus consumer demand greater allocative efficiency (Telxon); 3) outsourcing or threat of outsourcing greater productive efficiency

7 Bad: 1) lower wages + not really lower prices (“opening price point” scam) lower real wages; 2) outsourcing fewer American jobs; 3) example of no benefits + breaking unions lower standard of living (compare GM); 4) denying health benefits higher cost of health care for all (moral hazard myth)

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