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Who was responsible for the Cold War, the U.S. or Russia?

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Presentation on theme: "Who was responsible for the Cold War, the U.S. or Russia?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Who was responsible for the Cold War, the U.S. or Russia?
Our main objective today is to answer the question: Who was responsible for the Cold War, the U.S. or Russia?

2 Scaffold According to Language Proficiency Level
Document A: The Iron Curtain Speech ESOL 1: Paragraph Document B: The Truman Doctrine ESOL 2+: Annotation and Close Reading Document C: Soviet Ambassador Telegram ESOL 3-4: Chunk Text Document D: Henry Wallace No Modification You will read four documents, each reading will be scaffolded for various levels of English language proficiency.

3 Document A: The Iron Curtain Speech
ESOL 1: Paragraph I do not believe that Soviet Russia desires war. What they desire is the fruits of war and the indefinite expansion of their power and doctrines. Document A: highest support for ESOL 1 students. It is chunked to include only 1 paragraph, specifically directing the student to find the answer by teaching student to identify key words. 2. What does Churchill claim that the Soviet Union wanted? The Soviet Union wanted war to expand its power and ideas.

4 Document B: The Truman Doctrine
ESOL 2+: Annotation and Close Reading Why did Truman believe Greece needed American aid in 1947? What does Truman mean when he claims “Should we fail to aid Greece and Turkey…the effect will be far reaching to the West as well as to the East”? Say, “Now we’re going to do a close reading and annotation of Document B: The Truman Doctrine to answer these two focus questions.

5 Begin with picture to establish need for Truman Doctrine: the threat of communism spreading.
Say, “I’m going to show you a few pictures to help you understand why president Truman believed Greece needed American aid in What feelings does this picture bring out in you?” Key emotions elicited: fear, urgency, desperation, threat etc. Write feeling words on board.

6 Say, “Now we’re going to look at a map showing two hands
Say, “Now we’re going to look at a map showing two hands. Who or what do the hands represent? Label the picture: Communism, capitalism, super powers, Russia, U.S. What is happening? What is the message in this picture?” Write this on the board.

7 If Greece doesn’t receive help,
both the east and west would be in trouble because… Now show the more specific map. Say, “Let’s look at the same map, only now the countries are labeled. President Truman claimed that if the U.S. didn’t help Greece, both the east and west would be in trouble. Why do you think? What do the colors represent?” Use the sentence frame to answer question #2. Turkey Greece

8 life free from coercion survival integrity aid
urgent appeal desperate need threatened terrorist activities Communists coercion grave importance immediate and serious confusion disorder endanger the peace assistance self-supporting self-respecting democracy support life free from coercion survival integrity aid free peoples of the world maintaining freedoms peace welfare responsibilities Communism, Democracy, U. S. Say, “We’re going to highlight our text (B: Truman Doctrine) to answer these two questions: Why did Truman believe Greece needed American aid in 1947? What does Truman mean when he claims “Should we fail to aid Greece and Turkey…the effect will be far reaching to the West as well as to the East? First, I’m going to show you two lists of words found in the text. As you read, highlight the words using two colors. As you do this, think about the pictures we have looked at and talked about. How would you label the words in red? How would you label the words in blue? Picture exits

9 Let’s take it to writing using sentence frames
Truman believed Greece needed American aid in 1947 because _____ Truman claimed that if Greece and Turkey were not helped, the West and East would ______

10 Document C: Soviet Ambassador Telegram
ESOL 3-4: Chunk Text and Annotate How does Novikov describe the United States? What evidence does he use to support his description?

11 Document D: Henry Wallace
No Modification 2. What is Wallace’s main argument?

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