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SEARCH ENGINES Booleans Logic Web crawlers Spoofs & Hoax's

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1 SEARCH ENGINES Booleans Logic Web crawlers Spoofs & Hoax's
Use a Search engine Domain names Search engines Domains

2 What is a Web Crawler? A web crawler is a software that helps you search for different links that you are looking for. If you are looking for something in particular and want the best website it will look all over their index. It only looks for specific information and sees how many times the word is mentioned and how good the website is rated.

3 Domains Domains are something you use at the end of the website like ‘.com’ or ‘’. People in Britain normally use because uk means united kingdom.

4 Domain names .gov If this is on the end of a website it means that it is owned by the government and you cannot use it for any website that you make. .net This means that it is an internet provider and a network provider. .com If this is on the end of a website it means that it is a company or brand. Also it means that it is world wide. .edu This means that it education for a school or a university. This means that it is an academic like a university and it is in the United Kingdom. .org If at the end of the website you see this, it means that it is an organisation like RSPCA and CAFOD. If you see this it shows you that it is a company owned by Britain. .mil .mil means that it is military owned. If you see this sign on a website it is an ad but if you want to go on the main website do not click on it. By Olivia

5 How to use a search engine
Search engines use lots of files to get information. They use a web crawler to find the information that you are looking for. You only need to use key words and do not need to put punctuation in because it is not needed. (e.g ? , . “ ! #) The search engine stores up an in an index and whenever there is new information it gets it. Also it filters information that you need or typed in. You also need to just use the key words. For example if you want to know the capital of Australia you do not write ‘ What is the Capital of Australia?’ because you only need to write ‘Capital Australia’ and it will come up.

6 Boolean Logic Boolean Logic is where you use OR or AND. If you want more information you use OR. For example, you do a project about sharks and sting rays. You don’t type in ‘sharks OR sting rays’ because you will just get websites and information that either has sharks or sting rays in. You would need to put ‘sharks AND sting rays’ so all the websites have both sharks and sting rays in.

7 How do search engines work?
Search engines work by web crawlers going to find the information that you are looking for. They use automated software to collect information and they return a list of sites and websites that have the key words in your search.

8 Spoofs and Hoax BEWARE ABOUT SPOOF WEBSITES, THEY MAY SEEM REAL BUT THEY AREN’T. A spoof is a made up website that makes you think it is real. A hoax is a fake photo or website, and it is something someone has made up. Some websites are bias and they are saying that something is right and you should believe it. On another websites they say something else is right. For example, Fox Hunting Organisation say that fox hunting is good and RSPCA say that fox hunting is bad.

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