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Research at the DTIC.

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1 Research at the DTIC

2 Research groups (I/II)
Image Processing Group (GPI) Music Technology Group (MTG) Distributed Multimedia Applications Group (DMAG) Interactive Technologies Group (GTI) Computational Imaging and Simulation Technologies in Biomedicine Group (CISTIB) Computational Neuroscience Group (CNS) Synthetic Perceptive, Emotive and Cognitive Systems Research Group (SPECS)

3 Research groups (II/II)
Web Retrieval and Data Mining Research Group (WRG) Natural Language Processing Research Group (NLP) Artificial Intelligence Group (AI) Network Technologies and Strategies Research Group (NETS) Experimentation on Interactive Communication Research Group (EIC) Networking and Communications Research Group (NETCOM) Communications Theory Group (CTG)

4 Image Processing Group (GPI)
Head of the group: Vicent Caselles Objective: development of mathematical models and algorithms for image processing and its mathematical analysis (movie and image denoising and inpainting, motion estimation, de-interlacing, super-resolution of colour images, compression and coding, video format conversion, film post-production algorithms, etc) Website:

5 Image Processing Group (GPI)

6 Music Technology Group (MTG)
Head of the group: Xavier Serra Objective: improvement of the technologies related to sound and music communication (sound processing and synthesis; music content analysis, description and transformation; interactive music systems; computational models of perceptual and music cognition) Website:

7 Music Technology Group (MTG)

8 Head of the group: Enric Peig Objective:
Distributed Multimedia Applications Group (DMAG) Head of the group: Enric Peig Objective: Secure and standard production, management and distribution of multimedia content (electronic commerce of multimedia services and products and its business models, metadata use and interoperability, security and digital management of rights) Website:

9 Interactive Technologies
Group (GTI) Head of the group: Josep Blat Objective: Interactive multimedia and networks (cooperative environments, intelligent web portals, educational telematics, geographical information systems, computational toys for children, advanced 3D graphics such as human modelling and animation, digital video, cinema, videogames) Website:

10 Interactive Technologies
Group (GTI)

11 Head of the group: Alejandro Frangi Objective:
Computational Imaging and Simulation Technologies in Biomedicine Group (CISTIB) Head of the group: Alejandro Frangi Objective: Integration of medical and computational imaging, modeling and simulation in biomedicine (non invasive and in vivo visualization of biological structure and function; computerized high-throughput quantification of structure and function from images and their fusion; descriptive and predictive computational models of physiology and post-interventional disease course) Website:

12 Computational Imaging and Simulation
Technologies in Biomedicine Group (CISTIB)

13 Computational Neuroscience Group (CNS)
Head of the group: Gustavo Deco Objective: Quantitative understanding of higher human precognitive (perceptual) and cognitive abilities, building up the technological basis for a quantum leap in the filed of intelligent human-like algorithms and human machine interaction (e.g. multimedia systems) Website:

14 Computational Neuroscience Group (CNS)

15 Head of the group: Paul Verschure Objective:
Synthetic Perceptive, Emotive and Cognitive Systems Research Group (SPECS) Head of the group: Paul Verschure Objective: Understanding mind, brain and behavior through constructing synthetic perceptive, emotive and cognitive systems (combining real-world systems such as robots, virtual reality systems and interactive installations with anatomically, physiologically and behaviorally constrained computational models) Website:

16 Synthetic Perceptive, Emotive and
Cognitive Systems Research Group (SPECS)

17 Web Retrieval and Data Mining
Research Group (WRG) Head of the group: Vicente López Objective: Study every kind of problem related with a better understanding of the Web, making use of its information and easy access (text and multimedia information retrieval; Web usage, content and structure mining; semi-structured data retrieval with XML; information visualization; Web characterization, analysis and modeling; the semantic Web and its applications; distributed IR; large-scale Web systems) Website:

18 Natural Language Processing
Research Group (NLP) Head of the group: Leo Wanner Objective: Selected aspects of natural language processing (multilingual natural language generation; summarization; language-oriented machine learning; computational lexicology) Website:

19 Artificial Intelligence Group (AI)
Head of the group: Héctor Geffner Objective: Study computational models of reasoning, action, learning and perception (heuristic search, planning and scheduling, constraint satisfaction problems, knowledge compilation and SAT, complexity and tractable fragments, algorithms, action selection, Markov decision processes, reinforcement learning) Website:

20 Head of the group: Miquel Oliver Objective:
Network Technologies and Strategies Research Group (NETS) Head of the group: Miquel Oliver Objective: Definition and impact of the network technologies and strategies, especially of the mobile communications, in the society of knowledge (security aspects and quality of service on wireless communications; design and planification of network and mobile protocols; alternative models of telecommunications operators; the merging of mobile and fixed networks; VoIP architectures; information technology diffusion; peer-to-peer networks) Website:

21 Head of the group: Narcís Parés Objective:
Experimentation on Interactive Communication Research Group (EIC) Head of the group: Narcís Parés Objective: Development of new forms and genres of multimodal interaction (transmission of content through multimedia interaction such as cultural dissemination through interactive products and educational projects, both on-line and off-line; real-time generated interactive experiences, answering new perceptual and cultural questions such as the virtual subject, the user’s possibility of choice or the reception study) Website:

22 Experimentation on Interactive Communication Research Group (EIC)

23 Head of the group: Dolors Sala Objective:
Networking and Communications Research Group (NETCOM) Head of the group: Dolors Sala Objective: Digital communications and networking, currently addressing link layer protocols, services and security and data collection and traffic analysis, cross-layer and advanced architectural research issues (broadband access technologies and services at very low cost, user and access device perspective such as home networking, personal area networks with digital TV’s, sensor networks, RFID tags) Website:

24 Communication Theory Group (CTG)
Head of the group: Angel Lozano New group Objective: Crossroads of communication theory, information theory, wireless communication and signal processing (MIMO communication at both fundamental and practical levels; dynamic resource allocation; interference management; link adaptation; equalization; channel estimation; ARQ; multicasting) Website:

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