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Poetic Devices Mrs. Foster English 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Poetic Devices Mrs. Foster English 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetic Devices Mrs. Foster English 2

2 IMAGERY An image is a word or phrase that appeals to one of our senses: Sight Sound Touch Taste Smell

3 IMAGERY “His hands, large and lean, were as delicate in their action as those of a temple dancer”

4 IMAGERY “Her hands were wrinkled and torn from the many decades they had seen”

5 IMAGERY The types of images poets use can emphasize certain aspects of the thing they are describing.

6 The use of figures of speech: non-literal expressions
FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE The use of figures of speech: non-literal expressions

7 A comparison of two things using “like” or “as”
SIMILE A comparison of two things using “like” or “as”

8 METAPHOR A direct comparison of two things, without using “like” or “as” Can be direct: A is B Or implied: The foot of the mountain

9 Giving human qualities to non-human objects, ideas, or animals
PERSONIFICATION Giving human qualities to non-human objects, ideas, or animals

10 Figurative Language With a partner, write an example for each of the three types of figurative language Entertain me!

11 Figurative Language: Effect on Poem
Helps create the poet’s tone What is being compared? The connotation of each comparison will create a distinct tone

12 Diction A writer’s choice of words Helps create a writer’s style
Like imagery, can emphasize certain aspects of what’s being described.

13 Denotation vs. Connotation
Denotation: The literal meaning of a word (what you might find in the dictionary) Connotation: All the associations and emotions that have come to be attached to a word

14 Denotation vs. Connotation
The sun is bright

15 Denotation vs. Connotation
The sun is brilliant

16 Denotation vs. Connotation
The sun is harsh


18 REPETITION The use of a word or phrase over and over within a poem
Repetition brings focus / importance to the repeated element What poets choose to repeat can help create tone/theme

19 Repetition of consonant sounds (at least 3)
Alliteration Repetition of consonant sounds (at least 3)

20 While you slept I studied the lines across your face Manuel Paul Lopez
ALLITERATION While you slept I studied the lines across your face Manuel Paul Lopez

21 Assonance Repetition of vowel sounds

22 Fleet feet sweep by sleeping geese
ASSONANCE Fleet feet sweep by sleeping geese

23 Alliteration / Assonance
Bring a musical quality to the poem The types of sounds repeated can also aid in the tone Ex: a repeated “S” sound is soft and calm, but a repeated “K” sound is harsh

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