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Meter and Rhythm in Poetry

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1 Meter and Rhythm in Poetry
You are going to need this for a test, so take notes

2 Meter Meter is the measurement of a line of poetry. It is rhythm that can be measure in poems. Measured in feet. For example: “In sooth /I know/ not why/ I am/ so sad.” This line has five feet.

3 Types of Feet in Metric Poetry
Iambic- foot consisting of an unaccented syllable followed by an accented. Examples: because, hello

4 Types of Feet in Metric Poetry
Trochaic: foot consisting of an accented syllable followed by an unaccented syllables. Examples: Tuesday, Albert

5 Types of Feet in Metric Poetry
Dactylic: foot consisting of an accented syllable followed by two unaccented syllables. Examples: beautiful, silently, Saturday

6 Types of Feet in Metric Poetry
Anapestic- foot that consists of two unaccented syllables followed by an accented syllable Examples: Tambourine, cavalier, Marianne Beatles Example: Picture yourself in a boat by the river, where marmalade people eat marshmallow pies.

7 Types of Feet in Metric Poetry
Spondaic: foot consisting of two accented syllables. Examples: New York, short cake, heartbreak.

8 Number of Feet in Metric Poetry
Monometer: one foot Dimeter: two feet Trimeter: three feet Tetrameter: four feet Pentameter: five feet Hexameter: six feet Heptameter: seven feet Octameter: eight feet

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