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The Outsiders 1960’s Politics.

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1 The Outsiders 1960’s Politics

2 United States President
Richard Nixon and John Kennedy had the very first televised presidential debate. President Kennedy(Democrat) had 303 electoral votes. Three years after his election Kennedy was assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald with an Italian M91/38 bolt action rifle.

3 The Second President (who was once a Vice President)
Lyndon B. Johnson survived the attack and elected his Vice President Hubert Humphrey. Johnson is one of four people who’ve held all four federal elected positions. House of Representatives, Senate, Vice President, President) The video of President Kennedy being assassinated

4 Days of Rage The leaders of the “Days of Rage” were the Weatherman.
They believed that causing direct action such as vandalizing, assaulting officers, and stealing was the way to get the political leaders to make laws they wanted. The days were held for the escalation of the Vietnam war

5 Martin Luther King 1963 He marched in Birmingham, Alabama to stop segregation in one of the most segregated cities. He gave the “I have a dream” speech and later won a Nobel Peace Prize Later he was assassinated which caused massive riots in the streets.

6 Vietnam(I got it into my presentation Gavin, Thomas and Austin)
President Johnson had used so much money during the war he hurt the economy. Anti-war movement became more frequent with the raise in taxes. Lyndon and Hubert went to south Vietnam to make diplomacy, when Nixon called Vietnam and said to them and got them to reject the US diplomacy. By having so much foreign policy, which is political, Vietnam is all mine

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