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Sexual Disorders Rebecca Sposato MS, RN.

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1 Sexual Disorders Rebecca Sposato MS, RN

2 Normal Sexuality Necessary for procreation of species, continuation of family heritage Contributes to sense of well-being Desire, arousal/excitement, climax, resolution An abnormality occurs when one of the steps deviates from natural pattern or is a source of pain or distress for the individual

3 Abnormalities related to Desire
Hypoactive libido – low motivation to initiate, respond to or maintain sexual activity Etiology – endocrinal, psychological, relational Sexual Aversion – revulsion and active avoidance of sexual activity, which lacks pleasure and is marked by anxiety

4 Abnormalities related to arousal
Arousal/Erectile disorders – delayed, reduced or abnormal physiological response to sexual stimuli, mechanics controlled by the spinal cord Dyspareunia, vaginismus, Erectile dysfunction Hypersexual – increased or inappropriate sexual behavior beyond accepted social norms Paraphilia – sexual arousal resulting from atypical stimuli Fetishism – nonliving objects, >6 months Situations – exhibitionist, voyeurism BDSM – abnormal if non-simulated Non-consenting partner– frotteurism, pedophilia

5 Pedophilia Persistent or exclusive attraction to prepubescent girls and/or boys Not all adults who commit an act of sexual abuse on a child are pedophiles 90% of child victims knew the abuser, over 60% are within the child’s extended family <5% involve abduction/coercion by a stranger Only a small minority of pedophiles use force, most groom the child with praise, treats and companionship prior to initiating sexual contact Most pedophiles seek compliance in the victim 20% relapse w/i 5 years of completing treatment ( 2011)

6 Transsexuals/Gender Dysphoria
The identity of self as opposite gender Prefers mannerisms of opposite gender The size of bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BST) found in the hypothalamus is switched in transsexuals A) heterosexual male B) heterosexual female C) homosexual male D) MTF transsexual High rate of depression, anxiety and suicide Kruijever, Zhou, Pool, Hofman, Gooren, & Swaab, 2000

7 Nursing Interventions
Protect and prevent patient and others from harm and victimization Maintain matter-of-fact and supportive composure Nonjudgmental in professional role Therapy : psychoanalysis, CBT, REBT Support Groups Law enforcement if sexual abuse is disclosed

8 References Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers (2011). Retrieved from Kruijver, F., Zhou, J., Pool C., Hofman, M. Gooren L., Swaab D. (2000) Male-to-female transsexuals have female neuron numbers in limbic nucleus. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism. 85(5)

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