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TF meeting on Transport issues Dutch Transport module

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1 TF meeting on Transport issues Dutch Transport module
Cor Graveland Environmental Accounts (Netherlands) CBS statistieken over milieu

2 Outline Introduction Air Emission Accounts Energy-first-Approach: ..
Energy Accounts Geographic versus economic definition Inventory-first-Approach: .. Emissions from mobile sources PRTR, Dutch Pollutant transfer and Emission territory Emission types / Pollutants Calculation of Air Emission Accounts figures (residential emissions) Data / statistics required for implementation method Breakdown to transport mode, fuel type, industry (sector) Results Uses (bridge table, etc.) Improvements Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

3 Air Emission Accounts Two approaches: Energy-first-Approach:
Compile Energy Accounts using E-balance / E-Stats 1.Gross, 2.Net, 3.Net energy accounts for air emissions Calculate emissions via Em = Fuel use * EF (by fuel type) Inventory-first-Approach: Use & combine both and confront .. Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

4 Compilation: combined approach
Source: Manual for Air Emissions Accounts (2009 edition) Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

5 Energy-first-Approach: Energy Statistics / Balances over E-Accounts to Air Emissions Accounts
Adjust energy statistics/balances from system boundaries for the territory to energy "accounts" with system boundaries defined by the residence principle Assign energy use to industry NACE categories and households to arrive at Energy Accounts that are according to NACE categories and households Calculate emissions from energy use industry-by-industry (and households) with the help of energy carrier, industry and technology specific emissions factors Calculate emissions from non-energy sources and add to emissions from energy sources. Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

6 Energy Accounts, compilation overview
Energy balances Simplified physical supply and use tables Price information Production statistics Monetary Supply and Use tables National Accounts Energy Accounts: Physical and Monetary SUT Source: The Dutch energy accounts (Schenau, 2011). Remark: (ESN, Energy supply in the Netherlands, in Dutch: De Nederlandse Energiehuishouding, NEH); Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

7 Energy flow accounts Data sources
1) Traffic statistics provide information on kilometres driven/sailed/flown 2) Transport statistics provide information on the total cargo or persons transported 3) Monetary data on energy use may be obtained from the National accounts (monetary supply use tables) 4) Annual reports of large transport companies, for example large airlines, may provide information on their energy use 5) Tourism statistics may provide a variety of information on traffic by residents and non residents. Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

8 Energy Accounts: Extra data for reallocation data to ISIC classification
A) Transport Data sources: Traffic statistics based upon odometer register (car fleet) yields vehicle km per mode of transport (i.e. cars, lorries busses etc) for residents at territory and non territory & Non-Res.; Transport statistics may yield information whether the transport is done by specialised producers (i.e. NACE37-39) or not. Can may be used to allocate total residential figure to NACE/households. Structural business statistics (based on survey information) may provide monetary information on fuel use. National accounts (supply and use tables) provide information on the monetary fuel use by NACE and households. Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

9 Energy Accounts: Extra data for reallocation data to ISIC classification
B) Service industries Data sources: Structural business statistics (based on survey information) may provide monetary information on energy use. National accounts (supply and use tables) provide information on the monetary energy use by NACE and households. Customer registers from energy companies provide direct information on who purchases and uses the energy. Employment data. When the above data sources are not available / do not provide reliable data, employment data may be used as an key to allocate energy use to NACE. Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

10 Energy Accounts, compilation (I)
Bridge table for energy use Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

11 Differences of between geographic and economic definition
Source: Manual for Air Emissions Accounts (2009 edition) (Draft SEEA-Energy (2008) Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

12 Inventory-first-Approach: From national emission inventories to Air Emissions Accounts
Start from NIRs: UNECE – CLRTAP & UNFCCC From the emissions caused by all (economic and non-economic) emission sources on the geographic territory, the Emissions caused by resident economic units have to be estimated; The emissions caused by resident units abroad have to be added; The inventory data following a process-oriented classification need to be assigned to economic activities like NACE  Instead the monetary data of NA are used via connection of KAU to industry in Env.Accounts. And monetary data are translated to physical by fuel type. Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

13 Dutch Pollutant Release and Transfer Register (PRTR)
Annual monitoring of emissions to air, water and soil and of waste Contains annual emission data on more than 350 pollutants to air, soil and water Environmental policy progress reporting Official emission data transmissions to national and international bodies Dissemination of emission data to the public and for research (dispersion modellers) Covers the whole process of collection, processing and reporting of emission data in the Netherlands Emissions of point sources as well as diffuse sources are collected in one central database Details: Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

14 PRTR: Emission calculations
Reported point sources Gross up system: up scaling to national level using production per industrial sector Non industrial sources Emission = Activity level x Emission factor (E=A*EF) Data on Activities are based on national statistics. Emission factors are based on measurements and calculations of a model or (the international) literature. Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

15 Calculating Env.Acc. based figures; Fuel use and emissions by Dutch residents
Starting point: fuel use at the territory (E-Statistics / E-balances) and derived ‘actual emissions’ (territory principle) Adjust for international transport, domestic and abroad Adding emissions from transport by residents abroad Subtracting emissions by non-residents on national territory Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

16 Compilation: System boundary adjustments:
Exclude emissions, and absorption of emissions by non-economic agents (nature); Include CO2 emissions from biomass; Add transport emissions (driving, shipping, flying) & for fishing caused by residents abroad; Deduct transport emissions (driving, shipping or flying) and for fishing by non-residents in the country; Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

17 Relevant Air pollutants (SEEA..)
CO2 : carbon dioxide CH4 : methane N2O : nitrous oxide CO : carbon monoxide NOX : nitrogen oxides SOX : sulphur oxides NH3 : ammonia HFC : hydro fluorocarbons NMVOC : non-methane volatile organic compounds Pb : lead PM10 : Particulate Matter up to 10 micrometers in size SF6 : sulphur hexafluoride's PFC : per fluorocarbons CFC’s : chlorofluorocarbons Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

18 Compilation of the Air-Emiss. Accounts
1. Emissions from combustion Emission = Energy use × emission factor 2. Emissions from conversion processes Conversion of fossil fuels Emission = Energy use × emission factor Conversion from non-fossil fuels Emission = Production × emission factor Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

19 In detail: Adjustment for activities / transport modes
International land transport International air transport International water transport International fisheries Defence activities Tourism (cars) Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

20 In detail: Land transport (NACE 49)
IPCC: Emission caused by fuel purchased on national territory Actual emissions: Emissions caused on national territory Environmental Accounts (resident principle): Emissions caused by residents on national territory and abroad Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

21 Land transport (NACE 49) Data sources:
Traffic statistics (incl. Transport stats) Road traffic: passenger cars, light duty vehicles(vans) trucks, trucks with semi-trailers, buses, special vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds; Rail: passenger & goods, incl. intern. Other: Mobile machinery (tractors, bulldozers, forklifts etc.) Monetary data (National accounts) Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

22 Road transport: project ‘Road Vehicle km’
Data collection: Focus on Goods Road Vehicles: Road Tractors, Lorries, vans, buses Two data sources available 1) New source: Odometer readings 2) Existing source: Goods Vehicle Survey based on Council Regulation 1172/98 Estimates for a number transport modes and aggregates Two data sources have been used, compared, and results confronted Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

23 Road transport: Traffic statistics: Vehicle km, several modes:
Vehicle category (age) Fuel type Road type Territory / abroad & Residence / non-resid. With: Fuel use, by Vehicle category Technology (vehicle) Emission factors Vehicle cat. (mode) Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

24 a) Traffic statistics Three categories, per transport mode:
Vehicle kilometres on national territory by residents (cars, trucks, vans, motorcycles, etc.) Vehicle kilometres abroad by residents Vehicle kilometres travelled on national territory by non-residents (by all means)  Residential Emissions = Vehicle kilometres (1. & 2.) x specific fuel use x emission factor Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

25 Air transport (NACE 51) IPCC: Domestic flights
Actual emissions (territory principle): LTO on national territory Environmental Accounts (resident principle): LTO on national territory (residents) Cruising (residents) LTO on foreign territory (residents) Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

26 Air transport (NACE 51) Environmental Accounts figure
= emissions by resident planes = actual emissions – LTO on territory (non residents) + Cruising (residents) + LTO on foreign territory (residents) Data Required: Emissions by resident aircraft LTO by resident aircraft and by non residents Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

27 Air transport (NACE 51) Data sources emissions by residents:
Annual reports air carriers: fuel use (mton) Transport statistics Enlarge indiv. Fuel use to national totals National accounts / Prod statistics Monetary data on fuel use / price EF from NIR and annual reports carriers Em = fuel * EF fleet (NIR, etc.) Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

28 Water transport (NACE 50), International shipping
IPCC: Inland shipping Actual emissions: Emissions in harbour and in territorial waters Environmental Accounts (resident principle): Emissions in harbour and in territorial waters by residents Emissions in foreign harbours + at sea by residents Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

29 Water transport (NACE 50), International shipping
Data sources: Monetary data (NA)  So far usually the only option Total fuel used (physical units)  Data usually / regularly NOT available Kilometres travelled  Data also NOT available Transport statistics  A lot of assumptions needed Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

30 Water transport (NACE 50), International shipping
Compilation: Monetary data (NA), by fuel type (incl. bunkers) Price information by fuel type Check: for single (few) years with extensive research on fuel used (physical units), in order ‘to determine’ physical level Annual development by volume indices Dutch fleet and NA figures on production volume and fuel use (monetary) Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

31 Water transport (NACE 50), Inland shipping
IPCC: Inland shipping Actual emissions: Emissions in harbour and in territorial waters Environmental Accounts (resident principle): Emissions in harbour and in territorial waters by residents Emissions in foreign harbours + at sea by residents Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

32 Water transport (NACE 50), Inland shipping
IPCC: Environmental Accounts (NAMEA) total = emissions on territory + emission by resident vessels (barges) abroad – emissions by non resident vessels (barges) inland Sources used: Kilometres travelled by barges Transport / traffic statistics Fuel use and emission from NIR – reporting (territory) Monetary data Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

33 Water transport (NACE 50), Inland shipping
From transport / traffic statistics: Kilometres travelled by inland shipping: Territory figure: foreign & Dutch Vessels Dutch vessels abroad Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

34 Water transport, Fisheries (NACE 03)
Actual emissions: emissions caused by fishing boats within territorial waters Environmental Accounts (resident principle): emissions caused by fishing boats sailing under national flag  No difference IPCC and NAMEA (domestic + deep sea fishing) Data sources: fisheries statistics: fuel use Total catch, number of boats, total engine power Monetary data Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

35 Water transport, Military activities (NACE 84.2, partially)
IPCC guidelines: same coverage as civil transport: only on national territory. Often: no information where actions take place because of secrecy Netherlands: total fuel use military activities is known for land, water and air. Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

36 Air Emission Accounts Results:
Contribution of mobile sources, domestic & abroad Transport: - Relevant for NOX & SO2 Less extent for CO2 Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

37 Air Emission Accounts Results: CO2 emissions by residents abroad
Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

38 Improvements Add vehicle kilometres of buses, motorcycles, mopeds, etc. Introduce more vehicle technologies (i.e. hybrid & electric cars) Railway emissions abroad (residential) Ownership of vehicles (fleet & assign mileage to NACE) Treatment of Biofuels Checks / confrontations on figures Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

39 USES: Analysis & Indicators
Emissions, production related: Compare / rank air emissions by industry & households Compare air emissions of one particular industry across economies for single or several years Bridge table: Between IPCC and Emission Accounts CO2 & GHGs Emission intensities transport (CO2 / € VA) Emissions / tonkm or Emissions / passenger km Direct and indirect emissions Dutch transport Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

40 Bridge table: CO2 & GHGs Eurostat TF meeting on Transport issues, Dutch Transport module CBS statistieken over milieu

41 Thank you for your attention!
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