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difficult Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK

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1 difficult Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 1 image. 1. One word in the selection is difficult. Say it with me: difficult. Difficult means “hard to do.” It is difficult to see in the dark. It is difficult to hear someone speak when there is a lot of noise. 2. En español, difficult quiere decir “difícil, algo que requiere mucho esfuerzo.” Es difícil ver en la oscuridad. Es difícil escuchar a alguien cuando hay mucho ruido. 3. Difficult in English and difícil in Spanish are cognates. They sound almost the same and mean the same thing in both languages. MOVEMENT 4. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word difficult. (Point to the math problem in the photo.) See this math problem. It is difficult. The boy needs the teacher to help him do this difficult, or hard, problem. 5. Let’s pretend to try to open a jar that is difficult to open because the lid is too tight. 6. Let’s pretend there is a balance beam, a thin board, across the room. It is difficult to walk on the beam and keep our balance. Let’s walk across the beam and show how difficult it is. 7. Now let’s say difficult together three more times: difficult, difficult, difficult. difficult

2 ripe Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 2 image.
1. Another word in the selection is ripe. Say it with me: ripe. Ripe means “fully grown, ready to eat.” You should not eat an apple until it is ripe. A strawberry that is ripe is bright red. It takes time for fruits to get ripe, or to be ready to eat. 2. En español, ripe quiere decir “maduro, en estado perfecto para recoger o para comer.” No deben comer una manzana hasta que esté madura. Una fresa madura tiene un color rojo intenso. La fruta necesita tiempo para madurar o para estar lista para ser comida. PARTNER TALK 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word ripe. (Point to the grapes the photo.) See these grapes. They are ripe. They are dark and juicy and ready to eat. We can eat ripe grapes. 4. Draw a picture of a ripe piece of fruit that you like. Tell your partner what the fruit is and how it tastes when it is ripe. 5. Talk to your partner about how you know if a banana is ripe. What does it look and feel like if it is not ripe? What does it look and feel like if it is ripe? 6. Now let’s say ripe together three more times: ripe, ripe, ripe. ripe

3 accomplish Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 3 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is accomplish. Say it with me: accomplish. To accomplish means “to do what you tried to do, to finish.” If you try hard to win a game and you win, then you accomplished what you wanted to do. 2. En español, to accomplish quiere decir “cumplir lo que se propone, lograr.” Si tu equipo gana el partido después de un gran esfuerzo, entonces ustedes habrán cumplido lo que se propusieron. ¡Lo lograron! 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word accomplish. (Point to the airplane in the photo.) The children worked together to build this airplane. They accomplished what they tried to do. The airplane is finished. PARTNER TALK 4. Tell each other about something you accomplished. What did you try to do? How did you accomplish it? 5. Pretend you and your partner both want to make friends with a new student in class. Take turns telling each other one way to accomplish this. 6. Now let’s say accomplish together three more times: accomplish, accomplish, accomplish. accomplish

4 agree Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 4 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is agree. Say it with me: agree. To agree means “to have the same opinion as someone, to go along with what they say or think.” If you and your friend both think that pizza tastes good, you agree with each other. 2. En español, to agree quiere decir “compartir la misma opinión que otra persona, estar de acuerdo.” Si tu amigo y tú piensan que la pizza es deliciosa, entonces están de acuerdo. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word agree. (Point to the people in the photo.) These business people were sharing ideas about how to help their business grow. They all shared ideas, and now they agree on what to do. They agree with their business plan. PARTNER TALK 4. Look at the picture of the business people again. Talk to your partner about how it shows that they agree. What are the people doing to show they agree? (Examples include: smiling at each other, putting their arms =around each other, talking to each other with happy faces) 5. Complete this sentence and read it aloud: The best thing to do in school is ____________. Then ask your partner if he or she agrees with you. 6. Now let’s say agree together three more times: agree, agree, agree. agree

5 argue Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 5 image.  1. Another word to learn this week is argue. Say it with me: argue. To argue means “to not agree, to quarrel.” People may argue when they do not share the same feelings about something. Instead of starting to argue, people should try to understand each other’s ideas. 2. En español, to argue quiere decir “no estar de acuerdo, discutir.” Las personas a veces discuten cuando no comparten las mismas ideas. En lugar de discutir, debemos tratar de entender lo que piensa la otra persona. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word argue. (Point to the people’s faces in the photo.) Look at the faces and hands of these people. You can see that they do not agree about something. The man with the airplane tickets argues with the woman behind the counter. PARTNER TALK 4. Suppose two teammates argue about who should go first in a game. Discuss with your partner why they should not argue. Talk about how they can decide who goes first by talking to someone who can help—such as a parent or teacher. 5. Have children make a list of people they can ask for help when they might argue about something—a coach, a teacher, a parent, a guardian, and so on. 6. Now let’s say argue together three more times: argue, argue, argue. argue

6 attempt Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
Point to the Word 6 image. 1. Another word to learn this week is attempt. Say it with me: attempt. To attempt means “to try.” When you play baseball, you attempt to bat the ball. You try hard to score a home run. 2. En español, to attempt quiere decir “intentar.” Cuando juegas béisbol, intentas darle a la pelota con el bate. Intentas anotar una carrera de jonrón. 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word attempt. (Point to the boy in the photo.) This boy is attempting to dunk the ball in the basket. He is trying to jump high enough to do this. Do you think he will make it? PARTNER TALK 4. Tell your partner about a time you attempted to do something and did it. 5. Now tell your partner about a time you attempted to do something but could not. 6. Now let’s say attempt together three more times: attempt, attempt, attempt. attempt

7 goal Key Words Unit 4 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK Point to the Word 7 image.
1. One word in the selection is goal. Say it with me: goal. Goal means “the place where a ball must go to in order to score points.” In soccer, the goal is the net at the end of the fi eld. In football, there are goal posts. If the ball is kicked between the goal posts, the team scores. 2. En español, goal quiere decir “portería, o el lugar en donde tiene que llegar la pelota para anotar un punto.” En el fútbol, la portería está al final del campo de juego. En el fútbol americano, hay postes en la portería. Si la pelota pasa por entre estos postes, el equipo anota puntos. MOVEMENT 3. Now let’s look at a picture that shows the word goal. (Point to the ball in the net in the photo.) See the soccer ball in the net. The ball was kicked into the goal. The team scored a point. 4. Let’s pretend the wastebasket is a goal. Let’s take turns trying to make a goal by throwing this ball of paper into the basket. 5. Pick a game from the following: soccer, football, hockey, basketball. Act out making a goal in the sport you picked. 6. Now let’s say goal together three more times: goal, goal, goal. goal

8 pick out Function Words & Phrases Unit 4 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, pick out means “to choose and take, to select the one you want.” Say it with me: pick out. When I go to the library I pick out a book I want to read and then I check it out. 2. En español, to pick out quiere decir “escoger; seleccionar.” Cuando voy a la biblioteca, escojo el libro que quiero leer y lo llevo. 3. This picture demonstrates the phrase pick out. It shows a girl picking out a piece of fruit. She picks out the apple from the bowl. Why do you think she picked out the apple? CHORAL RESPONSE 4. I’ll tell you about some things I like. Listen. Then answer the question. Use the sentence: Pick out the ____________. There are some red, blue, and green crayons in a box. My favorite color is red. Which color crayon should I pick out? There is a cucumber, tomato, and carrot on a plate. I like to eat carrots. Which vegetable should I pick out? 5. Repeat each sentence. Replace the word choose with the phrase pick out. Sandy will choose Erin as her partner. Justin will choose the biggest slice of pizza. Emma will choose the red dress. 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: pick out, pick out, pick out. pick out

9 pick up Function Words & Phrases Unit 4 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, pick up means “to lift something or raise it up.” Say it with me: pick up. If I see trash on the floor, I pick it up and throw it away. 2. En español, to pick up quiere decir “levanter o recoger algo.” Si veo basura en el piso, la recojo y la tiro. 3. This picture demonstrates the phrase pick up. It shows that a magnet can pick up lots of safety pins at once. What else could a magnet pick up? CHORAL RESPONSE 4. I’m going to ask you some questions. Answer “yes” or “no.” Can you pick up a shoe? Can you pick up a book? Can you pick up a farm? Can you pick up a toy? 5. I am going to describe some actions. If you think I am picking something up say, “You are picking it up.” If not say, “You are not picking it up.” I am lifting a chair off the floor. I am taking a cup from the saucer and putting it to my mouth to drink. I am dropping my book on the floor. I am taking my backpack from my chair and putting it on my back. 6. Repeat the phrase three times with me: pick up, pick up, pick up. pick up

10 better Function Words & Phrases Unit 4 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use better to compare two things. Say it with me: better. Better means “finer than or more likeable in some way than another.” My new bike is better than my old bike. My old bike was broken, but my new bike works great. That’s why it’s better. 2. En español, better quiere decir “mejor que otra cosa.” Mi bicicleta nueva es mejor que mi bicicleta vieja. Mi bici vieja ya no servía, pero mi bici nueva funciona de maravilla. Por eso es mejor. 3. This picture demonstrates the word better. It shows all kinds of healthy fruits. Fruits are better for you than candy. Which do you like better, apples or grapes? Bananas or strawberries? PARTNER TALK 4. Tell your partner about two stories you read. Then tell which one you liked better and why. 5. Which season do you like better, winter or summer? Tell your partner. Talk about why. 6. Repeat the word three times with me: better, better, better. better

11 best Function Words & Phrases Unit 4 ● Week 3 TEACHER TALK
1. In English, we use best to compare more than two things. Say it with me: best. Best means “finest, superior or more likeable in some way than all others.” My new bike is the best present I ever got. 2. En español, best quiere decir “mejor que cualquier otra cosa; superior a todos.” Mi bicicleta es el mejor regalo que he recibido. 3. This picture demonstrates the word best. Look at the girl. (Point to the girl.) She is holding a bunch of grapes. She is smiling because the grapes she holds are the best grapes she could find. She picked the biggest, ripest, juiciest grapes she could find. PARTNER TALK 4. Tell your partner about the best movie you ever saw. Then tell why you think it is the best. 5. Which is your best subject in school? Tell your partner. Talk about why. 6. Repeat the word three times with me: best, best, best. best

12 grape Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. grape

13 peach Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. peach

14 banana Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. banana

15 tomato Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. tomato

16 lemon Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. lemon

17 orange Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 3 ROUTINE 1. Display the card.
2. Define each word in English, referring to the photograph. Incorporate actions where appropriate. 3. Have children say the word three times. orange

18 Basic Words Unit 4 ● Week 3 ROUTINE
Explain how these six words fit into a group, or category. During independent work time, have children write sentences for each word.

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