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By: Taylor Brothers (Mobile application pitch)

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1 By: Taylor Brothers (Mobile application pitch)
Victorian Leap By: Taylor Brothers (Mobile application pitch)

2 Goal To be able to recognize quotations from the texts that we read from the Victorian Time Period using textual evidence and the plot line as help.

3 Description The game starts with your character (choose between pink, blue, green or orange frog) on the starting lily pad. The first question will pop up on the lily pad across the river. There will be three different types of questions: 1: Who? (Author) 2: What? (Text) 3: When? (Approximate date) At this point, a box will become visible where you can enter the answer to this question; player has one minute to record answer. Timer is on upper left hand of screen. If the answer is correct, the players frog will hop from one lily pad, to the lily pad that the question was visible on. ( Player will use touch pad on left hand side of screen to launch frog from one pad to another).

4 Description cont. This will go on for a total of five questions. If all five questions are answered correctly, the players frog will cross 3 rivers and 2 logs. Watch out: There are snakes under the logs and in the river that will try to eat the player. If the player is eaten he/she loses a life. There are a total of three lives available. At this point, the player will see a gold coin pop up in the top corner of the screen. Once the player gets three gold coins (has successfully completed three rounds of the game) the player has won and can unlock new features for the next time the game is played. New features include: Different colors for frogs (Gold, Silver, Purple, Polka Dot, Stripes) Different color lily pads (Gold, Silver, Purple, Polka Dot, Stripes) Different texture logs (Wood, Aluminum, Cardboard, Metal)

5 Functions 1: Player must answer questions accurately in under one minute (ex. Recognize quotation from Dover Beach & enter “Matthew Arnold, Dover Beach, 1867” in the box that becomes visible). 2: Player must use touch pad to get frog from one point to another (ex. Use the launch pad for this part. Hold down on the bottom of the launch pad and hold until the arrows are aiming to where the player wishes to jump, and then release your finger from the launch pad, and the frog will jump from point A to B). 3: Player must record (Who? What? When?) Author (Matthew Arnold) Approximate Date (1867) Text (Dover Beach) 4: Player must get at least three coins before completing the game. (ex. Player will gain a gold coin every time a full round is completed. When three gold coins are earned, the player has won and can unlock new features to enhance the fun and creativity of the game). 5: Player must avoid snakes in the rivers and below the logs. (ex. Player must time the aim/release aspect of the game because there are snakes jumping up and down under the logs and in the river). 6: Player must aim with the launch pad in order to make it to the other lily pad across the river and/or log.

6 Questions Include: Charles Darwin: The origin of species & The Descent of Man (approximately 1900) ((Will accept any date between )) “ When we feel assured that all the individuals of the same species, and all the closely allied species of most genera, have within a not very remote period descended from one parent, and have migrated from some one birth place; and when we better know the many means of migration, then, by the light which geology now throws, and will continue to throw, on former changes of climate and of the level of the land, we shall surely be enabled to trace in an admirable manner the former migrations of the inhabitants of the whole world” (Norton Anthology 1567). Matthew Arnold: Dover Beach (approximately 1867) ((Will accept any date between )) “Ah, love, let us be true/ To one another! For the world, which seems/ To lie before use like a land of dream/ So various, so beautiful, so new,/ Hath really neither joy, nor love, nor light,/ Nor certitude, nor peace, nor help for pain;/ And we are here as on a darkling plain/ Swept with confused alarms of struggle and flight,/ Where ignorant armies clash by night” (Norton Anthology 1388).

7 Questions Cont. Alfred, Lord Tennyson: The Lady of Shallot (approximately 1842) ((Will accept any date between )) “ There she weaves by night and day/ A magic web with colors gay./ She has heard a whisper say,/ A curse is on her if she stay/ To look down to Camelot./ She knows not what the curse may be,/ And so she weaveth steadily,/ And little other care hath she…” (Norton Anthology 1162). Christina Rosetti: Goblin Market (approximately 1862) (( Will accept any date between )) “ Till Lizzie urged, “O Laura come;/ I hear the fruit-call but I dare not look:/ You should not loiter longer at this brook:/ Come with me home./ The stars rise, the moon bends her are,/ Each glowworm winks her spark,/ Let us get home before the night grows dark:/ For clouds may gather/ Tho’ this is summer weather,/ Put out the lights and drench us thro’;/ Then if we lost our way what should we do?” (Norton Anthology 1501)

8 Questions Cont. George Bernard Shaw: Mrs. Warren’s Profession (approximately 1893) ((Will accept any date between )) “Yes: it’s better to choose your line and through with it. If I had been you, mother, I might have done as you did; but I should not have lived one life and believed in another. You are a conventional woman at heart. This is why I am bidding you goodbye now. I am right, am I not?” (Norton Anthology 1829).

9 Visuals:

10 Visuals cont.

Rivers: Gold Coin: Timer: Log: Snake: ladders/ Launchpad: Launchpad 2: Christ, C. T., & Robson, C. (2012). The Victorian Age (Ninth ed., Vol. E, The Norton Anthology of English Literature). New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company.

12 Poem Citations Charles Darwin, The origin of species & The Descent of Man Matthew Arnold, Dover Beach Alfred, Lord Tennyson, The Lady of Shallot Christina Rosetti, Goblin Market George Bernard Shaw, Mrs. Warren’s Profession

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