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“Beats” – a simple (and easy to hear)

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Presentation on theme: "“Beats” – a simple (and easy to hear)"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Beats” – a simple (and easy to hear)
example of an effect resulting from the interference of sound waves. Suppose that there are two sources emitting sound waves of frequency f1 and f2:

2 Suppose that both waves reach a “receiver”
located at certain point x . Due to the interference of the two, the sound signal “heard” by the receiver will be:

3 However, we have a total freedom of choosing
the coordinate system – we can choose such in which the location of our receiver is x = 0. Then: All we need now is a trigonometric identity you must remember from high school:

4 So:

5 The sum of two sine functions with slightly different periods:
Time (arbitrary units)

6 Remember, the the frequency of the beats is twice
the frequency of the modulation function!

7 Doppler Effect for sound waves
Let’s start with a simpe model. The transmitter (loudspeaker) emits a sound wave, and at some distance from it there is a receiver (e.g., a human ear, in the picture below symbolized by the question-mark-like shape).

8 We can think of the receiving process that
DE for sound waves, cont. We can think of the receiving process that each time a sound wave “crest”reaches the receiver, it produces a PING! Many such “pings” heard in a single second would give us the impression of a continuous sound: (the real mechanism of hearing is surely more complicated, but the basic physics in our model is OK -- actually, for analyzing the basic principles of DE, instead of considering a continuous wave, one can think of a sound signal in the form of a sequence of short sound signals: ping!-ping!-ping!-ping-ping!

9 Well, here is the same animation as in the
preceding slide, but slowed down – note that each PING! occurs exactly at the mo- ment when a “crest” (i.e., a maximum) reaches the “ear”:

10 Now, consider two observers, of which one is stationary, and the
other moves towards the sound source with constant speed: Note that the moving observer registers more Pings! per time unit than the stationary one – it means that she/he registers a higher frequency. Question: how would the frequency change if the second observer moved away from the sound source? Yes, of course – then the frequency would be lower,

11 The same as before, but slowed down a bit: note that in both
cases the PING! Appears precisely at the moment a consecutive maximum reaches the ear:

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