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Cell Functions Biology 137.

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1 Cell Functions Biology 137

2 Cell Parts and Functions
Cell Membrane Protects the cell Lets things in and out of the cell Location: around the cell Nucleus Control center, holds DNA Location: inside the cell, near the center

3 Cell Parts and Functions
Nucleolus (Nucleoli) Makes ribosomes Location: inside the nucleus (dark spot) Nuclear Membrane Protects nucleus Lets things in/out of nucleus (pores) Location: around nucleus cell


5 Cell Parts and Functions
Mitochondria Makes energy/powerhouse Location: in cytoplasm Golgi Bodies/Apparatus Modifies, sorts, and packages proteins and other materials from the E.R. for storage in the cell or to secrete out of the cell

6 Mitochondria


8 Cell Parts and Functions
Endoplasmic Reticulum (E.R.) Site where lipid components of the cell membrane are assembled, along with proteins and other materials. Two types: smooth and rough (has ribosomes) Location: attaches from cell membrane to nuclear membrane Rough E.R.



11 Cell Parts and Functions
Ribosome Makes proteins Location: in cytoplasm or Attached to E.R. Vacuole Stores food and water Location: in cytoplasm Plants have a large, central Vacuole. Animals have several small ones.

12 Vacuole

13 Cell Parts and Functions
Lysosome Contains digestive enzymes Destroys bacteria, old cell parts… Location: in cytoplasm Centrioles Helps the cell to divide


15 Cell Parts and Functions
Cytoplasm Gel-like substances, holds all Organelles in cell Location: in cell Chromatin/Chromosomes Contains genetic information/traits Location: in nucleus

16 Cell Parts and Functions
Cilia Short hair-like projections Used for movement Location: outside of cell Flagella Long whip-like tail



19 Cell Structures and Functions
Chloroplast Traps suns energy and Makes food Location: in plant cells

20 Cell Wall Cell Wall Protects and supports plant Cells
Prevents water loss Made of Cellulose Location: outer layer of plant cells

21 CYTOSKELETON Function: Support structure of cell and transport materials/organelles throughout the cell. The highway of the cell. Made of Microtubules (thin hollow cylinders) and Microfilaments (thin solid cylinders) Location: Inside the cell


23 Cell Structures and Functions
Plastids Stores extra food in Plant cells Location: in plant cell

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