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Manon Analysis of movement.

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1 Manon Analysis of movement

2 Act 1 Scene 1- A courtyard of an inn near Paris
My name is Lescaut (less-co) and this is my mistress Act 1 Scene 1- A courtyard of an inn near Paris Action Space 1. Lescaut in a still sitting position. CS 2. Beggars walking/running 2. USR to DSL, then all across the stage, mainly to DSR- Scattered 3. Lescaut and his mistress: rande de jambe (round of the leg) en lair (in the air) en dedans (inwards), hops in arabesque and kissing gesture 3. Side by side holding hands 4. Beggars using their hats to beg 4. Some kneeling, some standing, some sitting USR 5. Lescaut and Monsieur G.M, walking and talking gestures. 5. Standing side by side and walking to DSL 6. Lescuat pulls his mistress away from another man, lifts her by the waist, circle to face back, her legs in splits with L leg bent in attitude, then he slaps her. 6. CS, circular pathway 7. Lescaut solo: Turn and developé leg to second x2. Frog like jump, hands on hips. Hops in arabesque (all these actions repeated at least 3 times throughout), turning jump with leg in retiré, triple pirouette and double tour landing in kneeling position. 7. Starting USL developés to DSR, frog jump on spot CS, Hops from CSR to CSL, turning jump from USL to DSR, pirouette and tour CS.

3 Act 1 Scene 1- A courtyard of an inn near Paris
I am Monsieur G.M Act 1 Scene 1- A courtyard of an inn near Paris Dynamics Relationships Still 1. Alone 2. Quickly 2. All in unison 3. Proudly, at a moderate speed 3. In unison 4. Desperately 4. All in unison 5. Slow paced, thinking 5. Making eye contact 6. Slow lift, sharp slap 6. In contact 7. Energetic and dramatic 7. Solo

4 Act 1 Scene 1- A courtyard of an inn near Paris
I am De Grieux Act 1 Scene 1- A courtyard of an inn near Paris Action Space 1. Beggars Dance: Double pirouette finishing in low arabesque, double pirouette in attitude, temps leve (pronounced ton levé, meaning jump) in arabesque, cartwheel, grande jeté (split leap), double tours, cartwheel ending in splits CS for pirouette and temps leve, cartwheel out to crowd, USL. Grande jeté from USR to DSL, double tours to DSR, cartwheel to CS ending in splits CS. 2. Beggar Chief: splits with one leg in front, hands on floor and switch to other leg in front. switch again turning to face back and windmilling arms. 2. CS 3. Beggars: Jumps with hands in parallel above head, kicking feet to bottom. In press up position walking hands to feet to stand up. Beggar chief steals Monsieur G.M’s pocket watch. 3. CS facing each other in a semi circle. G.M is sat on a chair DSL whilst his watch is stolen- beggar chief leans in from behind him as he is ‘talking’ to someone else.

5 Act 1 Scene 1- A courtyard of an inn near Paris
Dynamics Relationships Fast and fluid, boisterously All in unison, beggar chief leading. Different group take over movement still with beggar chief leading from grande jeté. 2. Arrogant, cheeky, smooth Fragmented from group who start their jumps as he is still finishing his solo piece. 3. Energetic, fast All in unison

6 Act 2 scene- Ball (Manon & Men)
Action Space 1. One man carries Manon by the waist above his head, she developés her leg to the ceiling (in half splits) x3. From SL to SR, the second time circular pathway to CS, third time back to SR. Manon at a high level. 2. She then gets passed onto another man who holds her by the waist on his left shoulder, her arms in en couronne (5th) and one leg out to second while the other leg is in retiré. Circular pathway to CS to Monsieur G.M. Manon at a high level. 3. Monsieur G.M then carries her by the waist, backbend, arms in en couronne, one leg in forward splits other leg wrapped around his shoulder. CS. Manon at a high level. 4. 3 Men then lift her above their heads onto her front and walk her to more men (5 or 6) who hold her by her lower legs. She then wafts her arms, dives forward held by the men and is then held under her arms, legs peddling until they reach the floor(arms out to the side) x2. USR to DSL.

7 Act 2 scene- Ball (Manon & Men)
Dynamics Relationships Graceful, slow Contact one-one relationship 2. Smooth, gliding 3. Elegant, slow 4. Suspended, free, flowing Contact with 6 men all holding Manon or close by her if not in contact. Men in unison.

8 Act 1- Scene Ball (Fight scene)
Action Space 1. Manon gives De Grieux cards to cheat in order to win money from Monsieur G.M so that Manon can go away with De Grieux. De Grieux sneaks cards from his pocket and there are various ‘happy’ expressions as he continues to be successful. Monsieur G.M suspects and knocks over the table (start of a brawl) DSL, sitting at table. 2. G.M pushes Manon and there are some sword clashing movements with De Grieux and pushing swords together. Other male dancers also have swords and perform pushing movements, fencing movements using their swords, turns, and some of the girls have hold of one man (one arm each) and are pulling him to and fro. Pushing Manon From SR to SL. Small groups of dancers are placed towards the back of the stage and fighting in pairs or groups. 3. De Grieux jabs Monsieur G.M in the arm with his sword and runs away with Manon. CS, De Grieux and Manon run through the entrance at USC.

9 Act 1- Scene Ball (Fight scene)
Dynamics Relationships 1. Confident, arrogant Question and answer 2. Ferocious, frantic, angry Fragmentation 3. Pain, hurt, brave Action and Reaction

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