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Item 9 – Conclusions of the meeting
Christine Coin - Eurostat F5 Anne Clémenceau - Eurostat F3
1- Opening of the meeting
The participants were informed that the ETS WG Meeting is co-organised by Eurostat Units F5 and F The agenda was adopted without any changes. 1-2 June 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
Education and Training Statistics Working Group
2- General background Item 2.1: Recent policy developments The ETS WG took note of Recent developments on education and training policies in the EU presented by DG EAC, DG EMPL and JRC Communication from the European Commission on a renewed EU agenda for higher education (with an accompanying staff working document) and a proposal for a Council recommendation on graduate tracking Communication from the Commission on Schools Progress Report from the Commission to the Council on Learning Mobility benchmark 1-2 June 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
Education and Training Statistics Working Group
2- General background Item 2.2 Sustainable Development The ETS WG took note of Eurostat's activities linked to the EU Sustainable Development Indicators and its involvement in the Sustainable Development Goals process at international level The ETS WG has been informed about Eurostat's role in the monitoring: at the UN global level → supportive, but no data hub & no new data collection at the EU SDG level → 6 indicators for Goal 4 Education (3 common at UN global level) based on existing data; open to future changes 1-2 June 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
3- Education and training systems
Item 3.1: Overview of 2016 and 2017 UOE data collection The ETS WG has been informed on the state of play of the UOE 2016 data collection: "End of validation" letter to be sent by Eurostat (Head of Unit level) to the countries. The ETS has been informed on the launch of the 2017 data collection by mid-June 2017 and the new questionnaire on credit mobility as soon as possible. In addition: specific items on expenditure data and time series were presented. 1-2 June 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
3- Education and training systems
Item 3.2: Expenditure data The ETS WG welcomed the document. The ETS WG took note of the main preliminary outcomes of the assessment of the UOE finance data and expressed interest for more detailed results The ETS WG took note of the results of the UOE finance pilot data collection (not to be renewed). Eurostat thanked participating countries. The ETS WG took note of the written consultation about the report detailing the conceptual differences between the UOE and the NA that will take place during Autumn 2017. 1-2 June 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
3- Education and training systems
Item 3.2: Expenditure data The ETS WG supported the approach of the reconciliation exercise and was informed by Eurostat about the invitation to participate to this exercise by hosting a visit. The following countries showed their interest (to be confirmed): BE-fr, FR, PT, LU, SE, UK, NO. Eurostat should provide more information on the method as soon as possible. 1-2 June 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
3- Education and training systems
Item 3.2: Expenditure data The ETS WG supported the Eurostat proposal for further activities (in the medium and long term) to get timelier and more integrated expenditure data on education. In this perspective, the ETS WG supported the Eurostat proposal to organise a workshop on the February 2018. The ETS WG expressed the need for close collaboration between Eurostat, the OECD and UIS in this area. The need for better cooperation with NA was outlined. 1-2 June 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
3- Education and training systems
Item 3.3: UOE time series based on ISCED 2011 The ETS WG took note of the planned dissemination activities of Eurostat on UOE time series based on aggregate ISCED 2011 levels in September 2017 and indicators with breakdown by orientation by the end of the year 2017. The consultation of the concerned countries on time series on aggregate ISCED 2011 levels will take place in July 2017. Eurostat thanked countries that responded to an ad-hoc data collection through a questionnaire, for 2005 and 2010 for the indicators with breakdown by orientation. Countries were asked to inform Eurostat about their intention to send the missing data by 15 June 2017 and submit it by the end of September 2017. 1-2 June 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
3- Education and training systems
Item 3.4: Schools The ETS WG has been informed by DG EAC on the results of the feasibility study on collecting information on schools as entities. The final report of the study with the conclusions will be shared with the ETS WG by July 2017. DG EAC will continue to work on data on schools with Eurydice. 1-2 June 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
4- Dissemination activities
Item 4.1: Eurostat dissemination activities The ETS WG has been informed on: statistics published by Eurostat on education (incl. Digital publication on the Life of Women and men in the EU; European pillar of social rights; Education and Training Statistics online publications, recent news releases, dedicated section) the ongoing discussions with OECD on sharing of LFS data. Item 4.2: Presentation by other organisations The ETS WG has been informed on the publication activities of CEDEFOP and EURYDICE. 1-2 June 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
5- Modernisation of social statistics
Item 5.1 Update on modernisation The participants were informed and took note on the latest developments on the IESS FR. Following questions by delegates, the following was clarified: 1st year of implementation of the IESS: depends on the final text to be agreed by EP, Council and Commission (2019 is unlikely). planning of all surveys: available once discussions on IESS are well advanced (too many items are still changing). 2-yearly LFS variables on participation in the last 12 months: planned to be implemented in the same year as AES. 1-2 June 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
5- Modernisation of social statistics
Item 5.2 Standardised social variables The participants took note of the DSS approval of P1 and P2 variables as well as on possible further work on P3 variables. Further work on P3 variables will be decided by the DSS in October and Eurostat will inform the ETS on progress. A further consultation of ETS on possible P3 variables will only be launched once the DSS decided if and how to proceed. 1-2 June 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
5- Modernisation of social statistics
Item 5.2 Feasibility studies The ETS welcomed in general the revised proposal of feasibility studies for the AES, with the following amendments Item 4 will be reworded to also include improvement / fine-tuning of existing variables. For item 7, actually the reasons for differences AES/LFS are already known. Therefore item 7 will be changed towards testing the best way to implement the participation variables adequately in LFS and AES. The aim is output harmonisation, i.e. comparable results from both surveys whereby the best way to implement the variables in the specific national context is up to countries. Item 1 should be carried out before 2019; Eurostat will investigate if and how this could be done. Eurostat clarified that grants will be available in 2019 also if IESS is not yet adopted. 1-2 June 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
6- Education variables in the EU-LFS
Item 6.1 IESS: education variables in the labour market domain The participants were informed on developments since June 2016, in particular on the new annual variable HATWORK and on the draft explanatory notes for participation variables. The current proposal of educational variables on the core LFS was presented as well as information on educational variables in 8-yearly modules During discussion the following was clarified for HATWORK: explanatory notes will be improved as regards possible imputations (information from highest qualification or register), age filter and full- time equivalent ETS is invited to send written comments on the explanatory notes on HATWORK and participation variables by end July 1-2 June 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
6- Education variables in the EU-LFS
Item 6.2 ISCED-F 2013 The participants were informed on the implementation of ISCED-F in the EU-LFS (as from 2016) and the 2016 AES In view of user needs, a change of the level of data transmission of ISCED-F could be considered with the IESS. Eurostat presented their conclusions from the quick survey HATFIELD, FEDFIELD: data transmission for narrow fields NFEFIELD: to be further discussed by 2022 AES TF Discussion / conclusions For formal education, a written consultation will be launched with countries collecting only broad fields, with a distinction between HATFIELD (LFS, AES) and FEDFIELD NFEFIELD will be discussed in the AES Task Force Importance for skill mismatch analyses as well as other indicators 1-2 June 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
7- Adult learning & outcomes of education
Item 7.1 Implementation of the AES The participants were informed on the legal framework, the current situation of 2016 AES, available guidance from Eurostat and next steps As regards 2016 publication rules, Eurostat considers to apply the LFS rules rather than SILC rules; a written consultation will be launched after the meeting in order to further investigate the issue Two countries (NO and HR) expressed interest in participating in the AES 2022 Task Force Eurostat will prepare a consolidated list of planned publication analyses at European and national levels 1-2 June 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
7- Adult learning & outcomes of education
Item 7.2 Implementation of the CVTS 2015 The participants were informed on the legal framework, data transmission requirements, Eurostat's methodological support to implementation, validation and dissemination as well as the current situation of data transmission The ETS reported no issue on planned data transmission Eurostat clarified that next CVTS will be run in 2020 under current legislation with no change DG EMPL highlighted the increased importance of CVTS data in view of the policy swift toward the demand side 1-2 June 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
7- Adult learning & outcomes of education
Item release of the Europe 2020 education indicators The participants were informed on the release of the EU education indicators, the press release as well as on the revision planned for October (LFS revisions). The ETS was informed on the new name of the benchmark indicator: 'adult participation in learning' and the reasoning for the name change. The participants were also informed on new tables on employment rates of recent graduates. The ETS took note of the 2016 release. 1-2 June 2017 Education and Training Statistics Working Group
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