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Vegetable Identification and Judging

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Presentation on theme: "Vegetable Identification and Judging"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vegetable Identification and Judging

2 Sandy soils require what?
More water then clay soils Less water then clay soils The same amount of water as clay soils No water since plants that grow in sandy soils must be drought tolerant

3 The first number on a fertilizer bag stands for what?
Nitrogen Phosphorous Potassium Weight of bag

4 Nematodes are… Microscopic worms that can seriously reduce plant growth and yield Small frog like animals that eat plant vegetation Chemicals added to improve plant growth and yeild A form of organic materials

5 Generally, the most effective method of chemical protection is…
Dusts Sprays Water based chemicals Oil based chemicals

6 Compost is ready to use when?
When plant parts are decomposed. 2 weeks after material is added When the compost pile begins to smell bad After the first week in May

7 True or False? If using organic chemicals in your garden you don’t need to wash your vegetables.

8 One reason to apply pesticides in the early evening is…
To avoid killing bees and reducing pollination Moisture level in the air is at the best level Typically people have more time and go slower at this time of day The stomata of the plants are opening and the pesticide will work better

9 In fresh market vegetables production Florida ranks where?
1st 2nd 3rd 4th

10 What does BMP stand for? Better Managerial Prevention
Best Motivational Practices Best Management Practices Becoming More Practical

11 There are more then ___ different crops grown commercially in Florida.
20 40 60 80

12 In Florida vegetables are grown on more than…
100,000 acres 200,0o0 acres 300,000 acres 400,000 acres

13 A common problem in Florida has been…
Over fertilizing Over liming Lack water Extremely high pH levels

14 All of the following contain nutrients except…
Animal manures Organic matter Inorganic matter Sludge

15 Plants require ___ elements for normal growth and reproduction
3 12 16 24

16 What is the primary media used to grow plants by the Hydroponics method?
Sand Perlite Water Vermiculite

17 For routine crop monitoring and diagnostic procedures for most nutrients use
New leaves Mature leaves Any leaf Soil samples

18 Drip irrigation in Florida has become
Very important Infrequently used A source of soil contamination Less popular due to expense

19 Fertigation is the process of
Applying pesticides along with fertilizers Applying insecticides to a plant Applying fertilizers to plants Applying fertilizers through irrigation tubes

20 True or False? Cover crops between vegetables crops can improve soil tilth.

21 The selection of a cover crop is based on
Seasonal adaptation and intended use for the crop Time of year Crop Method of application

22 Fields where seepage irrigation is used or fields prone to flooding should be cropped using
Drip irrigation Pan beds Raised beds Track beds

23 Quality seed includes all except the following traits
Good germination Rapid emergence Vigorous growth Economical

24 Unused seed is best stored
In a ziplock bag In high temperature areas In high humidity areas In a cold, dark environment

25 Precision seeding in a term used to
Plant a seed and fertilizer at the same time Plant a seed at the correct soil moisture level Plant a seed at an exact plant spacing to achieve a uniform stand Analyze the amount of coating a seed has to prevent disease

26 Which characteristics of the irrigation system must be considered to properly schedule irrigation?
Crop needs Soil properties Atmospheric conditions All of the above need to be considered

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