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Academic Habits/7th Grade Ms. Buffington Monday, August 21, 2017

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1 Academic Habits/7th Grade Ms. Buffington Monday, August 21, 2017
LEARNING TARGET What I will learn: I will learn what to do before, during, and after reading. How I will learn it: -Teacher Modeling -PPT How I will show you that I learned it: Completion of the “Good Readers Comparison Chart/Column 2” Warm-up: Read 10 minutes-Purpose: to use your interactive voice Opening /Activator: Watch “I Like Big Books” Work Session: We will continue the “What Good Readers Do” unit -View PPT Reading Process -Good Readers Comparison Chart/Column 2 Closing: Turn and Talk, check for understanding with your shoulder partner

2 The Reading Process BEFORE
*Why will I read? (compare/contrast, summarize, find evidence, Need to find name/ date, to ask questions, to know how a cell is dissected) Understand your task Set a purpose for reading Preview the text Plan a reading strategy *Look over the book before you read (the book cover, the table of contents, headings, the index, graphs, charts, photos) *Choose a reading strategy to match your purpose for reading

3 The Reading Process DURING
*Read with a purpose (and a pencil) *Create some personal connection to the text *PAUSE & REFLECT *Ask yourself, “What am I looking for?” or “Why am I reading?” STOP!…Think of your purpose. Ask yourself what you are trying to learn. Say, “When I am finished reading, I will know…” Take notes in the margins of the text *Make the book personal by asking questions like, “Have I ever heard of this before?”, “Is there anything surprising?” and “Has this happened to me?” Thinking Notes conversations

4 The Reading Process AFTER
*Pause, reflect, and look back *Reread to find out things you might have missed the first time through *Remember what you learned *Stop and think about what you read. Take a moment to ask, “Is there anything confusing?” and “Can I answer the question asked?” “Did I find evidence to support my purpose for reading?” *Read it AGAIN to understand. *Talk to others about our reading to clear up confusions, add thinking points, observations *We remember what we can find and what we talk about, ask about

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