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Flappers Birth Control

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1 Flappers Birth Control
The Twenties Woman Flappers Birth Control

2 Young Women Change the Rules
Involvement in WWI Assertion of independence Rejection of traditional values Demand for same freedoms as men 19th Amendment-1920

3 New Work Opportunities
After WWI Women still looked for paid work Women’s professions 10 million earning wages by 1930 Earned less than men Never reached managerial positions

4 Flappers Flapper = an emancipated young woman who
embraced the new fashions and urban attitudes of the 20s The Look… Close-fitting felt hats Bright waistless dresses Hemlines above the knee Skin colored stockings Pumps Strings of beads Dark colored, short, boyish hairstyles (bobs)



7 Smoked cigarettes, drank in public Openly talking about sex New dances
Fox trot, tango, Charleston, shimmy

8 New Dances The Charleston The Shimmy

9 Double Standard Media showed the “new woman” as a flapper
Morals loosened only so far Protests from churches and schools No more “courting” 1 woman Double standard Greater sexual freedom to men Women torn between new standards and old expectations

10 Changing Families Birthrate dropped faster in 1920s
Birth control more available Clinics opened Technology simplified housework Ready-made clothes, canned food, sliced bread Greater equality in marriages Based on love Children in school

11 Education and Popular Culture
The Roaring 20’s

12 Schooling America 1926: 4 million in HS Higher job standards
Vocational schools Teach immigrants!

13 Media National Newspapers Magazines: Time (1923) Radio= most common
shared national experience “Tune In”

14 Heroes and Celebrities
1929: Spent $4.5 billion on entertainment Sports Heroes Babe Ruth: baseball Celebrities Charles A. Lindbergh: pilot

15 Charles Lindberg/ Babe Ruth
The Century Boom to Bust Part 3

16 Entertainment and the Arts
The Jazz Singer 1927: first movie with sound “Talkies” doubled movie attendance

17 Writers of the 1920’s F. Scott Fitzgerald Edna St. Vincent Millay
Critique of gilded surroundings Edna St. Vincent Millay Youth and independence Ernest Hemingway Critique of war

18 Slang in the 1920’s

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