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1 Please read with me from:
John 21:15-23

2 Face Reality Face Responsibility Face Our Destiny
3 Priorities of Life Face Reality Face Responsibility Face Our Destiny

3 Face Reality “Do you love Me more than these?” Luke 22:33
Luke 17:5 “increase our faith” Fear often a Substitute for Genuine Spiritual Growth!

4 Why we Don’t Face Reality
Overconfident – 1 Corinthians 10:12 Ignorant of Scriptures – Matthew 22:29; John 20:9 Luke 18:10-14

5 How Do We Face Reality? John 21:17 “love” – Phileo
Jesus first 2 Times – Agapais Jesus wanted Peter to understand all of the implications of his confession of Love for Him.

6 Face Responsibility 1 John 2:12,13 1 Corinthians 3:8,9 Matthew 5:16
Ephesians 2:10 1 Peter 2:2 Hebrews 5:14

7 Mediocrity Will Destroy Us
He slept beneath the moon – He basked beneath the sun, He lived a life of ‘going to’ – And he died with nothing done

8 Face Our Destiny “Follow me” – “you follow me”
Our Destiny is Our Choice We Choose to be Sinners- Romans 8:5-8 Romans 14:12 John 6:68; 14:6

9 Will You Face The Facts? Believe – John 20:30,31
Change your Mind – Repentance Acts 17:30 Confess Jesus as Lord & Christ – Romans 10:10 Be Baptized For Remission of Sins – Acts 2:38

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