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Revolutions in Europe Part 1

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1 Revolutions in Europe Part 1
World History II

2 The Scientific Revolution
Johannes Kepler Idea: planets are governed by laws of planetary motions (example: elliptical orbits) William Harvey Discovered that the heart is a pump Nicolaus Copernicus Idea: the earth revolves around the sun (example: heliocentric theory)

3 The Scientific Revolution
Benjamin Franklin Discovered electricity Isaac Newton Discovered laws of gravity Galileo Galilei Proved heliocentric theory Discovered law of pendulum

4 Philosophers/Enlightenment Thinkers
Thomas Hobbes, English Believed social contract; thought people were selfish and wicked Book: The Leviathan Type of govt he would support: Absolute monarchy John Locke, English Believed in natural rights, people have the right to overthrow and form a new govt, “life, liberty, prosperity” Book: Two Treatises on Government Type of govt he would support? Democracy Mary Wollstonecraft, English Believed in women’s rights, “Women should have equal rights” Book: A Vindication of the Rights of Women Type of govt she would support: democracy

5 Philosophers/Enlightenment Thinkers
Baron de Montesquieu, English Ideas: Separation of powers, “Power should be a check to power” Book: On the Spirit of Laws Govt he would support? Constitutional monarchy, democracy Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Switzerland Ideas: Direct democracy, “Man is born free and everywhere he lives in chains” Book: The Social Contract Voltaire, French Ideas: religious toleration, freedom of speech, tolerance, and reason, “Crush the evil thing” Book: wrote over 70 (essays, fiction, political essays, dramas) Govt he would support: democracy

6 Philosophers/Enlightenment Thinkers
Thomas Jefferson, United States Ideas: equality, democracy, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” Writings: Declaration of Independence Govt he would support: democracy

7 The Arts Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Composer, began at age 5
“The Marriage of Figaro,” “Don Giovanni,” “The Magic Flute”

8 The Arts Ludwig van Beethoven Composer – 5th Symphony
Wrote piano music, string quartets, and symphonies

9 And there were more… Eugene Delacriox – Painting, “Liberty Leading The People” Miguel de Cervantes – Writer, “Don Quixote” Johann Sebastian Bach – Composer

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