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Completing the tasks for A452 with….

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Presentation on theme: "Completing the tasks for A452 with…."— Presentation transcript:

1 Completing the tasks for A452 with….
MIT App Inventor

2 A452 Introduction Page Describe what the task is about and why you are doing it. Describe hardware and software that will be used and why Describe app inventor and why it is to be used List where help will be found (websites that will be referenced) and why you need this help. Do not mention! Describe how you will attempt the tasks, in what order and why you will do it like this.

3 Task 1 – Paint pot (part 1) Follow the tutorial Paint Pot to complete your first task. You will to produce evidence of how you did the task (screenshots) You will need to produce evidence of how you tested your app (screenshots and write up)

4 Task 1 - Help Help 1 Make sure you name everything exactly how you are instructed to Help 2 When selecting an image make sure it is not too large – about 300px by 300px is a good size to aim for

5 Help 3 Help 4 Select an image with a face for this task
Set out your code blocks neatly (see how important it was to name things properly!)

6 Help 5 Help 6 You are not done yet!
If you have not already done so, select connect to emulator and then once loaded connect to this device Help 6 If done correctly your app should load (it does take some time) and you can now test your app You are not done yet!

7 Help 7 Save your work again and test the changes after adding the draw.line code Finally You will need to produce evidence of both creating and testing your app. It is a good idea to use both screenshots and a testing table. The testing table can show what you have created (either code, button or canvas) and testing/ improvements you have made. Present your work using PowerPoint

8 Task 2 - Help Use your knowledge and the Internet to describe what an event-driven programming environment is. Tip - you have just used one! When listing events detected by a typical android phone, create a table that lists the event and what the event does. You must identify all important events.

9 Task 3 - help You are now required to extend your paint pot app so that you can change the thickness of the drawing line Once again you must provide evidence of how you have done this task (screenshots) Task 3 is based around the tutorial Paint Pot Part 2 It is a good idea to use the ‘save as’ button and call your new file something different

10 Task 3 - Help Help 1 Help 2 Help 3 Help 4
Create a “number” select it from ‘math’ Help 2 Remember to replace the event for drawcircle for your variable, or it won’t change! Help 3 Remember to name everything properly as you go. Help 4 When added your code should look like the screenshot below

11 Task 3 – Important! Once you have completed the tutorial you are not done. The tutorial only changes the dot size, you need to change the line size! Help 5 Using the ‘drawing canvas’ block you can extend your ‘dragging’ section of code to meet the needs of the task

12 Task 3 - Help You should now test your updated app, remember to show evidence of this. Screenshot and explain the results. There is a bug in your code. If you start drawing before a colour is selected the app will draw a black line. How could this bug be stopped or altered? Show how you have fixed the bug.

13 Task 4 - Help “When you set up the components of an app in the browser, they are given default names. Explain why it is a good idea to change these default names. “ Think about what you have been doing and why you named the elements differently. How did this make your life easier/ harder?

14 Task 5 - Help Help 1 Setup your buttons and extra images first
(Once again it is a good idea to use the ‘save as’ button to save a different version of your program)

15 Task 5 - Help Help 2 Notice how the image name has been kept simple!
Below is an example of basic code for changing the background image Notice how the image name has been kept simple! This works but you should extend it so that the background image is selected at random from a list. You will need to identify each image using ‘text’ You will need a new variable You will need to make a list You will need to use ‘math’ to select a random integer (1 – the total number of images you have) Really stuck? Try

16 Task 5 - Help You should now test your updated app, remember to show evidence of this. Screenshot and explain the results. By making use of a list you will show advanced understanding and get a better grade overall.

17 Task 6 - overview Task 6 - you are on your own!
Use what you have learnt to create an app that: Makes use of three images of computer components Randomly selects one of the three images on a button press Requests that the user identifies the image by entering it’s name into a text box The app then checks the answer and indicates whether it is right or wrong The app should then allow the selection button to be used again, clearing the messages on the screen Remember to evidence (screenshots) and test your app Save regularly!

18 Task 7 - Help Task 7 requires you to write a conclusion and compare different programming environments In the conclusion you can explain the advantages and disadvantages of block programming (app inventor, scratch, etc) You can then compare this to programming languages such a python or C+ What are the advantages of one over the other? Are there any similarities? Why would you select a certain type of language? How effective are these programming languages? How easy are they to learn/ use? You might want to make use of a table comparing each language and then summaries with a conclusion. However it is up to you!

19 What your teacher will be looking for…
There is evidence of a well structured practical investigation and the evidence supplied is well organised and clearly relevant to the set task. The practical investigation shows clear signs of planning and a structured approach to evidence gathering to provide a complete investigation of the set topic area and beyond. The techniques are used appropriately in all cases giving an efficient, working solution for all parts of the problem. The candidate demonstrates a thorough and secure understanding of the technical issues related to the scenario. A wide range of relevant and detailed information is presented. Technical terminology is used correctly. At the top end of the band, this will be extensive and confidently used. Thorough and convincing conclusions have been reached, which are borne out by the research carried out by the candidate. A high level of written communication is obvious throughout he task and specialist terms/technology with accurate use of spelling is used. Grammar and punctuation is consistently correct. Information is presented in a coherent and structured format.

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