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Living Youth Web Bible Study Series

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1 Living Youth Web 2008-09 Bible Study Series
“Bible Study Basics” 9/1/2008 Bible Study Basics

2 Dis Distractions… 2 Tim 2:15 Ps. 1:2-3
* * 07/16/96 07/16/96 Dis Distractions… 2 Tim 2:15 Ps. 1:2-3 Study/Be Diligent to show yourself approved… If you are going to get something out of this process, you’ll need to do it consistently and in a focused manner. You’ll need to begin listen carefully at services, listen to what is said here, what you read, and then start reading the Bible consistently and with careful attention – Meditate – ie. Got to be able to THINK Distraction will lead to procrastination, which will lead to not doing what you want to do, including reading the Bible. 9/1/2008 9/1/2008 Bible Study Basics Bible Study Basics * * ##

3 Disconnecting Distraction – Paul Graham
“Procrastination feeds on distractions. Most people find it uncomfortable just to sit and do nothing; you avoid work by doing something else. So one way to beat procrastination is to starve it of distractions. But that's not as straightforward as it sounds, because there are people working hard to distract you. Distraction is not a static obstacle that you avoid like you might avoid a rock in the road. Distraction seeks you out. Chesterfield described dirt as matter out of place. Distracting is, similarly, desirable at the wrong time. And technology is continually being refined to produce more and more desirable things. Which means that as we learn to avoid one class of distractions, new ones constantly appear, like drug-resistant bacteria. Television, for example, has after 50 years of refinement reached the point where it's like visual crack. I realized when I was 13 that TV was addictive, so I stopped watching it. But I read recently that the average American watches 4 hours of TV a day. A quarter of their life. TV is in decline now, but only because people have found even more addictive ways of wasting time. And what's especially dangerous is that many happen at your computer. This is no accident. An ever larger percentage of office workers sit in front of computers connected to the Internet, and distractions always evolve toward the procrastinators.” Read More… 9/1/2008 9/1/2008 Bible Study Basics Bible Study Basics

4 Dis Distractions 2 Tim 2:15 Ps. 1:2-3 Neh. 8:8
* * 07/16/96 07/16/96 Dis Distractions 2 Tim 2:15 Ps. 1:2-3 Neh. 8:8 Neh. 8:8 …they gave them the sense – they had to “wrestle” to understand and apply the scriptures… So do you!!! Luke 2:40 – 52 Christ thinking about the scriptures! 9/1/2008 9/1/2008 Bible Study Basics Bible Study Basics * * ##

5 Dis Distractions Get your tools together.
* * 07/16/96 07/16/96 Dis Distractions Get your tools together. Neh. 8:8 …they gave them the sense – they had to “wrestle” to understand and apply the scriptures… So do you!!! Luke 2:40 – 52 Christ thinking about the scriptures! 9/1/2008 9/1/2008 Bible Study Basics Bible Study Basics * * ##

6 Get Your Tools Together
* * 07/16/96 07/16/96 Get Your Tools Together A Bible! Computer Bibles? Paper - notebok Fine-point pen Colored pencil A Brain Tools Benefit we have today of having our own Bibles! Computer Bibles? - free versions, Deut 7:9 - WRITE them on the doorposts – etc – having things in front of us, rehearsing things in written form is helpful! Note-taking skills – take notes on important things you’re learning, on ideas that occur to you, questions to ask… Colored Pencil(s) – highlight the important things – phrases, words, passages, time-line… - different colors for different topics – law, money, personal relations, prophecy, 9/1/2008 9/1/2008 Bible Study Basics Bible Study Basics * * ##

7 Get your tools together. Have a plan
* * 07/16/96 07/16/96 Dis Distractions Get your tools together. Have a plan 9/1/2008 9/1/2008 Bible Study Basics Bible Study Basics * * ##

8 Have a Plan Open the Bible and hope for the best
* * 07/16/96 07/16/96 Have a Plan Open the Bible and hope for the best Do these Bible Studies Go through the Bible Study Course Read the Bible in a year. Click HERE for printout 9/1/2008 9/1/2008 Bible Study Basics Bible Study Basics * * ##

9 Living Youth Web 2008-09 Bible Study Series
“Bible Study Basics” 9/1/2008 Bible Study Basics

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