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The 's of Thanksgiving.

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1 The 's of Thanksgiving

2 Anne likes her Apples sliced on a plate, sprinkled with cinnamon, sure will taste great!

3  Biscuits with Butter spread on the top crust, for Jerry and Florence, this is a must!

4 Christopher likes Cheese and Crunchy Crisp Crackers, and Nicholas will help him gobble up these lip smackers!

5 Three kinds of Dressing for Dave to peruse, Sage, Cornbread and Oyster, which will he choose?

6 Elaine's Eggs will be deviled and that is no joke, the whites are filled with the smashed up egg yolk!

7 For Jennifer a plate will be Filled with Fresh Fish, and Trouble, her cat, will lick up the dish!

8 Great Giblet Gravy from bones and pan drippins‘, but we'll save the wishbone for some later wishin'!

9 How many Helpings of Holiday food, can one person have and still not seem rude?

10 Ice cream Is for Katherine and her cat, Iggy two, make it vanilla and chocolate too!

11 We'll have cranberry Juice and gooseberry Jam, a salad by Judy and a Jellied baked ham 

12 From the Kitchen comes the Kind of bouquet; when we are thankful for our noses on this holiday!  

13 There'll be Lots of Luscious Leftovers, of course, enough to supply the US Air Force

14 Rosemary's Mashed potatoes smothered with gravy, enough to float a ship from the US Navy! 

15 We'll have a Number of Nuts from cashews to pecan, and Bill will crack walnuts as fast as he can! 

16 Our creamed pearl Onions are simmered with care, with lots of hot spices just for Omar 

17 Popcorn and Parsnips and sweet Pumpkin Pie Peapods and Peaches, hot Peppers, oh my! 

18 Quince jam for the biscuits is Quite a nice touch, or honey, fruit butter, molasses and such! 

19 The Roast turkey thawed in the Refridgerator all night and cooked all day ‘til browned just Right! 

20 Yellow Squash, acorn Squash, just look in the cupboard, we have butternut, pattipan and even a hubbard.

21 Thanksgiving Day is really great, a day set aside for our families to just give Thanks.

22 Sassy and Pepper are Usually able to catch all the crumbs that fall Under the table! 

23 We'll have Various Vegetables for Veronica to name, creamed and buttered, steamed and plain. 

24 We'll have lemonade, coffee, milk and iced tea, Orange juice, cider, but just Water for me. 

25 EXtra eXcitement is eXpected this year
EXtra eXcitement is eXpected this year. Everyone in the family will be coming here. 

26    The Yams will be Yummy baked in a pan, covered with marshmallows and toasted pecans.

27 Zillons of dishes will be eaten with Zeal you're sure to enjoy Susie's Thanksgiving meal.

28 Remember reading is as easy as A B C
Happy Thanksgiving Created by Susan Lent

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