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Bell Ringer: Date Question Response

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1 Bell Ringer: Date Question Response
Are calories good or bad for your health? Respond in a paragraph.

2 The Nutrients You Need

3 What you’ll do: -Describe each of the six classes of essential nutrients. -Identify foods that are good sources of each nutrient. Terms to learn: -Calorie -Carbohydrate -Protein -Fat -Vitamin Mineral

4 Your body can make some of the nutrients you need, but most come from the food you eat.
Because your body cannot work properly without these nutrients, they are called essential nutrients.

5 The Six Classes of Essential Nutrients
-Carbohydrates -Proteins -Fats -Vitamins -Minerals -Water Carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are nutrients that give your body energy. The energy you get from these nutrients is measured in units called Calories. The number of Calories in food is how much energy that food provides. Vitamins, minerals, and water do not have any calories, but instead, they help your body use the other essential nutrients.

6 Example of how water helps other nutrients: water helps control your body temperature and transports other nutrients through your body. Because the essential nutrients come from different foods, you should eat a variety of foods each day. This way, you can get all the nutrients you need.

7 Carbohydrates Definition - consists of one sugar or multiple sugars chained together. Simple carbohydrates - one sugar or two sugars joined together Examples: table sugar, honey and fruits Complex carbohydrates - three or more sugars joined together Examples: starches (found in rice, bread, and vegetables) and fiber (found in whole-grain foods like brown rice and whole wheat bread and many fruits and vegetables)

8 Proteins Definition - help build and heal body tissues, such as strong muscles and are made up of smaller parts called amino acids. Your body breaks down the proteins you eat into amino acids. Think of amino acids as building blocks. Your body uses these building blocks to form new proteins. Your body uses the proteins to build and repair your tissues. Milk, fish, and meat are sources of protein. You can also get protein from beans, nuts, tofu, cheese, eggs, and soy milk.

9 Fats Definition - energy containing nutrients that provide stored energy, protect nerves, and help your body produce hormones. Your body needs a small amount of fat to stay healthy.They make foods smell and taste good! They also provide a lot of energy, but are only needed in small amounts to work properly. Liquid fats: found in cooking oils and salad dressings. Solid fats: butter, sour cream, cheese, also found in meats such as beef and pork. Fried food, ice cream, dips, potato chips, and most desserts are high in fats.

10 Vitamins Definition - organic compounds that control several body functions. They help your body use the energy provided by other nutrients. Your body needs only a very small amount of vitamins each day. Examples: Vitamin C helps your body fight germs. Vitamin D helps your body build strong bones. Vitamin A keeps your eyes healthy. One type of Vitamin B helps with memory and concentration. Almost all foods contain some vitamins. Whole grains, meats, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products are good sources of vitamins.

11 Minerals Definition - elements that are necessary for good health but are only needed in small amounts each day. Examples: Iron-helps blood transport oxygen through your body; found in spinach, black-eyed peas, and red meat Calcium-important for building and keeping strong bones; found in milk, cheese, and yogurt Sodium and potassium-regulate blood pressure

12 Water More than half your body is made of water. You can go a week without food, but you can only go a couple of days without water. Why is water so important to the body? It helps with digestion and removal of waste, transport nutrients, and keeps your body at a steady temperature. Ways of losing water: sweating and using the bathroom. This water needs replaced everyday or dehydration sets in, causing your body to stop functioning properly. Recommended water intake - 8 to 10 glasses a day! More if you are active!

13 Discussion & Review -What are vitamins? -What are carbohydrates?
-Explain what proteins do for your body. Give two examples of foods that are sources of protein. -Why is water such an important nutrient? -What are fats and what do they do for your body? -Why is it important to eat a variety of foods?

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