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Behind the Presidential Scenes of the Executive Branch

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1 Behind the Presidential Scenes of the Executive Branch
Federal Bureaucracy Behind the Presidential Scenes of the Executive Branch

2 BUREAUCRACY Bureaucracy: Bureaucrat:
large, complex administrative structure Handles the everyday business of an organization Bureaucrat: person who works for an organization

3 Bureaucracy Features Hierarchical Authority- Job Specialization-
pyramid, chain of command (Decision making power) Job Specialization- each bureaucrat has special duties (Efficiency) Formalized rules- regulations and procedures (standards set speed and precision)

4 Administration Not in Constitution Division of Agencies
Has grown throughout history Division of Agencies Executive Office of President 15 Cabinet Departments Independent Agencies

5 Agency Types Staff Agencies- Line Agencies- Independent Agencies
aid pres. and administrators through advice and management Line Agencies- perform tasks for the organization Independent Agencies Agencies outside of Departments Independent Regulatory Commissions: regulate aspects of economy Government Corporations: carry out business like activities while under control of President

6 Executive Office of the President (EOP)
President’s closest advisors and assistants “umbrella” agency White House (West Wing) 1. Chief of Staff: directs all operations of White House office

7 Executive Departments
Traditional units of administration Headed by Secretary (Dept. of Justice is Attorney General) Heads serve as President’s CABINET Named by President and confirmed by Senate Party, background, geography, experience

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