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Human Reproduction.

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1 Human Reproduction

2 Sexual Reproduction testis ovary eggs (ova) sperm fertilization zygote embryo fetus baby

3 Male Reproductive System
vas deferens (sperm duct) epididymis testis

4 Testes For production of male sperm (500 mill per day) For production of male sex hormones (testosterone) Suspended behind and below penis Puberty – 2 months to mature Genetic material in head of sperm

5 Holds testes Regulates temperature below normal Secretes hormones
Scrotum Holds testes Regulates temperature below normal Secretes hormones

6 Epididymis For temporarily storage of sperm For temporary nourishment of sperm Gain ability to move Takes a while

7 Testis and epididymis epididymis vas deferens (sperm duct) Seminiferous tubules

8 Seminiferous Tubules Each one contains thousands of feet of tiny tubes, lined with cells that continually produce sperm

9 Male Reproduction seminal vesicle semen prostate gland Cowper’s gland

10 Functions of Seminal Fluid
To provide a medium for the sperm to swim To activate and nourish the sperm To neutralize the acidity in the female reproductive tract Seminal Fluid Semen Sperm +

11 Semen Seminal Vesicle – 60% energy Prostate Gland – 35% protects it through the Fallopian tube Cowper’s Gland – 5 % discharges a liquid that cleans the urethra so sperm can pass through safely

12 Male Urinary Tract urethra penis

13 Penis Muscles of epididymis contract Erected during copulation
Semen is squeezed from the penis to the top of vagina Ejaculation (1/2 teaspoon sperm-400 mill.) No ejaculation-sperm reabsorbed Foreskin - Circumcision

14 Urethra and Bladder Urethra – eliminates urine and passageway for semen Bladder - stores urine

15 What is this?

16 Female Reproductive System
Fallopian Tube ovary uterus cervix vagina

17 Functions of Ovary Pair-size of small plum For production of female sex hormones (estrogen & progesterone) Produce eggs (birth, app. 500,000) Alternate release at puberty

18 Human Ovaries with Eggs

19 The release of an egg from an ovary
Ovulation The release of an egg from an ovary

20 Fallopian Tubes 1. Carries the egg forward by the beating action of the cilia on its inner surface 2. The contraction of muscles of tube 3. Fertilization must take place here within 24 hours 4. Takes app. 3 days to travel down

21 Fallopian Tubes

22 Uterus Also called the womb (size of a fist) Fertilized egg grows into a baby Made of powerful elastic muscles that contain many blood vessels Lining expelled during menstruation

23 Cervix Opening to uterus Strong and elastic Usually not much larger than the head of a pin Needs to be covered for birth control Stretches to accommodate a baby at the time of birth

24 Vagina Passageway Menstrual flow leaves Allows penis to enter Enables baby to leave Called Birth Canal


26 Hymen Tissue surrounds the inside of the vaginal opening and is there at birth


28 Vulva and Clitoris Labia – inner and outer Clitoris – small, rounded, sensitive above the vaginal opening

29 Urethra – eliminates urine Bladder – stores urine
Urethra and Bladder Urethra – eliminates urine Bladder – stores urine

30 PUBERTY PUBERTY MP Female Younger than male and lasts about 7 years Ovaries produce estrogen Hair Breasts Hips get wider Egg cells begin to mature

31 Male Lasts up to 9 years and begins older than female Testosterone
Hair Genitals get larger Shoulders get broader and muscles bigger Adam’s apple grows larger Voice Reproductive system begins

32 Menstrual Cycle Once in about 28 days (2-7 days, varies)
Discharge of blood and cells from the lining of the uterus (endometrium) Menstruation WMV 1.35 Physical discomfort First menstruation is called Menarche Continue until Menopause (45-55) Lisa Koch 3.02 Discomforts Male Menopause is called Andropause


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