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The leader of our nation and top official of the executive branch.

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Presentation on theme: "The leader of our nation and top official of the executive branch."— Presentation transcript:

1 The leader of our nation and top official of the executive branch.
President The leader of our nation and top official of the executive branch.

2 Formal Qualifications
Natural born citizen 35 years old Live IN COUNTRY for 14 years

3 Presidential Elections and Limitations
Election for pres. is held once every four years

4 Electoral College Electors = the # of Senators + US Representatives from state (DC has three electoral votes) Total # 538 Operates on “winner-take-all” system To win, you must receive 270 votes If not, decision goes to H of R Read p. 304 and answer #7 under Citizenship activity

5 Roles of the President Chief Executive Chief Diplomat
Commander in Chief Legislative Leader Head of State Economic Leader Party Leader

6 A command by the Pres. that has the force of law.
Chief Executive Executive Order A command by the Pres. that has the force of law. Usually in times of crisis.

7 Appointments Ambassadors Judges Heads Of Govt. Agencies Members Of The Cabinet Supreme Court Justices *Must be Senate approved

8 Job as Chief Diplomat is to deal with foreign countries
President writes Treaties, but the Senate must approve them by a 2/3 vote for them to go in to effect

9 President cannot declare war, but decides HOW a war is fought!
Commander-in-Chief Job: President cannot declare war, but decides HOW a war is fought!

10 The president may suggest needed laws
Legislative Leader The president may suggest needed laws OR he can speak to members of Congress and encourage them to approve a bill

11 Legislative Leader Powers
Appeal to the public OR Veto Bills

12 State of the Union Address
Legislative Leader State of the Union Address Given to Congress to Explain the social and economic conditions of the country

13 Head of State President is the symbol of the nation
Greets foreign diplomats and carries out ceremonial duties

14 Economic Leader Deal with economic issues of the country
Plan the federal budget

15 Party Leader Can help his party by campaigning for other party members in their state.

16 The Pres. appoints US Supreme Court Justices & federal judges
Judicial Leader The Pres. appoints US Supreme Court Justices & federal judges

17 The Cabinet Presidential advisors Heads of Executive Departments Help carry out ex. duties



20 Executive Agencies Independent Agencies responsible for dealing with specialized areas of government ex. NASA

21 Regulatory commissions
Agencies that protect the public by controlling certain types of businesses and industries Ex. FCC Federal Communications

22 Government Corporation
A business the government owns and operates President appoints board of directors and general manager Example the US Postal Service

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