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Carter Scott Joseph Olivarez

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1 Carter Scott Joseph Olivarez
 The SS and The Gestapo  Carter Scott Joseph Olivarez

2 Background WWII discrimination concentration camps
WW I had just ended a few years ago and Germany lost, Hitler blamed the Jews for the loss of the war and the economic crisis they were in. He had started taking over Europe during the war and made concentration camps for Jews and other types of people he did not like during ww2 which led to the SS officers working in the concentration camps.

3 What was the Schutzstaffel (SS)
Hired by Hitler His own personal body guards  1925: 300 men : 50,000 men protecting leaders They were a group of people hired by Adolf Hitler in April They were his  group of personal body guards. In 1925 his group had about 300 men. In the year 1933, Hitler took the office of chancellor  in Germany and his group grew to about 50,000 men. The main job of the SS was to protect Hitler and other Nazi leaders and speakers, providing security for political meetings, and soliciting subscribers to the Nazi party newspaper, Der Volkischer beobachter or The race concise observer The picture is one of the many Nazi propaganda posters, this one supporting the SS.

4 What was the Geheime Staatspolizei (Gestapo)
Founded by Hermann Himmler Secret police of Nazi Germany and occupied Europe  Main tool of oppresion and and destruction  Persecutions  In April 1933 They were the secret police of Nazi Germany and all of the German occupied Europe. They were the main tool of all the oppression (prolonged cruel, or unjust treatment or control) and destruction in Europe. some examples are: They prohibited normal police from interfering with Nazi police in the streets, so the people had no one to turn to if they were getting harrassed by Nazi police, which happened often . They often took advantage of normal police not being able to do anything by looting shops at will and terrorize Jews or anyone else that was caught in the wrong place at the wrong time  persecution= hostility and ill treatment, They were the people that persecuted Germans, opponents of the regime (government, authority), and Jews. This Nazi propaganda poster is supporting the Gestapo.

5 When was this all going down
before and during WWII SS: April 4, 1925 Gestapo: April 1933 The SS started on April and lasted up until the very end of WWII in July The gestapo started in April 1933 and lasted until the end of the war in July 1945

6 Facts about the SS and Gestapo
The Gestapo were responsible for setting up and administering concentration camps The Gestapo had the authority to investigate cases of treason, espionage, sabotage and criminal attacks on the Nazi Party and Germany.  "Schutzstaffel," German for "Protective Echelon,"  GEHEIME STAATSPOLIZEI is german for secret state police Carter- First 2 Joey- second 2

7 Work Cited "The SS". 22. Oct 2013
"Nazi perpetrators: The SS". Jewish Virtual 21. Oct 2013 "The Gestapo". 22. Oct 2013  "The Gestapo". Jewish Virtual 21.Oct 2013 

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