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Presentation on theme: "NAZI CONTROL WITH TERROR"— Presentation transcript:

How the Nazis used a system of terror to maintain control.

2 System of Control Hitler used a very complex system of Terror to control people in Germany and the countries it occupied People often did not support the Nazis but were too scared to speak out Special organisations existed to terrorise people into accepting Nazi rule

3 Himmler The man in charge of Nazi Terror was Heinrich Himmler.

4 GESTAPO This was the secret police
Their job was to crush any opposition to the Nazis. They could arrest and torture without trial They spied on people Tapped Telephone lines Opened mail Even children were taught to inform on their parents

5 POLICE and LAW COURTS The ordinary police ignored most crimes committed by the Nazis The Law courts were under Nazi control . They made new laws with the death penalty Telling an anti Nazi joke Listening to a foreign radio station

6 The SS ‘Protection Squad’
This began as Hitlers private bodyguard but became an elite unit in the German army. Its members were to be aryan – blond hair, blue eyes athletic and without even a filling! It had 3 sections ; one for internal security; one military elite ; one deaths head unit for work in concentration camps

7 Concentration camps Started in 1933 – large prisons for ‘enemies of the state’ They contained Jews, political opponents, Homosexuals, gypsies and any critic of the Nazis Prisoners could be held for any length of time indefinitely and were worked often to death. Later they would become death camps


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