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By: Elianette Santiago Rodriguez, Yadlyn

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1 By: Elianette Santiago Rodriguez, Yadlyn
The Gestapo By: Elianette Santiago Rodriguez, Yadlyn

2 -Who were the Gestapo? (Geheime Staatspolizei)
Secret state police of Nazi Germany and German occupied Europe. Gestapo were secret police, formed out of the existing state police after the Nazis took power. Gestapo was organized in finished on May 8, 1945 Gestapo: 32,000 officers Gestapo controlled the police Gestapo was known for its brutal methods and operations

3 -Why did the Gestapo start?
The Geheime Staatspolizei, or Gestapo, a German secret police force, was created in 1933 after Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany. The Gestapo was created to help solidify Nazi control by identifying and arresting anti- Nazi agents in Germany.

4 -What was the Gestapo purpose?
To hunt out those considered a threat to Nazi Germany. Hunt down everyone who was suspected of treachery to Hitler and anyone who told a joke about Hitler.

5 -Who usually got arrested?
-Terror State: Gestapo was run by Heinrich Himmler Gestapo employed an army of spies who would inform on people -Who usually got arrested? Anybody considered a “threat” People who made fun of Hitler were arrested and killed

6 -How was The Gestapo ran?
The Gestapo could do whatever they wanted to If you didn’t say anything, nothing would happen to you If you did get arrested, you had less than 3 minutes to pack and say goodbye After being arrested you would get sent to a concentration camp


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