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Published byΣπύρος Χατζηιωάννου Modified over 6 years ago
M E S O N Resonance Structure in the γγ and πºπº Systems Observed in dC-Interactions on the JINR Nuclotron Kh.U. Abraamyan, A.B. Anisimov, M.I. Baznat, K.K. Gudima, M.A. Kozhin, V.I. Kukulin, M.A. Nazarenko, S.G. Reznikov, and A.S. Sorin VBLHEP JINR, Dubna, Russia International Center for Advanced Staudies, YSU, Armenia Institute of Applied Physics, Kishinev, Moldova MIREA, Moscow, Russia BLTP JINR, Dubna, Russia Khachik Abraamyan
The plan of the report 1. The first observation;
M E S O N The plan of the report The experimental results: 1. The first observation; 2. Checks. Data simulation. Possible mechanisms of the observed effect. Observation of the resonance in πºπº system. Estimate of branching ratio of the R → π0π0 decay. Conclusion, outlook. Abraamyan Kh.U. et al. 2 2
M E S O N EXPERIMENT The data acquisition of production of neutral mesons and γ-quanta in dC interactions has been carried out with internal beams of the JINR Nuclotron. The experimental setup is schematically represented below (sl. №4). The PHOTON-2 setup includes 32 γ-spectrometers of lead glass. The modules of the γ-spectrometer are assembled into two arms of 16 units. These modules in each arm are divided into two groups of 8 units. The output signals in each group are summed up linearly and after discrimination by amplitude are used in fast triggering. In this experiment, the discriminator threshold was at the level of 0.4 GeV. Triggering takes place when there is a coincidence of signals from two or more groups from different arms. (The block-scheme of electronic equipment is in sl. № 30.) Abraamyan Kh.U. et al. 3 3
PHOTON-2 setup on internal beams of the NUCLOTRON
M E S O N PHOTON-2 setup on internal beams of the NUCLOTRON Abraamyan Kh.U. et al.
M E S O N Invariant mass distributions of γγ pairs without (left) and with (right) the background subtraction. The reaction d(5.5 Gev/c)+C, minimal cuts: Eγ ≥ 50 MeV. Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
The selection criteria
M E S O N The selection criteria (1) the number of photons in an event, Nγ =2; (2) the energies of photons, Eγ ≥ 100 MeV; (3) the summed energy in real and random events ≤ 1.5 GeV. The so-called event mixing method was used to estimate the combinatorial background: combinations of γ-quanta were sampled randomly from different events. Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
M E S O N The first observation (nucl-ex/ ; PR C80, 2009, p ). Invariant mass distributions of γγ pairs without (upper panel) and with (bottom panel) the background subtraction after the criteria (1)-(3). Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
Check of the observed effect
M E S O N Check of the observed effect The dominant part of background comes from the πº → γγ decay. Other sources of background are charged particles as well as neutrons and particles from a general background in the accelerator hall. The contribution of the general background in the experimental hall was estimated from the measurements with empty target: this source contributes less than 1% and is quite smoothly distributed with respect to Mγγ (sl. № 31). Contributions of the given sources were estimated by special measurements with and without veto-detectors S1 and S2 and by comparison of data obtained at different beam intensities. The total contribution of above sources is less than 10% and becomes negligible (< 1%) after subtraction of event mixing background (sl. № 32÷34). Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
Check of the observed effect
M E S O N Check of the observed effect 3. To elucidate the nature of the detected enhancement , we investigate the dependence of its position and width on: the opening angle of two photons, their energy selection level, ratio of their energies, the number of detected photons (the energy of 3-th photon) (sl. № 35÷38). Pair distributions over the opening angle Θγγ for different intervals of the sum of two-photon energy (sl. № 39). 5. Investigations of systematic errors (sl. № 40, 41). 6. Similar analysis within the wavelet method (sl. № 42). 7. Comparisons with another experiments (sl. № 43÷50). 8. Model simulation under the experimental conditions (see below). Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
M E S O N Data simulation To simulate pC-, dC- and dCu- reactions we used a two-phases transport code [K.K. Gudima et al. LANL Report LA-UR , Los Alamos, 2001] The following γ-decay channels are taken into account: the direct decays of πº,η,ή hadrons into two γ’s; ω → πºγ; Δ → Nγ; the Dalitz decays of η → ππγ, η → γee, πº → γee; ή → ρºγ, Σ →Λγ, the πN and NN-bremsstrahlung. Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
M E S O N The calculated γγ invariant mass distributions in dC collisions for selected events with Nγ = 2. Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
M E S O N The comparison of invariant mass distributions after background subtraction in dC → γγX to modeling result without (left panel) and with (right panel) including the ππ →R → γγ channel. Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
Dibaryon mechanism (I)
M E S O N Dibaryon mechanism (I) Recently the idea of nontrivial dibaryon state becomes more attractive. The proposed mechanism NN→d*→NNγγ proceeds through a sequential emission of two photons: one is caused by production of the decoupled baryon resonance d*, second is its subsequent decay. A.S. Khrykin and S.B. Gerasimov, On a possible origin of a resonance-like structure in the two-photon invariant mass spectrum of the reaction pp→ppγγ, arXiv: A.S. Khrykin et al., PRC64 (2001) , NPA721(2003)625 Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
Dibaryon mechanism (II)
M E S O N Dibaryon mechanism (II) Some candidate for its realization might be a model of the intermediate σ-dressed dibaryon. In this model the short-range NN-interaction is described with the s-channel σ exchange associated with the intermediate dibaryon production treated as a σ-dressed six-quark bag. As the result we have decrease of the assumed σ- mass, it is estimated Mσ ~ 350 ÷ 380 MeV. Therefore it should enhance the near-threshold pion and double-pion production. [ V.I.Kukulin et al. J.Phys.G30(2004)287, 30(2004),309] This mechanism is now under investigation. Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
M E S O N II. Observation of the resonance in the invariant mass spectra of two πº mesons Abraamyan Kh.U. et al.
Two πº identification For two π0 identification we have formed and minimized the value: (1) where mπ = 135 MeV – the π0 meson mass, Mij , Mkl – effective masses of different γγ combinations, ΔMij , ΔMkl – corresponding uncertainties in measured values of masses. Abraamyan Kh.U. et al. 17 17
The selection criteria
(1) the energies of photons, Eγ ≥ 50 MeV; (2) the energies of pions (the sum of two photon energy), Eπ ≥ 200 MeV; (3) the sum of two pion energy in real and random events, 0.7 ≤ Eππ ≤ 1.6 GeV; (4) the opening angles of π0π0 pairs, Cos Θππ ≤ 0.93. Abraamyan Kh.U. et al. 18 18
M E S O N The Invariant mass distributions of π0π0 pairs without (upper panel) and with (bottom panel) the background subtraction for the reaction d+C at 2.75 Gev/c per nucleon. The background are normalized to pair numbers in the interval: 450 < Mππ < 550 MeV/c2. The Invariant mass distributions of π0π0 pairs without (upper panel) and with (bottom panel) the background subtraction for the reaction d+C at 2.75 Gev/c per nucleon. The background are normalized to pair numbers in the interval: 450 < Mππ < 550 MeV/c2. Abraamyan Kh.U. et al. 19 19
Check of the observed peak
M E S O N Check of the observed peak To elucidate the nature of the detected enhancement, we investigate the dependence of its position and width on: 1) their energy selection level; 2) the opening angle of two pions (sl. № 27); 3) the value of parameter mπ in Eq. (1) (instead of the value of mπ = 135 MeV) (sl. № 28); 4) the minimal value of S in Eq. (1) (sl. № 29). The result of the changing of observation conditions is quite robust: the position and width of the observed peak remain almost unchanged in different intervals of both energies and opening angles of π0-mesons (taking into account systematic errors due to small acceptance at the opening angle cuts (sl. № 6)), namely, the mean peak position in the invariant mass distribution varies under different conditions in the range 355–368 MeV. The total number of detected events in the region MeV after the background subtraction is 3099 ± 152. Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
M E S O N THE MAIN CHARACTERISTICS OF THE OBSERVED RESONANCE мкб. Mππ = ± 1.9 МэВ, Γ = 48.9 ± 4.9 МэВ. Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
M E S O N ESTIMATE OF BRANCHING RATIO OF THE R → π0π0 DECAY мкб. The branching ratio of the R → π0π0 decay we have estimated by formula: where N – is the number of selected events in the experiment, – is the detection and selection efficiency, and are the selected and the all numbers of R-resonances in the model, respectively. Preliminary: Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
M E S O N Conclusion Following experiments at the JINR Nuclotron the resonans-like enhancement was observed in two-gamma spectrum in dC-interactions (2.75 GeV/c per nucleon). Estimates of its characteristics are: Mγγ =360 ± 7 ± 9 MeV, Γ = 64 ± 18 MeV. The data obtained in the d+C→ γ+γ reaction is confirmed by the d+C→π0+π0 reaction: Mππ = ± 1.9 MeV, Γ = 48.9 ± 4.9 MeV. The ratio of Br(R→γγ) / Br(R→π0π0) = (1.8 ÷ 3.7)·10-3. Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
M E S O N Concluding remarks To understand the nature of the observed effect were attempted some dynamic mechanisms: production of the hypothetic R resonance in ππ interactions during the evolution of the nuclear collision; formation of the R resonance with participation of photons from the Δ decay; the πºπº interaction effect in the 3πº channel of the η decay; a particular decoupled dibaryon mechanism. Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
Concluding remarks, outlook
M E S O N Concluding remarks, outlook The dibaryon mechanism is discussing as a possible explanation of observed enhancement. In this way it can be considered as σ-meson. From the experimental side: new experiments are required to be carried out under conditions appropriate for registration of pairs of two photons within the invariant mass interval of MeV. Some scanning in the beam energy and mass will clarify the possible resonance structure of this effect. Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
For more details see: arXiv:1203.4198
M E S O N Thank you for attention! For more details see: arXiv: Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
M E S O N The invariant mass distributions of two pions for the opening angles 0.8 < Cos Θππ < 0.9 (left) and 0.88 < Cos Θππ < 0.93 (right) under the selection criteria (1)-(4). Do10g\50-40 Abraamyan Kh.U. et al. 27 27
M E S O N The invariant mass distributions of two pairs of two photons at the mass Mγγ = mπ + 25 MeV (left) and Mγγ = mπ + 50 MeV (right) instead of Mγγ = mπ = 135 MeV in Eq. (1). Abraamyan Kh.U. et al. 28 28
M E S O N The invariant mass distributions of two pairs of two photons in different regions of the minimal value of S in Eq. (1). Do10g\50-40 Abraamyan Kh.U. et al. 29 29
The block-scheme of electronic equipment
M E S O N The block-scheme of electronic equipment Abraamyan Kh.U. et al.
With the internal carbon target
M E S O N Invariant mass distributions of γγ pairs in two different runs of measurement under condition Eγ ≥ 50 MeV: with the empty target (dashed histogram) and with the internal carbon target (solid histogram) in the reaction dC → γ +γ +X at 2.75 GeV/c per nucleon. With the internal carbon target Without target Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
Charged particles contribution
M E S O N Charged particles contribution Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
Charged particles contribution after background subtraction
M E S O N Charged particles contribution after background subtraction Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
M E S O N Invariant mass distributions of γγ pairs satisfying the criteria (1) − (2) after background subtraction in the reaction dC = γ +γ +X at 2.75 GeV/c per nucleon for two different beam intensities: 503 events/cycle (a) and 85 events/cycle. Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
M E S O N The invariant mass distributions of two photons for the opening angles 0.55 < cos (Θγγ) < 0.65 (left) and 0.65 < cos (Θγγ) < 0.75 (right) under the selection criteria (1) − (2). Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
M E S O N The invariant mass spectra of γγ pairs for the energy selection Eγ > 400 MeV under the selection criteria (1) - (2), Knorm = Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
M E S O N The invariant mass distributions of γγ pairs from the dC reaction under the criteria: Eγ1 / Eγ2 > 0.5 (left) and Eγ1 / Eγ2 < 0.5 (right) .
M E S O N The invariant mass distributions of γγ pairs from the pC (left) and dC (right) reactions after background subtraction under the criterion: Nγ (Eγ > 300 MeV) = 3 Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
M E S O N Distribution of the opening angle of γγ pairs in dC collisions for the two selections of (E1γ + E2γ). Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
Nγ=3 M E S O N 2 0 1 2 31.05.12 Abraamyan Kh.U. et all. h R Counts M
200 400 600 800 -3000 -2000 -1000 1000 2000 h R N g = 3 , E > 50 MeV dC, Exper. Counts M gg [MeV] Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
M E S O N Nγ=3: 1γ in the L.Arm, 2γ in the R.Arm + 2γ in the L.Arm, 1γ in the R.Arm Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
M E S O N The invariant mass distribution of γγ pairs and the biparametric distribution of the GW of the 8-th order for dC (left) and pC (right) interactions. The distribution is obtained with an additional condition for photon energies Eγ1/Eγ2 > 0.8 and binning in 2MeV. Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
A.Taranenko et.all, Czech.J.Phys. 50S4 (2000) 139, nucl-ex/9910002.
M E S O N A.Taranenko et.all, Czech.J.Phys. 50S4 (2000) 139, nucl-ex/ Results of the invariant-mass analysis of photon pairs (TAPS). The upper frame shows the invariant-mass spectrum which corresponds to the η trigger in the experiment 58Ni+58Ni at 1.9 AGeV. The combinatorial background (dotted line) was determined by event mixing. The lower frame shows the invariant-mass distribution after background subtraction and demonstrates the quality of the background determination.
R. Averbeck et al. (TAPS Collaboration), Z. Phys. A 359, 65 (1997).
M E S O N R. Averbeck et al. (TAPS Collaboration), Z. Phys. A 359, 65 (1997).
M E S O N Comparison with experiments on the “TAPS” 1. Z.Phys.A359, 65(1997): C+C reaction, 2.0A GeV TAPS Opening angles º-102º η energies (GeV) > 0.70 Mean values O.R. energies > 0.457 Mean values Total cr. sect. (b) Arm’s area (m²) Arm’s solid angle (sr) En.res. σ/E (m.v.,%) Sig./B. in : ~ ª (<0.004) ª Sig. ~ √6 ∙ 10^5 PHOTON-2 42º-66º > 1.01 1.21 > 0.652 0.782 0.612 0.424 0.047 6.1 0.027 Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
M E S O N Necessary statistics for same observation in the experiment on TAPS ( Z.Phys.A359, 65(1997): C+C reaction, 2.0A GeV) ~3∙10¹² ∙ (ΔΩPHOTON / ΔΩ TAPS)² ∙ (ΔMPHOTON / ΔMTAPS)² ∙ [(S/B)PHOTON / (S/B)TAPS]² S/B=0.0014 ~3∙10¹² ∙ (0.047 / 0.257)² ∙ (3.0 / 6.1)² ∙ (0.027 / )² = 9 ∙ 10¹² interactions, S/B<0.004 : > 1.1 ∙ 10¹² interactions. Ncycle > (1.1 ∙ 10¹² ) / (5 ∙ 10^6 ∙ ω ) = = accelerator cycles, ω = ρx∙(NA / A)∙ σ(CC) = 0.049, ρx = g/cm ² For indication (+3 st.err.) : > acceler. cycles Abraamyan Kh.U. et all.
M E S O N WA80 Collaboration, Phys.Lett. B361 (1995) 14, hep-ex/ Invariant mass distributions for the 200 AGeV/c (SPS) S+Au data in the 0 (a) and η (b) mass range after background subtraction. The signal to the background ratio is 5.7·10-2 and 7·10-4.
M E S O N WASA-CELSIUS (Int. J. of Mod. Phys. A, 2005, v.20, p.554): (a) M spectrum after kinematic fit.The dotted histogram in shows background expected from misidentified π0π0 events. (b) The same as (a), but for Tp = 1.2 GeV.
M E S O N J.Banaigs, J.Berger et al. ABC and DEF effects// Nucl.Phys. B67, (1973),1.
… Thus in attention has been accepted as the basic decay
M E S O N L. N. Andronenko, B.L. Gorshkov, G.E. Solyakin Preprint of PINP 2792, Gatchina … Thus in attention has been accepted as the basic decay σ → π + π, and till now remaining hypothetical branch σ → γ + γ. … Three differing branches of … splittings of nuclei of tungsten by protons with energy of 1 GeV testify to presence of three discrete values of energy of excitation of the residual nucleus (thus the energy of excitation reserved in a residual nucleus, can be in an interval of MeV). This experimental fact allows to conclude that there is a possibility of absorption of both particles of disintegration in a nucleus, and also possibility of absorption of one and emission another and, at last, possibility of emission of both particles of disintegration. Such scheme well corresponds to the mechanism of connection of σ-meson formation with three versions of nuclear splittings.
M E S O N Approximation of the peak in sl № 7 by the Breight-Wigner function (solid line). The dashed line is the approximation by the Gaussian. Abraamyan Kh.U. et al.
M E S O N Approximation of the peak in sl № 19 by the Breight-Wigner function (dashed line). The solid line is the approximation by the Gaussian. Abraamyan Kh.U. et al.
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