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Gomel School of Physics 2005

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1 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Physics at hadron collider with Atlas 3rd lecture Simonetta Gentile Università di Roma La Sapienza, INFN on behalf of Atlas Collaboration Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

2 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Outline Introduction to Hadron Collider Physics LHC and ATLAS detector Test of Standard Model at LHC Parton distribution function QCD + jet physics Electroweak physics (Z/W –bosons) Top physics Search for Higgs boson Supersymmetry Conclusions 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

3 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Cross Section of Various SM Processes The LHC uniquely combines the two most important virtues of HEP experiments: High energy 14 TeV and high luminosity 1033 – 1034/cm2/s Low luminosity phase 1033/cm2/s = 1/nb/s approximately 200 W-bosons 50 Z-bosons 1 tt-pair will be produced per second! Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

4 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Status of SM model High precision measurements→ Test of Standard Model 1000 data points combined in 17 observables calculated in SM TOP MASS a em(precision ) (critical part Da had) GF (precision ) (→MW) Mz(precision )from line-shape as(Mz) precision hadronic observable Mtop and MHiggs Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

5 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Top Mass from Semi-Leptonic Events j1 j2 b-jet t W Reconstruct mt from hadronic W decay Constrain two light quark jets to mW 70% top purity - efficiency 1.2 % Atlas 3.5 million semileptonic events in 10 fb-1 (first year of LHC operation) Error on mt   1 – 2 GeV Dominated by Jet energy scale (b-jets) Final state radiation Linear with input Mtop Largely independent on Top PT Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

6 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Top Mass from Other Channels Di-lepton events: BR  5% low background but two neutrinos in final state mt   1.7 GeV Atlas Fully hadronic events: BR  45% difficult jet enviroment mt   3 GeV Correlation di-lepton mass to top mass from ATLAS (Bentvelsen talk) high pT sample is for semi-leptonic, right? select high pT of top quarks to increase signal to background Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

7 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Top Mass from J/ channel Method: Partial reconstruction of top J/ + lepton The lepton from W decay is rather sensitive to mt BR(ttWb+qqJ/)  efficiency (e ~ 30%) Low background indipendent of jet energy scale limited by b fragmentation & needs high luminosity L =100fb-1 Estimated ultimate precision: mt  1 GeV Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

8 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Top mass from J/ M J/ Atlas Different systematics (almost no sensitivity to FSR) Uncertainty on the b-quark fragmentation function becomes the dominant error Atlas M(J/+ ) M(J/) Pttop Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

9 Gomel School of Physics 2005
W Polarization Massive gauge bosons have three polarization states At LEP in e+e  W+W : determine W helicity from lepton (quark) decay angle in W rest frame  (1  cos )2 transverse sin2 longitudinal Fraction of longitudinal W in e+e  W+W 0.218  0.031 SM: 0.24 Tevatron: Longitudinal W in top decays 0.91  CDF 0.56  D0 SM: 0.7 Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

10 W Polarization in Top Decays
Use tt events to study the Lorentz structure of tt decays. P ossible W configuration in top decays. Standard Model Within SM (V-A coupling) only 2 configuration are allowed Lepton kinematical distribution are rather sensitive to W boson helicity Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

11 Gomel School of Physics 2005
W Polarization in Top Decays A sensitive W spin analyser in top decays is the angle q* between the charged lepton in W rest frame and W in top rest frame cos q* cos q* Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

12 Gomel School of Physics 2005
W Polarization in Top Decays F0=0.699 ± 0.005 FL=0.299 ± 0.003 FR=0.002 ± 0.003 SM ATLAS (±stat ±syst) F0 0.703   0.015 F- 0.297   0.024 F+ 0.000   0.012 ATLAS 10 fb-1 Atlas Systematic dominated by b-jet scale. Precision on fraction of long.polarization W~ 0.03 after 10fb-1 Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

13 Use double leptonic decays Gomel School of Physics 2005
tt Spin Correlation Very short lifetime, no top bound states Spin info not diluted by hadron formation Measure the correlation through the angular distribution of daughter of articles in top rest frame Distinguishes between quark annihilation A = and gluon fusion A = Predicted value A=0.31 Use double leptonic decays tt  bb l l Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

14 tt-correlation dileptonic events
Double leptonic decays tt  bb l l e+/+ top  * θ*  angle of charged lepton in top (or antitop) rest frame <Cos θ *+  · Cos θ * - > <Cos θ *+  · Cos θ *-  > With helicity correlation Without helicity correlation Dilepton and -Semileptonic events analysis with same power to probe SM at 5s in 10fb-1 Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

15 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Single Top Production Production mechanisms and cross sections:  10 pb  60 pb  245 pb 1 2 3 direct measurement of Vtb ( observable by Tevatron in Run II ) tt final states (LHC,10 fb-1) W→en,mn process 1 (0.5M) :  + n + 4jets process 2 (0.12M) :  + n + 3ets process 3 (0.02M) : 2 + n + 2jets Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

16 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Single Top Production Production mechanisms and cross sections:  10 pb  60 pb  245 pb Process Vtb (stat) Vtb (theory) 1 0.4% 6% 2 1.4% 3 2.7% 5% Selection: t  bW  b e () b-jet + high pT lepton reconstruction of top mass Background from tt signal to bkgd : 1 experimental determination of Vtb to percent level (with 30 fb-1) Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

17 Radiative top production
Determination of Top Charge Top charge: Qt = +2/3 not yet established t  W+b Qt = -4/3 not yet excluded t  W–b Methods: jet charge determination. Measure the lepton charge from W decays and distinguish b-quark from anti-b with jet charge determination ttg events . Final state photon radiation would be more likely if |Q| is larger. cross section proportional to Q2top. Radiative top production Radiative top decay Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

18 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Determination of Top Charge Determine charge from rate of radiative tt events pT spectrum of photons for 10 fb-1: Atlas Qt = +2/3 Qt = -4/3 Q=2/3 Q=-4/3 pptt 101 ± 10 295 ± 17 pptt ; tWb 6.2 ± 2.5 2.4 ± 1.5 Total background 38 ± 6 events pT() Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

19 Top Charge Determination ATL-PHYS-2003-035
Determine charge of b-jet and combine with lepton Use di-lepton sample Investigate ‘wrong’ combination b-jet charge and lepton charge Effective separation b and b-bar possible in first year LHC Study systematics in progress Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

20 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Measurement of tt cross section Total cross section: At 14 TeV interesting in itself Sensitive to top mass tt  1/mt2 Differential cross sections: d/dpT checks pdf d/d checks pdf d/dmtt sensitive to production of heavy object decaying to top-pairs Xtt Atlas xBR required for a discovery Atlas 1.6 TeV resonance 830fb 30 fb-1 σxBR [fb] 300 fb-1 Mtt mtt [GeV/c2] 1TeV Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005 A resonance could be discovered if sxBr >830 fb

21 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Summary & Conclusions SM physics at the LHC with ATLAS Very important in initial phase to check detector to check generators (pdf) to prepare discoveries Large potential for precision measurements large cross sections precision limited by systematics use as many different strategies as possible Credits: Marina Cobal, Matt Dobbs, Fabiola Gianotti, Alexander Oh, Dominique Pallin,Sergey Slabospitsky Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

22 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Standard Model Higgs Search Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

23 Combination of Measurements
Only best analysis from each decay mode, each experiment. Year Mtop [GEV] MHiggs 2003 174.3±5.1 < 219 2004 178.0±4.3 < 251 2005 (june) 174.3±3.4 < 208 2005 (july) 172.7±2.9 ? Expected precision in 2007 at Tevatron: ± ~1GeV EPS95 KojiSato Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

24 Gomel School of Physics 2005
SM Higgs search at Tevatron S.Lammel, Fermilab,LP05 New Tevatron results LP05 Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

25 Higgs Production Mechanism@ LHC Gomel School of Physics 2005
Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005 4 production mechanisms key to measure H-boson parameters

26 Standard Model Higgs production
Direct production gg fusion gg fusion dominant Associated production tt H, WH, ZH : 1-10% of gg fusion isolated lepton from W decay reconstruct top-quarks WW/ZZ fusion VectorBosonFusion 20% of gg at 120 GeV 2 large h Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

27 Properties of Higgs boson
The Higgs boson couples to particles proportionally their mass → preferred decays in heaviest particle allowed. W+, Z, t,b,c, t+ …. g H W-, Z, t,b,c, t- …. g Lepton & photons are essential final state against QCD background bb decay mode only possible in associated production tt… Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

28 Higgs Discovery Channels at LHC Gomel School of Physics 2005
Dominant BR for mH<2mZ:  (H  bb)  20 pb;  (bb)  500 b for m(H) = 120 GeV no hope to trigger or extract fully hadronic final states look for final states with ,  ( = e, ) m(H) > 2 mZ : H  ZZ  4 qqH  ZZ    * qqH  ZZ   jj * qqH  WW jj * * for mH > 300 GeV forward jet tag Low mass region: m(H) < 2 mZ : H   : small BR, but best resolution H  bb : good BR, extract backg ttH, WH H  ZZ*  4 H  WW*   or jj : via VBFand direct production H   : via VBF Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

29 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Discovery in a channel Particle decaying in X → mm Signal significance Ns= number of signal events Nb= number of background events peak In the signal region mmm Error on number of background events (for large statistics, for low Poisson statistics) S > 5 : signal larger 5 times error on background. Gaussian probability that background fluctuates up more than 5 s is 10-7→ DISCOVERY Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

30 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Considerations Detector resolution If the detector resolution became worst sm . To keep the same number of signal events, Ns ,the region has to be 2 times larger to keep the same number of events. If background flat →→ Nb ,increases ~ 2 decrease An high resolution detector has better chance for a discovery If GH << s m (if the width particle X is broad of detector resolution this comment is not important) Remind : mH = 100 GeV → GH ~ GeV mH = 200 GeV → GH ~ 1 GeV mH = 600 GeV → GH ~ 100 GeV GH ~ m3 Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

31 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Considerations Luminosity Ns ~ L Nb ~ L S ~√ L Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

32 Gomel School of Physics 2005
The Challenge Theoretical limits: M(Higgs) < 1 TeV LEP Experimental limits: M(Higgs) > GeV Indirect constraints: M(Higgs) < 208 GeV Atlas Safe channels: H→ gg H→ZZ→     here discovery “easy” with H  4 Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

33 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Prospects for Standard Model Higgs searches Discovery: several complementary channels. some channels with very exclusive topologies (large bgd. suppression). Coupling 30fb-1. Mass, width (direct and indirect). Detector performance is crucial: b-tag, / , E-resolution, g/j separation, ETmiss resolution, forward jet tags, central jet-veto, t-reconstruction. LEP direct MH>114.4 CL EW fit MH<211 CL Atlas Expected results discussed at Integrated Luminosity of 10fb-1 30fb fb-1. Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

34 Gomel School of Physics 2005
SM-like Higgs searches early reach Low mass mH ~ 115 GeV LEP : mH > GeV observation of all channels important to extract convincing signal 4-5  significance in first year ( Several channels give ~ 2 s significance 10 fb-1 ) H   relies only on electromagnetic calorimeter, (constant term < 0.7 %) Atlas Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

35 Gomel School of Physics 2005
MH= 115 GeV H   b ttH  tt bb  b bjj bb H qqH  qq H   ttH  ttbb qqH  qq ( + -had) S ~ 10 B ~ 10 S/B Signif CLb Total S/ B for 10 fb-1 and complete detector: ~ 4.2  Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

36 Gomel School of Physics 2005
SM-like Higgs searches early reach Inter mass mH ~ 130 GeV observation of all channels important to extract convincing signal 6  significance in first year ( Several channels give <3 s significance 10 fb-1 ) 4 complementary channels  robustness  H  4 : low rate but very clean (large S/B, narrow mass peak) < 3 significance per channel (except qqWW counting channel) Atlas Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

37 Gomel School of Physics 2005
MH= 130 GeV Intemediate mass 10 fb-1 complete detector H   qqH  qq H  4 qqH  qqWW ( + -had) S ~ ~ B ~ < S/B ~ ~ 1 Signif ~ CLb Total S/B for 10 fb-1 and complete detector: ~ 6.5  Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

38 H -> ZZ* ->4 leptons Gomel School of Physics 2005
Light Higgs Search: H -> ZZ* ->4 leptons s Br = 5.7 fb (mH =100 GeV) Example of analysis: PT of 2 most energetic m > 20 GeV PT of 2 less energetic m > 7 GeV |η|<2.5 (barrel) M(  ) ~ Mz M(  ) < Mz Invariant mass constraints background L =100 fb-1 Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

39 H -> ZZ* ->4 leptons Gomel School of Physics 2005
Light Higgs Search: H -> ZZ* ->4 leptons background Top production tt →W b W b →n cn n cn s Br ≈ 1300 fb W b W b Associated production of Zbb Zbb → c n cn s Br(Z→mm) ≈ 22.8pb To reject the background: 1.leptons from b-quarks decays are not isolated 2. don’t originated from primary vertex (tb ~1.5 ps) ZZ background after isolation cut continuum s Br(Z→bb) Br(Z→mm) ≈ 0.15pb Discovery potential in mass range from ~ 130 GeV to 600 GeV Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

40 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Light Higgs Search: H -> ZZ* -> 4m 100fb–1 required lumi for discovery 100fb–1 Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

41 Gomel School of Physics 2005
H→gg Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

42 Light Higgs Search: gg, ttH channels Gomel School of Physics 2005
100fb–1 Significance: 2.8 to 4.3 for 100 fb-1 Signal significance (5) : mH < 120 GeV needs 100 fb–1 Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

43 VBF Higgs boson production at low mass Gomel School of Physics 2005
Distinctive Signature of: - two high PT forward jets - little jet activity in the central region  Jet Veto Rapidity distribution of tag jets VBF Higgs events vs. tt-background Channels studied: qqH   qqWW*  qq  n  n  qqH  qq t t   qq  n n  n n  qq  n n had n Higgs tt h jet Hard leptons with distinctive kinematics; Full H->tt reconstruction possible Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

44 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Forward jet tagging Rapidity distribution of tag jets VBF Higgs events vs. tt-background Rapidity separation Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

45 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Background el.weak background: WW jj production Z + 2 jets QCD backgrounds: tt production Z + 2 jets Background rejection: qqH   qqWW*  qq l n l n Lepton PT cuts and tag jet requirements (Dh, PT) Require large mass of tag jet system Jet veto Lepton angular and mass cuts Higgs boson (mH = 160 GeV) tt background g* / Z + jets el.weak WW jj Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

46 Gomel School of Physics 2005
qq→qq W W*→qq  n  n  Transverse distribution excess On the background tt -production Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

47 Gomel School of Physics 2005
qq→qq W W*→qq  n  n  K.Jacobs Azimuthal difference Between the two leptons Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

48 mT = 2pT ETmiss(1-cosf) Gomel School of Physics 2005
H  WW*   mT = 2pT ETmiss(1-cosf) Observe excess in transverse mass distribution S ~ events for 10fb-1 B ~ events p H W l n n l Two isolated leptons Two forward tag jets Central jet veto: pT<20 GeV lepton angular correlation Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

49 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Vector Boson Fusion These studies demonstrate that vector boson fusion channels may be accessible in the low mass region already in the first year. 10 5 1 mHiggs (GeV) 200 Signal significance ATLAS qqH  qq qqH  qqWW All channels For 10 fb-1 in ATLAS: 5 s significance for 120  mH  190 GeV Results are conservative: K-factor not included very simple analyses used Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

50 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Low mass remarks The 3 channels are complementary  robustness: different production and decay modes different backgrounds different detector/performance requirements: -- ECAL crucial for H   (in particular response uniformity) : /m ~ 1% needed -- b-tagging crucial for ttH : 4 b-tagged jets needed to reduce combinatorics -- efficient jet reconstruction over || < 5 crucial for qqH  qq : forward jet tag and central jet veto needed against background Note : all require “low” trigger thresholds. e.g. ttH analysis cuts : pT () > 20 GeV, pT (jets) > GeV Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

51 Gomel School of Physics 2005
200 GeV<MH<600 GeV Large mass 10 fb-1 complete detector 200 GeV < m(Higgs) < 600 GeV: - discovery in H  ZZ  +-+- background smaller than signal, Higgs natural width larger than experimental resolution (mHiggs > 300 GeV) - confirmation in H  ZZ  +- jj channel H  ZZ  +-+- m(Higgs) > 600 GeV: 4 lepton channel statistically limited H  ZZ  +- nn H  ZZ  +- jj , H  WW  +n jj (150 times larger BR than 4l channel) Event signature: high pT lepton, two high pT jets Combination of analyses allows Higgs discovery in full mass range Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

52 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Higgs signal in ATLAS LHC can probe entire set of ”allowed” Higgs mass values (100 GeV – 1 TeV) at least 2 channels for most of range Atlas Full mass range can be covered After few years at low luminosity 30 fb-1 Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

53 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Discovery potential All channels together For most of the mass range at least two channels available Good sensitivity over the full mass range from ~ 100 GeV to ~ 1TeV mH<180 GeV: several complementary channels (gg, ttbb, 2ETmiss , 3ETmiss, 4 , tt) mH>180 GeV: easy with gold-plated H  ZZ*  4 Challenging channels (multijets…, WH) not included Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

54 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Standard Model Higgs Once Higgs boson has been discovered measure its properties: Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

55 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Measurement of the Higgs boson mass No theoretical error Dominant systematic uncertainty: g /, E scale. Assumed 1‰ Goal ‰ Scale from Z   (close to light Higgs) Assumed 1% jets Resolution for g g &   1.5 GeV/c2 bb 15 GeV/c2 At large masses decreasing precision due to large GH Dominated from ZZ→4  and H → g g Higgs boson mass can be measured with a precision of 0.1% over a large mass range (130 - ~450 GeV / c2) Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

56 Measurement of Branching Ratios Gomel School of Physics 2005
Measurement of relative branching ratios Fitting Br(H->XX) (assume Higgs production works as in SM) Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

57 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

58 Measurement of Higgs Boson Couplings Gomel School of Physics 2005
Global likelihood-fit (at each possible Higgs boson mass) Input: measured rates, separated for the various production modes Output: Higgs boson couplings, normalized to the WW-coupling Relative couplings can be measured with a precision of 10-20% (for 300 fb-1) Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

59 Gomel School of Physics 2005
Conclusions on the SM Higgs mH > GeV Inclusion of Vector Boson Fusion channels improves SM Higgs discovery potential: ~10 fb-1 needed for 5s discovery over the full (interesting) mass range 30 fb-1 more robust result here discovery “easy” with H  4 Simonetta Gentile Gomel School of Physics 2005

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