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Searches for rare Bs Decays with the DØ Detector

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1 Searches for rare Bs Decays with the DØ Detector
Ralf Bernhard University of Zürich HEP Seminar University of Freiburg May 10th 2006

2 Outline Motivation for FCNC searches FNAL and DØ Detector
Search for the Decay Bs → μ+μ- Search for the Decay Bs →  μ+μ- Observation of the Decay Bs →  ψ(2S) Summary

3 History of FCNC Particle physics until the '70 knew only three light quarks (u,d,s) which could mix due to the Cabibbo angle θc As a consequence s → d transitions can occur because This was in contradiction with experimental situation in '64 – '70, no such transition in Kaon decays were observed (limits order of 10-6) In 1970 Glashow, Iliopoulos, Maiani (GIM) proposed a new quark (charm) to cancel the unobserved FCNC transitions (at tree level). Historically the GIM mechanism allowed charm mass prediction before it was observed in J/ψ (cc) resonances 1974 d s Z

4 Purely leptonic B decay
B->l+ l- decay is helicity suppressed FCNC SM: BR(Bs->m+m-) ~ 3.410-9 depends only on one SM operator in effective Hamiltonian, hadronic uncertainties small Bd relative to Bs suppressed by |Vtd/Vts|2 ~ 0.04 if no additional sources of flavor violation reaching SM sensitivity: present limit for Bs -> m+m- comes closest to SM value SM expectations: Current published limits: Br(Bdl+l-) Br(Bsl+l-) l = e 3.4 × 10-15 8.0 × 10-14 l=μ 1.0 × 10-10 3.4 × 10-9 l=τ 3.1 × 10-8 7.4 × 10-7 C.L. 90% Br(Bdl+l-) Br(Bsl+l-) l = e < 6.1 ·10-8 < 5.4 ·10-5 l=μ < 8.3 ·10-8 <1.5 x 10-7 l=τ < 3.1·10-3 < 5.0%

5 Purely leptonic B decay
excellent probe for many new physics models particularly sensitive to models w/ extended Higgs sector BR grows ~tan6b in MSSM 2HDM models ~ tan4b mSUGRA: BR enhancement correlated with shift of (g-2)m also, testing ground for minimal SO(10) GUT models Rp violating models, contributions at tree level (neutralino) dark matter … Two-Higgs Doublet models: Rp violating:

6 Motivation for FCNC searches
FNAL and DØ Detector Search for the Decay Bs → μ+μ- Search for the Decay Bs →  μ+μ- Observation of the Decay Bs →  ψ(2S) Summary

7 TeVatron New Main Injector and Antiproton Reycler
Increase number of bunches 6×6→ 36× 36 Reduce bunch spacing μs → 396ns Increase beam energy GeV → 980 GeV Projected integrated luminosity per experiment: ≈ 2 fb ≈ 8 fb Highest initial luminosity so far 1.7×1032 cm-2 s-1 1.18fb-1 recorded per experiment Data taking efficiency: 85-90%

8 Integrated Luminosity

9 B production at the TeVatron
bb cross section orders of magnitude larger than at B-factories (4S) or Z σ(pp → bb) = 150μb at 2TeV σ(e+e- → Z → bb) = 7nb σ(e+e- → Υ(4S) → bb) = 1nb all kinds of b hadrons produced: Bd, Bs, Bc, B**, b, b, … However: QCD background overwhelming, b-hadrons hidden in 103 larger background events complicated, efficient trigger and reliable tracking necessary crucial for B physics program: good vertexing & tracking triggers w/ large bandwidth, strong background rejection muon system w/ good coverage e.g., integrated cross sections for |y|<1: (B+, pT  6 GeV/c)~4 mb Lots going on in Si detector

10 The DØ Experiment Excellent coverage of Tracking and Muon Systems
Forward muon system with |η|<2 and good shielding 4-layer Silicon and 16-layer Fiber Trackers in 2 T magnetic field SMT

11 Tracking System small tracking volume w/ radius ~0.5 m
impact parameter resolution: ~50 m at pT ~ 1 GeV/c ~10 m at higher pT 2nd vertex resolution ~40 m (r,) ~80 m (r, z)

12 Muon System 3 layer of drift tube + scintillators ( < 2)
Toroid magnet between 1st and 2nd layer allows stand-alone momentum measurement Central Proportional Drift Tubes 6624 drift cells (10.1 cm  5.5 cm) Stacked in 3- and 4- deck chambers Forward Mini Drift Tubes cell tubes (9.4mm  9.4 mm) Provides fast L1 trigger signal Scintillation Counters (forward and central) 4214 forward, 630 central counters Segmentation 0.1mm * 4.5mm in  Provide fast L1 trigger signal

13 Triggers for B physics robust and quiet di-muon and single-muon triggers keys to B physics program at DØ large coverage ||<2, p>1.5-5 GeV – depends on Luminosity and trigger variety of triggers based on Level 1/2: based on Muon hits aided by Fiber Tracker (hardware/hybrid) Level 3: flexible and fast reconstruction of full event typical total rates at medium luminosity (7 x 1031 s-1cm-2) di-muons : Hz / 20 Hz / 2 L1/L2/L3 single muons : 120 Hz / 100 Hz / 50 L1/L2/L3 (has to be prescaled) muon L1: 90% - all physics! Current total trigger bandwidth (input ~1.6 MHz) 1800 Hz / 800 Hz / 50 L1/L2/L3

14 Motivation for FCNC searches
FNAL and DØ Detector Search for the Decay Bs → μ+μ- Search for the Decay Bs →  μ+μ- Observation of the Decay Bs →  ψ(2S) Summary

15 Di-Muon Data Sample Signal Region (not able to separate Bs and Bd)
300 pb-1 Signal Region (not able to separate Bs and Bd)

16 Strategy Published a limit using 240pb-1
Using a slightly larger data set (300pb-1) for a Tevatron combination note (which yielded the current best published limit) Using additional recorded data Obtain sensitivity (blind analysis) with additional data set w/o changing the analysis procedure Combine sensitivity with existing published limit Used in previous analysis Still blind!

17 Selection Cuts Cut on Mass region of di-muon sample 4.5 < m < 7 GeV/c2 Two good muons with a net charge of zero and a pT greater than 2.5 GeV The triggered muons have reconstructed tracks in the tracker with at least 3 hits in the Silicon tracker at least 4 hits in the Fiber tracker Good reconstructed vertex Cut on the uncertainty of the transverse decay length (Lxy) < 150 m A minimum pT of the Bs candidate of 5 GeV is required 38k events remain 300 pb-1 blinded signal region: 5.160 < m < GeV/c2; ±2 wide, =90 MeV Sideband regions: 540 MeV/c2 each

18 Searching the Needle! Using discriminating variables!
Potential sources of background: continuum  Drell-Yan sequential semi-leptonic b->c->s decays double semi-leptonic bb-> X b/c->x+fake fake + fake Using discriminating variables!

19 Discriminating Variables
Opening angle between the vertex direction and the muon pair "Pointing consistency" Decay length significance (Lxy /σ(Lxy)) Isolation of the B candidate with

20 Optimisation Procedure
Optimise cuts on a data sub sample data and keep signal region as blind box Performed random grid search of the 3 discriminating variables Maximise sensitivity of searches for new signals (physics/030863) Define α as significance of the test a is the number of sigmas for α (i.e 95% →2σ→a = 2)

21 Optimization Procedure II
Correct statistical practice requires to decide before the experiment the values of  and CL S/√B may push the experiment efficiency down to very small values, e.g. 0.1 expected signal events with a background of 10-5 over 10 signal expect and 1background event S/√(S+B) cannot be maximized without knowing the x-section of the searched signal Independent of the expectations for a signal to be present thus allowing an unbiased optimization No dependence on metric or priors Independent of choice of a limit setting algorithm Punzi’s proposal can be for setting limits and discovery, by setting the constant a

22 Optimisation Results Decay length significance: > 18.5
Opening angle: α < 0.2 rad Isolation: Iso > 0.56 Expect 4.3 ± 1.2 background events Observe 4 events in Signal Region

23 Normalisation Channel B+→J/ψK+
Use the decay of the decay J/ψ →μ+μ- to cancel μ+μ- efficiencies Vertex an additional track to the di-muon pair Additional cuts on the Kaon and B candidate are: Kaon pT > 0.9 GeV/c Collinearity of > 0.9 is required χ2 of the vertex fit contribution not more than 10, together not more than 20 Fit of a Gaussian as signal plus a quadratic function as background.

24 DØ Sensitivity 400 pb-1 additional Cut Values changed only slightly!
Expect 2.2 ± 0.7 background events additional 400 pb-1

25 Limit Calculation R = BR(Bd)/BR(Bs) is small due to |Vtd/Vts|^2
eB+ /eBs relative efficiency of normalization to signal channel eBd /eBs relative efficiency for Bd-> m+ m- versus Bs-> m+ m- events in Bs search channel (~0.95) fs/fu fragmentation ratio (in case of Bs limit) - use world average with 15% uncertainty DØ Bs->mm 240 pb-1 5.1×10-7 Published 300 pb-1 4.0×10-7 Prelim. DØ <Bs->mm 700 pb-1 <2.3×10-7> Sensitivity all limits below are 95% C.L. Bayesian incl. sys. uncertainty

26 Systematic Uncertainties
Efficiency ratio determined from MC with checks in data on trigger/tracking etc. Large uncertainty due to fragmentation ratio Background uncertainty from interpolating fit

27 Tevatron limit combination I
fragmentation ratio b->Bs/b->Bu,d standard PDG value as default Tevatron only fragmentation (from CDF) improves limit by 15% uncorrelated uncertainties: uncertainty on eff. ratio uncertainty on background correlated uncertainties: BR of B± -> J/(->mm) K± fragmentation ratio b->Bs/b->Bu,d quote also an average expected upper limit and single event sensitivity DØ has larger acceptance due to better h coverage, CDF has greater sensitivity due to lower background expectations

28 world-best limit, only factor 35 away from SM
Combination II 2-Higgs Doublet Model world-best limit, only factor 35 away from SM BR(Bs-> m+ m- ) < 1.2 (1.5) × 90% (95%) C.L. Combined TeVatron Limit: R. Bernhard et al. hep-ex/

29 Constraining dark matter
mSUGRA model: strong correlation between BR(Bs->m+m-) with neutralino dark matter cross section especially for large tanb constrain neutralino cross section with less than, within and greater than 2 of WMAP relic density universal Higgs mass parameters CDF & DØ CDMS non-universal Higgs mass Parameters, dHu=1, dHd=-1 CDF & DØ S. Baek et al., JHEP 0502 (2005) 067

30 Ms vs Bs  +-

31 Prospects Expectation for Bs → μ+μ- TeVatron

32 Motivation for FCNC searches
FNAL and DØ Detector Search for the Decay Bs → μ+μ- Search for the Decay Bs →  μ+μ- Observation of the Decay Bs →  ψ(2S) Summary

33 Search for Bs ->  m+m-
long-term goal: investigate b -> s l+ l- FCNC transitions in Bs meson exclusive decay: Bs ->  m+m- SM prediction: short distance BR: ~1.6×10-6 about 30% uncertainty due to B-> form factor 2HDM: enhancement possible, depending on parameters for tanb and MH+ presently only one published limit CDF Run I: 95% C.L.

34 Search for Bs ->  m+m-
Dilepton mass spectrum in b -> s l l decay 300 pb-1 of dimuon data normalize to resonant decay Bs -> J/y f cut on mass region 0.5 < M(mm) < 4.4 GeV/c2 excluding J/y & y’ two good muons, pt > 2.5 GeV/c two additional oppositely charged tracks pt>0.5 GeV/c for f f candidate in mass range < M(f) < GeV/c2 good vertex pt(Bs cand.) > 5 GeV/c non-resonant decay: cut out J/ and ’ J/y Y(2S)

35 Search for Bs ->  m+m-
Blind analysis: optimization with following variables in random grid search Pointing angle Decay length significance Isolation Background modeled from sidebands Use resonant decay Bs -> J/y f with same cuts as normalization Gaussian fit with quadratic background: 73 ± 10 ± 4 Bs-> J/y f resonant decays

36 Discriminating Variables
Decay length significance: > 10.3 Opening angle: α < 0.1 rad Isolation: Iso > 0.72

37 Limit on Bs ->  m+ m- submited to PRL hep-ex/0604015
expected background from sidebands: 1.6 ± 0.4 events observe zero events in signal region BR(Bs -> f m+m-)/BR(Bs -> J/y f) < 4.4 × 95% C.L. Using central value for BR(Bs -> J/y f) = 9.3×10-4 PDG2004: BR(Bs -> f m+m-) < 95% C.L. x10 improvement w.r.t previous limit submited to PRL hep-ex/

38 Expected limit Bs ->  m+m-
expected limit at 95% C.L. for Bs ->  m+m-

39 Motivation for FCNC searches
FNAL and DØ Detector Search for the Decay Bs → μ+μ- Search for the Decay Bs →  μ+μ- Observation of the Decay Bs →  ψ(2S) Summary

40 Motivation for Bs →  ψ(2S)
PDG says decay has been “seen” (1 event observed at ALEPH in 1992 when they measured the Bs mass ) Historically: The decay B+  (2S) K+ was observed at ARGUS 1990 B  (2S) K*0 was observed in CDF Run I in 1998 B  (2S) Ks and B+  (2S)K*+ by CLEO in 2000 Measurements show that the rates of B+ and B0 mesons decay to (2S) states is approximately 60% of the analogues decay to J/ The relative branching ratio Bs  (2S) / Bs  J/ was now recently measured by CDF (they published before us) Strategy: Use B+  (J/,(2S)) K+ as control channel Reconstruct the decay Bs  J/ Move the Di-Muon mass window to the (2S) resonance (3.45 GeV/c2 < m< 3.95 GeV/c2)

41 Control Channel Comparison with BaBar

42 Bs →  ψ(2S) Candidates Significance of 6σ
Loose selection of candidates Use of Discriminating Variables Significance of 6σ Expect 1.8 ±1.3 events

43 Calculation of the Ratio

44 Summary A search for the FCNC decay Bs → μ+μ- has been presented.
Importance of this decay to constrain models beyond the SM. We have more data recorded to further improve (observe) the limit (decay). Expect an update/combination for the summer. A search for the FCNC decay Bs → +μ- has been presented. The obtained limit improves the published limit by a factor of 10 (with just a 1/3 of the recorded data). This decay mode should be observable in Run II. The observation of decay Bs → (2S) has been presented. The results for the BR are in agreement with the expectations (around 60% with respect to the corresponding J/  mode).

45 Maybe.... 2fb-1


47 Summary A new expected sensitivity on the decay Bs → μ+μ- has been presented. Goal is to improve the sensitivity, using new discriminating variables and multivariate techniques, unblind if sensitive is around A Limit on the decay Bs → μ+μ- has been presented. Improving the current published value by a factor of 10.

48 Example: SO(10) symmetry breaking model
Implications Example: SO(10) symmetry breaking model R. Dermisek et al. hep-ph/ Contours of constant Br(Bsμ+μ-)

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