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PANDA and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

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1 PANDA and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR
Klaus Peters, GSI and Ruhr-University Bochum Beijing, October 15, 2004 DD DD* ψ(11D2) ψ(13D2) ψ(13D3) ψ(13D1) ηc(11S0) ηc(21S0) J/ψ(13S1) χc0(13P0) χc1(13P1) χc2(13P2) h1c(11P1) D*D* ψ(33S1) ψ(23S1) χc0(23P0) χc1(23P1) χc2(23P2) h1c(21P1) ηc(31S0) talk given at the 3rd Workshop on Quarkonium

2 Overview FAIR Project Antiproton Project Where do we stand?
Storage Ring Physics at Panda Panda Experiment Other Experiments Where do we stand? K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

3 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

4 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
Hadron Physics Plasma Physics Existing GSI Facilities Condensed Baryonic Matter Rare Isotope Beams Atomic Physics K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

5 Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research
Panda K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

6 The Antiproton Facility - HESR
K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

7 The Antiproton Facility - HESR
Antiproton production similar to CERN HESR = High Energy Storage Ring Production rate 107/s Pbeam = GeV/c Nstored = 5 x 1010 p Gas-Jet/Pellet/Wire Target High luminosity mode Luminosity = 2 x 1032 cm-2s-1 δp/p ~ (stochastic cooling) High resolution mode δp/p ~ (electron cooling) Luminosity = 1031 cm-2s-1 K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

8 QCD of bound states: Approach
Increase precision measure static properties of well known states Increase the database of decays search for unusual decay modes to gain information Excite additional modes search for gluonic and radial excitations of hadrons search for gluonic excitation of the strong vacuum Put the hadrons to the limits put the hadrons in vacuum with different baryon density K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

9 Panda Participating Institutes
more than 300 physicists (48 institutes) from 15 countries: U Basel IHEP Beijing U Bochum U Bonn U & INFN Brescia U & INFN Catania U Cracow GSI Darmstadt TU Dresden JINR Dubna (LIT,LPP,VBLHE) U Edinburgh U Erlangen NWU Evanston U & INFN Ferrara U Frankfurt LNF-INFN Frascati U & INFN Genova U Glasgow U Gießen KVI Groningen U Helsinki IKP Jülich I + II U Katowice IMP Lanzhou U Mainz U & Politecnico & INFN Milano U Minsk TU München U Münster BINP Novosibirsk LAL Orsay U Pavia IHEP Protvino PNPI Gatchina U of Silesia U Stockholm KTH Stockholm U & INFN Torino Politechnico di Torino U Oriente, Torino U & INFN Trieste U Tübingen U & TSL Uppsala U Valencia IMEP Vienna SINS Warsaw U Warsaw Spokesperson: Ulrich Wiedner K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

10 Panda Physics Overview
Charmonium spectroscopy Charmed hybrids and glueballs Interaction of charmed particles with nuclei Hypernuclei Many further options Open charm decays Wide angle compton scattering Baryon-Antibaryon production CP-Violation (Λ,D) K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

11 Charmonium Physics cc1 e+e- interactions: pp reactions:
Only 1-- states are formed Other states only by secondary decays moderate mass resolution 3500 3520 MeV 3510 CBall ev./2 MeV 100 ECM CBall E835 cc1 1000 E 835 ev./pb pp reactions: All states directly formed very good mass resolution CBall, Edwards et al. PRL 48 (1982) 70 E835, Ambrogiani et al., PRD 62 (2000) K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

12 Resonance Cross Section
Resonance Scan ECM Resonance Cross Section Measured Rate Beam Profile small and well controlled beam momentum spread Dp/p is extremely important K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

13 Proton-Antiproton Annihilation
Formation only selected JPC p Production all JPC available recoil p K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

14 Proton-Antiproton Annihilation
Formation nng only selected JPC H p ssg/ccg G p Production all JPC available M p H nng M H p ssg/ccg G M p Gluon rich process creates gluonic excitation directly cc requires the quarks to annihilate (no rearrangement) yield comparable to charmonium production even at low momenta large exotic content has been proven K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

15 Charmonium Physics with pp
Expect 1-2 fb-1 (like CLEO-C) pp (>5.5 GeV/c) ® J/ψ 107/d pp (>5.5 GeV/c) ® χc2 (® J/ψγ) 105/d pp (>5.5 GeV/c) ® ηc´(® ff) 104/d|rec.? Comparison of to E835 15 GeV/c maximum mom. instead of 9 GeV/c 10x higher Luminosity than achieved before charged tracks detector with magnetic field 10x smaller δp/p stable conditions dedicated high energy storage ring K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

16 P P S S Charmed Hybrids LQCD:
gluonic excitations of the quark-antiquark-potential may lead to bound states S-potential for one-gluon exchange P-potential from excited gluon flux mHcc ~ GeV/c2 Light charmed hybrids could be narrow if open charm decays are inaccessible or suppressed V(R)/GeV P P Hcc 4 J/ψ χc ψ‘ S S DD 3.5 3 R/r0 1 2 important <r2> and rBreakup K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

17 LQCD ccg 1-+ vs. cc 1-- (J/ψ)
m(ccg) Model Group Reference 4390 80 200 isotropic MILC97 PRD56(1997)7039 4317 150 MILC99 NPB93Supp(1999)264 4287 JKM99 PRL82(1999)4400 4369 37 99 anisotropic ZSU02 hep-lat/ D(1-+,1--) m(ccg)- m(cc) 1340 1220 1323 130 CP-PACS99 PRL82(1999)4396 1190 1302 K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

18 Charmed Hybrid Level Scheme
1-- (0,1,2)-+ < 1++ (0,1,2)+- JKM, NPB 83suppl(2000)304 and Manke, PRD57(1998)3829 L-Splitting Δm ~ MeV/c2 for 1-+ to 0+- S-Splitting Page thesis,1995 and PRD 35(1987)1668 4.14 (0-+) to 4.52 GeV/c2 (2-+) consistent w/LQCD JKM, NPB 86suppl(2000)397, PLB478(2000) 151 4.8 4.7 4.6 4.5 4.4 4.3 DD** 4.2 4.1 K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

19 Accessible Charmed Hadrons at PANDA @ GSI
p Momentum [GeV/c] 2 4 6 8 10 12 15 ΛΛ ΣΣ ΞΞ ΩΩ DD ΛcΛc ΣcΣc ΞcΞc ΩcΩc Two body thresholds DsDs Molecules qqqq ccqq Gluonic Excitations nng,ssg ccg Hybrids nng,ssg ccg Hybrids+Recoil exotic charmonium ggg,gg Glueball Glueball+Recoil ggg qq Mesons light qq π,ρ,ω,f2,K,K* cc J/ψ, ηc, χcJ conventional charmonium 1 2 3 4 5 6 Other exotics with identical decay channels ® same region Mass [GeV/c2] K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

20 Heavy Glueballs Light gg/ggg-systems are complicated to identify (mixing!) Exotic heavy glueballs m(0+-) = 4140(50)(200) MeV m(2+-) = 4740(70)(230) MeV Width unknown, but! nature invests more likely in mass than in momentum newest proof: double cc yield in e+e- Flavour-blindness predicts decays into charmed final states too Same run period as hybrids In addition: scan m>2 GeV/c2 0+- 2+- Morningstar,Peardon, PRD60(1999)34509 Morningstar,Peardon, PRD56(1997)4043 K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

21 Recent open charm discoveries
The DS± Spectrum |cs> + c.c. was not expected to reveal any surprises Potential model Old measurements New observations m [GeV/c2] Ds1 D*K Ds2* DsJ (2458) D0K DsJ* (2317) Ds* Ds 0- 1- 0+ 1+ 2+ 3- JP K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

22 Ds[J][*]± Pairproduction in pp Annihilation
Associated Pair m/MeV/c2 JP Channel (+cc) Final State Ds(1968.5) Ds (1968.5) 3937.0 0+,1-,2+,3-,4+ Ds+Ds- 2K-2K+p+p- Ds*(2112.4) 4080.9 0-,1-,1+,2-,2+,3-,3+,4-,4+ Ds+(Ds-g) 2K-2K+p+p-g 4224.8 0-,0+,1-,1+,2-,2+,3-,3+,4-,4+ (Ds+g)(Ds-g) 2K-2K+p+p-gg DsJ*(2317.5) 4286.0 0-,1+,2-,3+,4- Ds+(Ds-p0) 2K-2K+p+p-p0 DsJ(2458.5) 4427.0 Ds+((Ds-g)p0) 2K-2K+p+p-p0g 4429.9 (Ds+g)(Ds-p0) Ds1(2535.4) 4503.9 Ds+(D*-K0) 2K-K+KSp+2p-(p0) DsJ*(2572.4) 4540.9 Ds+(D0K-) 2K-2K+p+p-(p0) 4570.9 (Ds+g)((Ds-g)p0) 2K-2K+p+p-p0gg 4635.0 (Ds+p0)(Ds-p0) 2K-2K+p+p-2p0 4647.9 (Ds+g)(D*-K0) 2K-K+KSp+2p-(p0)g 4684.4 (Ds+g)(D0K-) 2K-2K+p+p-(p0)g D1*(2770) 4738.5 Ds+(Ds-p+p-) 2K-2K+2p+2p- 4776.0 (Ds+p0)((Ds-g)p0) 2K-2K+p+p-2p0g D2(2870) 4838.5 0+,1-,1+,2-,2+,3-,3+,4-,4+ Ds+((Ds-g)p+p-) 2K-2K+2p+2p-g 4852.9 (Ds+p0)(D*-K0) 2K-K+KSp+2p-(1-2)p0 4882.4 (Ds+g)(Ds-p+p-) 4889.9 (Ds+p0)(D0K-) 2K-2K+p+p-(1-2)p0 4917.0 ((Ds+g)p0)((Ds-g)p0) 2K-2K+p+p-2p0gg 4982.4 (Ds+g)((Ds-g)p+p-) 2K-2K+2p+2p-gg 4993.9 ((Ds+g)p0)(D*-K0) 2K-K+KSp+2p-(1-2)p0g 5030.9 ((Ds+g)p0)(D0K-) 2K-2K+p+p-(1-2)p0g 5070.8 (D*+K0)(D*-K0) K-K+2KS2p+2p-(0-2)p0 K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

23 Ds[J][*]± Pairproduction in pp Annihilation
Associated Pair m/MeV/c2 JP Channel (+cc) Final State Ds(1968.5) Ds (1968.5) 3937.0 0+,1-,2+,3-,4+ Ds+Ds- 2K-2K+p+p- Ds*(2112.4) 4080.9 0-,1-,1+,2-,2+,3-,3+,4-,4+ Ds+(Ds-g) 2K-2K+p+p-g 4224.8 0-,0+,1-,1+,2-,2+,3-,3+,4-,4+ (Ds+g)(Ds-g) 2K-2K+p+p-gg DsJ*(2317.5) 4286.0 0-,1+,2-,3+,4- Ds+(Ds-p0) 2K-2K+p+p-p0 DsJ(2458.5) 4427.0 Ds+((Ds-g)p0) 2K-2K+p+p-p0g 4429.9 (Ds+g)(Ds-p0) Ds1(2535.4) 4503.9 Ds+(D*-K0) 2K-K+KSp+2p-(p0) DsJ*(2572.4) 4540.9 Ds+(D0K-) 2K-2K+p+p-(p0) 4570.9 (Ds+g)((Ds-g)p0) 2K-2K+p+p-p0gg 4635.0 (Ds+p0)(Ds-p0) 2K-2K+p+p-2p0 4647.9 (Ds+g)(D*-K0) 2K-K+KSp+2p-(p0)g 4684.4 (Ds+g)(D0K-) 2K-2K+p+p-(p0)g D1*(2770) 4738.5 Ds+(Ds-p+p-) 2K-2K+2p+2p- 4776.0 (Ds+p0)((Ds-g)p0) 2K-2K+p+p-2p0g D2(2870) 4838.5 0+,1-,1+,2-,2+,3-,3+,4-,4+ Ds+((Ds-g)p+p-) 2K-2K+2p+2p-g 4852.9 (Ds+p0)(D*-K0) 2K-K+KSp+2p-(1-2)p0 4882.4 (Ds+g)(Ds-p+p-) 4889.9 (Ds+p0)(D0K-) 2K-2K+p+p-(1-2)p0 4917.0 ((Ds+g)p0)((Ds-g)p0) 2K-2K+p+p-2p0gg 4982.4 (Ds+g)((Ds-g)p+p-) 2K-2K+2p+2p-gg 4993.9 ((Ds+g)p0)(D*-K0) 2K-K+KSp+2p-(1-2)p0g 5030.9 ((Ds+g)p0)(D0K-) 2K-2K+p+p-(1-2)p0g 5070.8 (D*+K0)(D*-K0) K-K+2KS2p+2p-(0-2)p0 K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

24 Charmed Hadrons in Nuclear Matter
Partial restoration of chiral symmetry in nuclear matter Light quarks are sensitive to quark condensate Evidence for mass changes of pions and kaons has been deduced previously: deeply bound pionic atoms (anti-)kaon yield and phase space distribution D-Mesons are the QCD analogue of the H-atom. chiral symmetry to be studied on a single light quark vacuum nuclear medium p K 25 MeV 100 MeV K+ K- p- p+ Hayaski, PLB 487 (2000) 96 Morath, Lee, Weise, priv. Comm. D- 50 MeV D D+ K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

25 Charmonium in the Nuclei
GeV/c2 Mass Lowering of the D+D- mass allow charmonium states to decay into this channel, thus resulting in a dramatic increase of width ψ(1D) Γ=20®40 MeV ψ(2S) Γ=0,32®2,7 MeV Experiment: Dilepton-Channels and/or highly constrained hadronic channels Idea Study relative changes of yield and width of the charmonium states y(33S1) 4 3.8 y(13D1) 3,74 3,64 3,54 vacuum 1r0 2r0 y(23S1) 3.6 cc2(13P2) cc1(13P1) 3.4 cc1(13P0) 3.2 y(13S1) hc(11S0) 3 K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

26 Charmonium mass shift in nuclear matter
Quantum numbers QCD 2nd Stark eff. Potential model QCD sum rules Effects of DD loop ηc 0-+ –8 MeV [1] –5 MeV [4] J/ψ 1-- -10 MeV [3] –7 MeV [4] < 2 MeV [5] cc0,1,2 0,1,2++ -40 MeV [2] -60 MeV [2] ψ(3686) -100 MeV [2] < 30 MeV [2] ψ(3770) -140 MeV [2] [1] Peskin, NPB 156(1979)365, Luke et al., PLB 288(1992)355 [2] Lee, nucl-th/ [3] Brodsky et al, PRL 64(1990)1011 [4] Klingel, Kim, Lee, Morath, Weise, PRL 82(1999)3396 [5] Lee, Ko PRC 67(2003)038202 K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

27 Proposed Detector (Overview)
High Rates Total σ ~ 55 mb peak > 107 int/s Vertexing (σp,KS,Λ,…) Charged particle ID (e±,μ±,π±,p,…) Magnetic tracking Elm. Calorimetry (γ,π0,η) Forward capabilities (leading particles) Sophisticated Trigger(s) K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

28 LoI Analysis 1: ηc®γγ Main background Analysis Main Requirement
π0π0 and π0γ with strong forward peaks only cos θη≤0.2, like E760 did Analysis missing mass<0.16 GeV2 cos θγγ< Efficiency 10.3 % (full kinematical region) Main Requirement very low energy threshold for backward EMC Signal Background K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

29 LoI Analysis 2: ψ(3770)®D*+D*-
Peak cross section assume 5 nb Analysis two displaced vertices mass difference technique helicity angle cut 20% efficiency To be done Kalman filter (for improved resolution) Particle (Kaon) ID mm Signal Background K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

30 LoI Analysis 3: μ+μ- from J/ψ produced in p63Cu
Signal Calculations from A. Sibirtsev at √s=4.05 GeV/c2 Background UrQMD events Muons come from the decay of light hadrons To be done more statistics fro the UrQMD background, so that the background shape under the J/ψ is clearly visible J/ψ Signal Background K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

31 PAX – Polarized Antiproton Experiment
Motivation The transversity distribution is the last leading-twist missing piece of the QCD description of the partonic structure of the nucleon The transversity distribution is directly accessible uniquely via the double transverse spin asymmetry ATT in the Drell-Yan production of lepton pairs .... ... and/or via J/ψ production, which might be two orders of magnitude higher Main problems: physics favors large s (>50 GeV2) needs large polarization of beam and target beam polarization technique unverified K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

32 ASSIA – A Study of Spin dependent Interactions with Antiprotons
Investigate also Drell-Yan Proposed with 40 GeV/c beam accelerated by SIS300 Target NH3 10g/cm2 Luminosity up to 1.5x1031cm-2s-1 as single user Detector first part of COMPASS K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

33 Recommendations of the FAIR QCD PAC
Panda The PAC accepts the letter and asks the proponents to go ahead to a Technical Proposal PAX and ASSIA The PAC considers the spin physics of extreme interest and the building of an antiproton polarized beam as a unique possibility for the FAIR project, but does not approve the letters of intent asking for a more detailed study of achievable antiproton polarization and the anticipated physics results. K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

34 International Steering Committee
FAIR Structure AFI Administrative and Financial Issues ISC International Steering Committee STI Scientific and Technical Issues K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

35 FAIR Phases AFI STI MoU Phase I – Governed by MoU
Phase I – Governed by contracts Contract Development Contract Negotiations Closing 2004 2005 2006 STI LoI Proposals/TR s TDR s K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

36 Road Map towards completion assuming proper funding
2004 (Jan. 15th, April 15th) Letters of Intent of experiments and evaluations ASSIA, CBM, FLAIR,PANDA, PAX, DIRAC2, Laser Cool 2005, January 15th Technical Proposals of all projects (TP) with Milestones (Accelerators, Experiments, …..) followed by Evaluations and Green Light for Construction 2005, May Project construction starts (dominantly Civil Construction) Technical Design Reports (TDR) (according to Milestones TPs) High Intensity Running at SIS18 LHC is running, laboratories have free valences for construction of accelerators and detectors SIS100 Tunnel ready for Installation SIS100 Commissioning followed by Physics Step-by-Step Commissioning of the full Facility K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

37 It’s an amazing time in charm spectroscopy
Summary and Outlook It’s an amazing time in charm spectroscopy many new states – but no coherent picture Where are gluonic excited charmonia (hybrids) spectrum, widths and decay channels What are the new DsJ states and the X(3872) what are their properties like width and decay channels Interaction with nuclear matter mass shifts, broadening and attenuation Only high precision experiments can finally help to solve the puzzle like GSI K. Peters - Panda and Charmonium Prospects at FAIR

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