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From CP Violation to Spectroscopy: ICHEP06 Results from BABAR

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1 From CP Violation to Spectroscopy: ICHEP06 Results from BABAR
David J Lange for the BABAR Collaboration Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory September 14, 2006

2 BABAR ICHEP results in 1 slide
Semileptonic B: 10 papers Radiative B decays: 10 papers CP Violation, a: 5 papers Charmless Hadronic B: 19 papers Charm(onium) prod and decay 13 papers B to charm decays: 12 papers Tau and low-energy: 8 papers CP Violation g: 8 papers Charm(onium) spectroscopy: 16 papers CP Violation, b: 14 papers September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

3 There are too many results to cover them all in this talk
I apologize for not being able to cover your favorite physics results September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

4 Results based on either 1999-2005 or 1999-2004 data samples
ICHEP06 results based on: Nearly full run 1-5 with improved reconstruction and simulation [ N(BB) = 320M] Run 1-4 data [N(BB) = 230M] September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

5 Pep-II and BABAR: More than just a B Factory
e+e- X 2*mB 0.4x109 tt 0.4x109 BB Event samples on tape qq + ISR 0.5x109 cc September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

6 CKM Triangle: Measurements of Angles and Sides
September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

7 Unitarity condition between 1st and 3rd columns
Overconstrain angles and sides of Unitarity Triangle to test the Standard Model CKM Matrix describes weak decay couplings q Vqq’ W q’ Interaction rate ~ |Vij|2 b(f1) a(f2) g(f3) VtdVtb * VudVub VcdVcb Unitarity condition between 1st and 3rd columns September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

8 Several ways to measure sin2b
Increasing tree diagram amplitude Increasing sensitivity to new physics in CP measurements September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

9 Typical BABAR Analysis variables
Event topology Signal Signal (spherical) Background Background (jet-structure) September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

10 BABAR “flagship” analysis: sin2b in BJ/yK
How many cp=-1 events? sin2b=0.710±0.034±0.019 September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL hep-ex/

11 sin2b from penguin dominated modes
Predicted deviations from b in SM sin2beff-sin2b New results for ICHEP Br0KS BwKS Bh’K0 BK+K-K0 Dalitz (includes fKS, f0KS) BKSp0 BKSKSKS September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

12 sin2b in Bh’K: 4.9s from sin2b=0
Bh’KL September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL hep-ex/

13 sin2b summary and outlook
sin2b in penguin modes remains consistently lower than sin2b from (cc)K. BABAR/Belle agreement improving as statistics increase New physics will contribute in different ways for different modes. 1ab-1 data samples will be very exciting September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

14 Both analyses support b=22o over 68o. BD0h0: 87% confidence level
Breaking the ambiguity: Measuring cos2b with Time-Dependant Dalitz techniques: BDh0 and BK+K-K0 hep-ex/ Variation of strong phase through Dalitz plot resolves (b, p/2-b) ambiguity through cos2b term in TD analysis Both analyses support b=22o over 68o. BD0h0: 87% confidence level BK+K-K0: 4.6s hep-ex/ September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

15 Measuring a: Tree and penguin diagrams contribute at similar levels
Measuring a: Tree and penguin diagrams contribute at similar levels. Isospin analysis with Bpp and Brr Penguin Tree M. Gronau, D. London, Phys. Rev. Lett. 65, 3381 (1990) September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

16 Bpp : 3.6s evidence for CP violation in Bp+p-
B0 tags N00 = 140 ± 25 00 B0 tags _ asymmetry S = −0.53 ± 0.14 ± 0.02 Br00 = (1.48 ± 0.26 ± 0.12)  10−6 C = −0.16 ± 0.11 ± 0.03 C00 = −0.33 ± 0.36 ± 0.08 September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL hep-ex/

17 Updated Br+r- results
B0 tags B0 tags _ asymmetry Slong = −0.19 ± −0.07 Br +− = (23.5 ± 2.2 ± 4.1)  10−6 Clong = −0.07 ± 0.15 ± 0.06 fL(B0 → +−) = ± −0.013 September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL hep-ex/

18 First evidence for Br0r0
−31 ΔΕ mES 0f0 00 Br00 = ( ± 0.27)  10−6 −0.36 Measurement weakens constraints on a from Brr hep-ex/ September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

19 Interpreting Bpp, Brr, and Brp results in terms of a
Indirect measurements Direct measurements Utfit color scheme? September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

20 Interfering bu and bc amplitudes. Eg: B+D(*)K(*)
Measuring g: No golden channel – combine measurements from several theoretically clean modes Interfering bu and bc amplitudes. Eg: B+D(*)K(*) Measure g with direct CP violation from Interference when “D” decays to final state common to D0 and D0. Sensitivity to g determined by total decay rate and potential for interference rB September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

21 Dalitz Analysis: B-/B+ D(*)0K with D0->KSp+p-
Amplitude for B-/B+ D(*)0K with D0->KSp+p-: Dalitz analysis concentrates on portion of Dalitz plot with interfering bc and bu amplitudes Sensitivity to g over Dalitz plot September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

22 Improvements for ICHEP06: Additional data and improved Dalitz model systematics
How many signal events total? hep-ex/ September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

23 BABAR + Belle constraints on g from direct measurements
Error on g depends crucially on value of rB Combined direct constraint: g= (78 +/- 30)o Agrees well with indirect determination: g= (65 +/- 5)o September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

24 CKM sides a(f2) VudVub VtdVtb b(f1) g(f3) VcdVcb * September 14, 2006
SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

25 |Vub| measured using inclusively and exclusively B decays
Tagged Untagged Inclusive Exclusive September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

26 Measure Bpln branching fraction in 12 q2 bins
New Exclusive Bpln Untagged Analysis to distinguish between form factor models Measure Bpln branching fraction in 12 q2 bins To maintain efficiency, no harsh cuts on neutrino reconstruction. Parameterize backgrounds September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL hep-ex/

27 The advance from BABARs data sample: CLEO q2 in Brln a graduate student lifetime ago
DL thesis September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

28 Bpln q2 results constrain form factors ISGW2 model disfavored by data
September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

29 CKM continues to provide consistent explanation of flavor physics data
ICHEP06 CKM triangle CKM continues to provide consistent explanation of flavor physics data Do trees and Penguins agree? B Factories lead the way September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

30 Rare decays constrain new physics
Rare B decay amplitudes can be significantly affected by undiscovered heavy particles contributing to loops. u b H+ + We study rare and forbidden decays to probe for new physics September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

31 Leptonic decays: Simple and easy to interpret
Expectation for Btn Uncertainty in SM rate from |Vub| and fB New physics: Replace W+ by H+? September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

32 New BABAR results: 320 BB events, Tagged with BDXln decays
EMiss Data Reconstruct BDXln tag plus t candidate. Backgrounds from KL or incompletely reconstructed events Sensitivity nearly at SM expectation Additional hadronic B decay tagged sample BF(B++)= ( 0.11) x10-4 BR< @ 90%CL +0.68 -0.67 EMiss Signal MC Hadronic sensitivity? hep-ex/ September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

33 Example new physics constraint: Type II 2HDM
B Factories add significant constraints over LEP direct search for charged Higgs September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

34 Radiative B decays: Flavor Changing Neutral Currents
FCNC processes are sensitive to new particles in loops bs Inclusive and many exclusive measurements bsl+l : Additional signatures from kinematics bd : Further suppressed in SM. Distinct new physics sensitivity bd l+l -: Still looking.. Standard Model September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

35 Observation of bdg decays: Brg
Br0g: 5.2s Br+g: 4.1s Good agreement with predictions based on Standard Model amplitudes B00 hep-ex/ September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

36 Flavor changing neutral currents: BK(*)ll
Rarest B decays yet observed New analysis adds measurements of decay kinematics BK*ll (57 events) BKll (46 events) September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL PRD 73, (2006)

37 Current analysis adds several kinematic measurements Example: Lepton forward backward asymmetry AFB
Theoretical curves Short distance physics is described by Wilson coefficients: C7 (Electromagnetic) C9 (Vector Electroweak) C10 (Axial vector Electroweak) Theoretical uncertainty on kinematics generally smaller than on branching fraction Beyond SM particles in loops may have dramatic effect on short distance physics – may flip sign of AFB September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

38 Lepton forward backward asymmetry AFB favors positive values for all m2(ll)
Experimental results First measurements already disfavor new physics with wrong-sign C9C10 - constrains new physics in electroweak penguins September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

39 Still more rare: New search for Bpll
September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL hep-ex/

40 ~109 charm hadrons in BABAR data sample
Enormous samples of charm mesons and baryons enable complementary new physics searches 0.145 < Dm < GeV/c2 1.85 < m(Kpp0)< 1.88 GeV/c2 ~109 charm hadrons in BABAR data sample September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

41 BF(DXul+l-) <= O(10-5)
FCNC in D decays Standard Model expectation: BF(DXul+l-) = O(10-8) New physics may enhance rate enough to be measurable with current data. Eg, R-parity violating SUSY models BF(DXul+l-) <= O(10-5) Look for D+p(K)ll’, Ds+p(K)ll’, Lc+pll’.Example data September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

42 BABAR uniquely measures all D->Xll’ modes
BABAR uniquely measures all D->Xll’ modes. Most limits are better than previous results hep-ex/ September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

43 New physics could enhance SM rate
Standard Model D—D mixing rate very small: Time integrated rate: RM ~ O(10-6 – 10-4) New physics could enhance SM rate Decay Mixing September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

44 Right sign and wrong sign D0K+p-p0 Dalitz plots
Select portion of Dalitz plot to optimize sensitivity to mixing and CP parameters September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

45 Analyze data possibly including CP violation Combined DK+p-p0 and DKp+p-p- results
CP conserved results Sub to PRL, hep-ex/ September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

46 Charm and Charmonium spectroscopy
DD* X3872 DD September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

47 Difficult to interpret as a conventional charmonium state
Further developments on the Y(4260): Search for decay modes other than Y(4260)J/ypp in ISR events (2S) N=125±23 (>8 σ) Difficult to interpret as a conventional charmonium state B(y(3770)DD)/B(y(3770)J/ypp) ~ 500 Channel (X) DD pp J/ J/0 c1 c2 J/ B(YX)/ B(Y + J/) <7.6 <0.13 < 1.4 < 0.6 < 3.6 < 2.6 <1.2 September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

48 Search for Y(4260)y(2S)p+p-: Instead we see a new structure at 4350
Nbkg = 3.8 1.1 298 fb-1 Total Nevt = 78 Mass resolution 7 MeV Threshold effect due to low-mass resonance? Coupled-channel effect? New resonance? September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

49 First Observation of Wc* ® Wc0 g: Last missing L=0 single charm baryon
Search in 4 WC0 decay modes: Wc0W-p+, W-LK- Wc0W-p+p0, W-LK- Wc0W-p+p-p+, W-LK- Wc0E-K-p+p+, E-Lp- 231 fb-1 DM Predictions (MeV/c2) HQET Lattice QCD Non-relativistic Quark Model Sub. PRL, hep-ex/ M(Wc*) - M(Wc0) = (70.8 ± 1.0 ± 1.1) MeV/c2 September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

50 Theory predicted masses of Ds1(2536) and Ds2(2573)
Still more DsJ mesons? Theory predicted masses of Ds1(2536) and Ds2(2573) Heavy c quark mass approximation Masses of Ds0*(2317) and Ds1(2460) below predictions and D(*)K thresholds Narrow widths (isospin-violating or EM decays only) Unusual masses  exotic? JP = ?? D*K D0K * predicted observed L = 0 L = 1 X ( 2 6 9 ) ? D s J 8 5 7 3 1 4 September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

51 Combined and bkg subtracted Resonance structure at ~2690?
New 2860 candidate in m(D0K) Sub. PRL, hep-ex/ Combined and bkg subtracted Resonance structure at ~2690? Properties of 2860? Spin 3? September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

52 B decays pin down properties of DsJ(2460)
Full reconstruction of tagging B – look in recoil for BD*X Sub. PRD, hep-ex/ September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

53 DsJ Summary September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

54 A few other topics… September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

55 Search for baryon and lepton number violation in t decays
Baryogenesis may require D(B-L)=2 component tLp < in SM. E(GeV) Channel B-L Background N @90% CL - - C 0.420.42 < -  - V 0.560.56 < -K - 0.260.26 < - K - 0.120.12 1 < hep-ex/ September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

56 Especially close to open b production threshold
First observation of U(4S) decays to non-BB final states Multipole expansion not good model of U(4S)U(2S) Differences from QCD multipole expansion could be from significant mixing and coupled channel effects Especially close to open b production threshold PRL 96, (2006) QCD multipole model Efficiency Data (efficiency corrected) September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

57 Search for e+e-  hadrons via two-virtual-photon annihilation
s~nb e+ e- γ We search for e+e-  r0r0 and e+e- fr0, both with C=+1 TVPA process suppressed by a2 New way to test QCD at amplitude level s~fb September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

58 Angular distributions observed agree with TVPA process
Significant signals observed for both decays First observation of TVPA process Angular distributions observed agree with TVPA process Cross sections with SM prediction Sub. PRL, hep-ex/ September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

59 Precision measurements of CKM parameters
Conclusion: BABAR continues refine analysis techniques to get the most from its data sample Precision measurements of CKM parameters CP and rare decay measurements point to consistent CKM picture sin2b in penguin modes remains a puzzle Charmonium and charm spectroscopy results continue to uncover mysteries 1ab-1 planned for each B-Factory by These samples will further constrain new physics Indication of New Physics? Solid constraints on LHC discovery? September 14, 2006 SLAC Seminar David Lange, LLNL

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