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We are the Mathexwi Sp’oq’es teli Matsqui Elementary

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Presentation on theme: "We are the Mathexwi Sp’oq’es teli Matsqui Elementary"— Presentation transcript:

1 We are the Mathexwi Sp’oq’es teli Matsqui Elementary
Ey Swayel We are the Mathexwi Sp’oq’es teli Matsqui Elementary

2 Kweleches We will share with you a greeting in Halq’emeylem. Kweleches means greetings.

3 When you introduce yourself you can say “Bobby” tel skwix.

4 Can you turn to the person beside you and using your name say “your name” tel skwix.

5 When you want to say where you are from you can say Teli tsel kw’e Mathexwi.

6 Can I hear you say Teli tsel kw’e Mathexwi

7 Can you turn to the person beside you and say where you are from using Teli tsel kw’e _____

8 Tset tsel ey mekw’wates, good job everyone,we will now put it all together for you and introduce ourselves.

9 Ey swayel _______ tel skwix Teli tsel kw’e _______ Tewat ta’ skwix?

10 Upper Sumas Elementary School
Halq’emeylem Language Group

11 Stam Kw’e Ixw Kw’etslexw?

12 Ma:l, ma:l stam kw’e ixw kw’etslexw?

13 Tsel kw’etslexw ta:l kw’okw’ets thoxes.

14 Ta:l, Ta:l stam kw’e ixw kw’etslexw?

15 Tsel kw’etslexw si:le kw’okw’ets thoxes.

16 Si:le, si:le stam kw’e ixw kw’etslexw?

17 Tsel kw’etslexw sisele kw’okw’ets thoxes.

18 Sisele, sisele stam kw’e ixw kw’etslexw?

19 Tsel kw’etslexw mekw’ewates kw’okw’ets thoxes!

20 Abbotsford Senior Secondary School
Halq’emeylem Study Group

21 Teli tsel kw’e Abbotsford Senior Secondary.
Ey Swayel _________ tel skwix. Teli tsel kw’e Abbotsford Senior Secondary. Taliyel Ashlile Temkw’olekw’es

22 Chalex - Hand

23 Slextses - fingers

24 Lets’e - One

25 Isa:le - Two

26 Lhi:xw - three

27 Lamlha – Go!

28 Manners in Halq’emeylem
Metst a:ylexwstexw te sqwa:ltset Let’s keep our language alive Manners in Halq’emeylem Yale Secondary

29 Li chexw we eyo?

30 Tsel we eyo

31 Tsel st’a:yxw

32 Tsel t’at’eyeq

33 T’i:xwem

34 Kw’as ho:y

35 A’a awelh

36 Emetlhqwe

37 Xwilex T’i:xwem

38 Let’s review! Ti:xwem Emetlhqwe Slextes
Kw’as ho:y Xwilex t’i:xwem St’a:yxw A’a awelh Chalex T’at’eyeq

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