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Can You Guess?.

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Presentation on theme: "Can You Guess?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Can You Guess?

2 IT’S BURGER TIME! Check out what’s on the ‘gourmet’ menu today…. Pesterella 100% Aberdeen-Angus Scotch beef, fresh pesto, mozzarella, salad, mayonnaise & relish Cajun 100% Aberdeen-Angus Scotch beef, smoked chilli mayo, salad, mayonnaise & cajun relish Satay 100% Aberdeen-Angus Scotch beef, spicy satay sauce, salad, mayonnaise & relish Gourmet Burger Kitchen In which country do you think people first ate beef burgers? What ingredients from different countries’ cooking have come together to help make this menu?

3 Which city does the poster name?
Which countries are represented in this Bollywood image?

4 Hip Hop Music…. Which different countries have influenced the music that the DJ is playing?

5 Which country does this version seem to belong to?
Another Spiderman? Which country does this version seem to belong to?

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