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What is the range of colors here?

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Presentation on theme: "What is the range of colors here?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What is the range of colors here?
What do they all have in common? Which ones are the most different? Would they mix well? What does this have to do with evolution?!

2 IV. Evolutionary Forces of Speciation -
IV. Evolutionary Forces of Speciation - what causes new species to develop? *Happens because of variations between organisms in a species

3 A. Mutations (changes in DNA)
1. DNA always changes a little between generations. 2. If these random changes help an organism, they are passed to the next generation, causing the species to slowly change

4 3. Ex: Peppered Moth during Industrial Revolution

5 B. Geographic Isolation 1
B. Geographic Isolation 1. Populations of the same species can evolve into different ones if separated by mountains, water, etc. 2. Happens if the different areas have different selective pressures

6 3. Examples: Darwin’s finches Speciation after Pangaea split into continents

7 C. Behavioral Isolation 1
C. Behavioral Isolation 1. Two populations of a species may begin to behave differently or mate at different times, causing them to develop into two new species. 2. The different groups can develop into two new species

8 3. Examples: Slightly different bird calls,
Frogs that mate a week apart, Different courtship displays

9 Speciation video


11 D. Genetic Drift 1. Random events (climate change, disease, disasters) cause organisms to die or to reproduce more 2. Percentages of alleles change because of this

12 3. Smaller populations are affected more Ex) Islands

13 Ex) Amish – polydactyly (not a new species – just a variation)


15 Genetic Drift Video:

16 V. Types of Evolution A. Adaptive Radiation
1. A single species which has evolved into several different species living in different ways. Ex) Darwin’s Finches


18 B. Convergent Evolution 1
B. Convergent Evolution 1. Unrelated organisms evolve to look similar to each other because of similar selective pressures. 2. Ex) “Flippers” in sharks, dolphins, penguins, seals Ex) Bird wings & bird wings

19 Ex) Most marsupial (pouch) animals are similar to a placental (non-pouch) animal – wolves, bears, etc

20 C. Coevolution 1. Two species living closely together evolve together
C. Coevolution 1. Two species living closely together evolve together. 2. One is a selective pressure on the other.

21 Ex) clown fish & anemone Ex) predator & prey (“Evolutionary Arms Race”)

22 Video: Ant “Farmers”



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