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Holly S. Ruch-Ross, Sc.D. and Suzanne G. McLone, M.P.H.

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Presentation on theme: "Holly S. Ruch-Ross, Sc.D. and Suzanne G. McLone, M.P.H."— Presentation transcript:

1 Holly S. Ruch-Ross, Sc.D. and Suzanne G. McLone, M.P.H.
ISPP Contraceptive Knowledge and Use of Contraception Among Adolescent Mothers Participating in the Illinois Subsequent Pregnancy Program Pat W. Mosena, Ph.D., Holly S. Ruch-Ross, Sc.D. and Suzanne G. McLone, M.P.H.

2 The Illinois Subsequent Pregnancy Program
ISPP The Illinois Subsequent Pregnancy Program A community-based program to delay second pregnancies among adolescent mothers. Begun as pilot project in Chicago 1990, implemented statewide –2007. Supported by Illinois Department of Human Services Program Goals: Delay a second pregnancy Use contraception correctly and consistently Remain in and graduate from high school There have been 3,000 participants in 30 communities 3% had second pregnancy, 85% graduated/remained in school

3 ISPP Methods ™ Program Data Measures
Illinois Subsequent Pregnancy Program ISPP Methods Program Data Four Years of Program Data: 2003 to 2006 Participant Characteristics Collected and Reported by ISPP Home Visitor Self-Reported Participant Questionnaires Measures Contraceptive Knowledge : Percent correct of questions asked (16 to 21 questions, updated yearly to reflect new contraceptive choices and to drop outdated methods) Contraceptive Behavior (yes/no responses): Anything Last Sex: The last time you had sex, did [you] do anything to keep from getting pregnant? Condom Last Sex : The last time you had sex, did your partner use a condom?

4 ISPP Methods ™ Data Collection Illinois Subsequent Pregnancy Program
Self-administered participant questionnaires completed during group meeting Three time points: Baseline Contraceptive Knowledge Score Contraceptive Behavior Posttest (1 Month) Follow Up (6 Months)

5 Questionnaire Completion: Baseline, 1 Month and 6 Months
Illinois Subsequent Pregnancy Program ISPP Questionnaire Completion: Baseline, 1 Month and 6 Months Questionnaire Completion (N=239) n % Baseline and Posttest (1 Month) Only 98 41.0 Baseline , Posttest (1 Months) and Follow Up (6 Months) 141 59.0 There are no significant differences between the sample subsets with completed questionnaires at baseline and posttest (1 month) only (n=98) versus those with completed questionnaires at baseline, posttest (1 month) and follow up (6 months) (n=141) for the following variables: Age of mother at intake Participant status at intake (parenting vs. pregnant) Contraception Knowledge Scores (Baseline or Posttest) Contraceptive Behavior: Anything Last Sex, Condom Last Sex (Baseline or Posttest) The sample subsets did differ significantly on the following variable: Ethnicity: African Americans were more likely to have a follow up questionnaire on file Mexican Americans were less likely to have a follow up questionnaire on file

6 Participant Characteristics, N=239
Illinois Subsequent Pregnancy Program ISPP Participant Characteristics, N=239

7 Participant Characteristics, N=239
Illinois Subsequent Pregnancy Program ISPP Participant Characteristics, N=239

8 Participant Responses on Questionnaires, N=239
Illinois Subsequent Pregnancy Program ISPP Participant Responses on Questionnaires, N=239 Contraceptive Knowledge Score, Baseline (% Correct) Mean: Range: 10.0 to 100.0 Contraceptive Knowledge Score, Posttest (1 Month) (% Correct) Mean: Range: 15.0 to 100.0 Change in Contraceptive Knowledge Score, Posttest (1 Month ) Mean: Range: to 76.0 Contraceptive Behavior Baseline Posttest, 1 Month Follow Up, 6 Months Used Contraception Last Sex Yes 57.0% 64.9% 81.4% n 228 225 129 Used a Condom Last Sex 54.8% 61.4% 74.0% 223 127

9 ISPP Change in Contraceptive Knowledge Score,
Illinois Subsequent Pregnancy Program ISPP Change in Contraceptive Knowledge Score, Baseline to Posttest (1 Month) (N=239) t = p <0.001 Paired sample t-test statistic used

10 ISPP Changes in Contraceptive Behavior,
Illinois Subsequent Pregnancy Program ISPP Changes in Contraceptive Behavior, Baseline to Posttest (1 Month) (N=239) 2 = 97.26 p =0.002 2 = 5.354 p =0.002 McNemar 2 test statistic used

11 ISPP Changes in Contraceptive Behavior,
Illinois Subsequent Pregnancy Program ISPP Changes in Contraceptive Behavior, Baseline to Follow Up (6 Months) (n=141) 2 = 96.80 p =0.017 2 = 5.354 p =0.002 McNemar 2 test statistic used

12 Percent with a POSITIVE
Illinois Subsequent Pregnancy Program ISPP Bivariate Analyses: Changes in Contraceptive Knowledge Scores and Reported Contraceptive Behavior at Posttest (1 Month) and Follow Up (6 Months) Percent with a POSITIVE Change in Score 1 Mean Change of Score 2 Posttest (1 Month) Used Contraception , Any Method, at Last Sex 87.0 % 26.9 Did NOT Use Contraception at Last Sex 78.5 % 26.1 Used a Condom Last Sex 89.1 % * 29.4 Did NOT use a Condom Last Sex 77.9 % 23.6 Follow Up (6 Months) 87.6 % * 28.6 66.7 % 19.6 85.1 % 28.1 81.8 % 22.3 Significance levels: * p<0.05 1 Fisher’s Exact 2 test statistic used 2 Independent sample t-test statistic used

13 Illinois Subsequent Pregnancy Program
ISPP Logistic Regression Models: Contraceptive Behavior at Posttest (1 Month) and Follow Up (6 Months) Standardized  Coefficients Dependent Variables: Anything Last Sex, 1 Month Anything Last Sex, 6 Months Condom Last Sex, 1 Month Condom Last Sex, 6 Months Any Method/Condom Use at Baseline 70.79*** 4.78* 36.33*** 2.12 Participant Aged 14 and Younger 4.72 4.07 10.42* 4.82 Participant Aged 15 to 17 6.17 6.85* 2.75 3.43 Ethnicity (African American) 1.90 0.36 1.77 0.95 Ethnicity (Caucasian) 13.66 0.23 4.75 1.23 Ethnicity (Mexican American) 1.76 0.31 1.16 0.53 Ethnicity (Puerto Rican) 22.41 2E+008 16.47* 6E+008 Pregnant at Intake 0.89 0.43 0.69 0.71 Score at Baseline 1.00 0.99 Positive Change in Score (Yes) 1.83 5.46* 0.81 Adjusted (Nagelkerke) R2 0.64 0.33 0.58 0.14 2 for Model (df=10) 115.16*** 26.49** 103.31*** 10.90 n 189 114 110 Independent Variables: Significance levels: *** p<0.001; **p<0.01; * p<0.05; all two-tailed tests.

14 ISPP Key Findings ™ From Baseline to Follow Up (6 Months)
Illinois Subsequent Pregnancy Program ISPP Key Findings From Baseline to Posttest (1 Month) Reported contraceptive use increased among participants in the Subsequent Pregnancy Project: Participants increased their use of contraception (any method) at last sexual intercourse Participants increased their use of a condom at last sexual intercourse Contraceptive Knowledge increased among program participants From Baseline to Follow Up (6 Months) A positive change in Contraceptive Knowledge score is independently associated with use of contraception (any method) at last sexual intercourse

15 ISPP Conclusions ™ Illinois Subsequent Pregnancy Program
These findings support the expected changes in contraceptive behavior among adolescent mothers participating in ISPP. After 6 months of program participation, there was in increase in the proportion of young mothers who: Used a method of contraception at last sexual intercourse Used a condom at last sexual intercourse The ISPP Program Model has been shown to consistently increase contraceptive use, across time and diverse populations of adolescents: In participants’ self-report (i.e. current analysis) Home Visitors’ report at the end of the program year Very low subsequent pregnancy rates for program participants (3%) Using Contraceptive Knowledge in an effort to assess a mechanism for behavior change among ISPP participants, we found: An increase in Contraceptive Knowledge at 1 month shows a positive association with contraceptive use at 6 months, controlling for other factors

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