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TKM Dialectical Journals

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1 TKM Dialectical Journals
How to progress to an outline Blank sheet of paper, highlighter, pen, book and DJs

2 Choose any journal entry (any type OK)
Character Analysis Character- Mrs. Dubose Inference “The next afternoon at Mrs. Dubose’s was the same as the first, and so was the next, until gradually a pattern emerged:…Jessie would shoo us out, and the rest of the day was ours” (108). Lee uses Mrs. Dubose to counter Jem’s impression of his father’s bravery because he shot the mad dog. Lee also reinforces the motif that appearances are not what they seem. To the children, Mrs. Dubose appears to be mean and angry, but they do not know what makes her act this way.

3 Mrs. Dubose, Atticus, Dolphus Raymond
Who Mrs. Dubose, Atticus, Dolphus Raymond What Theme of Courage/Bravery How Morphine addict, defending Tom or Tim Johnson shooting/town drunk Why Motif- appearances can be deceiving/time period of novel for Lee Thesis Statement The motif looks can be deceiving is shown through Atticus, Mrs. Dubose and Dolphus Raymond, each demonstrating to the reader the historical setting of Lee’s novel.

4 Atticus knows the children are mocking Boo Radley and tells them it is wrong. Many times growing up I was found making fun of others for various reasons. I remember specifically in HS one year being caught making of fun of someone else. My teacher taught me a valuable lesson that year. It was embarrassing but it has stuck with me and I have learned from it. I now try hard to get to know someone before I judge them. Connect to Life “ ‘What are you doing with those scissors, then? Why are you tearing up that newspaper…Does this by any chance have anything to do with the Radleys…I hope it doesn’t’” (40).

5 Who Boo/children + Tom/society What Appearance vs. reality motif How Scissors (40) + closing arguments (205) Why Children learn and grow- come to UNDERSTAND (theme) Thesis statement Through the theme of understanding, the motif appearance vs. reality is displayed with the children’s growth with Boo Radley and Tom Robinson.

6 Literary Analysis As Jem is approaching the Radley house late at night, Scout is observing from a distance. Lee uses light and dark imagery to create suspense in this scene. The light of the street lamp and moonlight create a sense of safety for the children. The darkness of the Radley’s backyard and the night time create fear in the children; therefore, the audience feels the suspense as well. “Then I saw the shadow. It was the shadow of a man with a hat on. At first I thought it was a tree, but there was no wind blowing, and the tree-trunks never walked. The back porch was bathed in moonlight, and the shadow, crisp as toast, moved across the porch toward Jem” (53).

7 Character development of Mrs
Character development of Mrs. Dubose and the motif that appearances can be deceiving. This is a life lesson Lee is having Scout learn in the bildungsroman. Mrs. Dubose as a female character vs. Aunt Alexandra, Calpurnia or Miss Maudie Mrs. Dubose’s addiction is an allusion to the time period (notes we took) Mrs. Dubose is an example of the theme of courage/bravery. Atticus is also- compare/contrast Find a focus point that you could create a thesis from… for at least a 3-5 paragraph essay Char Analysis Lee uses Mrs. Dubose to counter Jem’s impression of his father’s bravery because he shot the mad dog. Lee also reinforces the motif that appearances are not what they seem. To the children, Mrs. Dubose appears to be mean and angry, but they do not know what makes her act this way.

8 Thesis ideas Connect to Life
Valuable lessons that Atticus teaches his children Character development of Scout and her growth throughout the bildungsroman Motif that people and things are not always as the seem. Characterize Atticus/static character and his significance to the novel Atticus knows the children are mocking Boo Radley and tells them it is wrong. Many times growing up I was found making fun of others for various reasons. I remember specifically in HS one year being caught making of fun of someone else. My teacher taught me a valuable lesson that year. It was embarrassing but it has stuck with me and I have learned from it. I now try hard to get to know someone before I judge them.

9 Thesis ideas Literary response journal type
Significance of light vs. dark imagery throughout the novel Suspense as a plot element and successful examples in the novel As Jem is approaching the Radley house late at night, Scout is observing from a distance. Lee uses light and dark imagery to create suspense in this scene. The light of the street lamp and moonlight create a sense of safety for the children. The darkness of the Radley’s backyard and the night time create fear in the children; therefore, the audience feels the suspense as well.

10 Choose which topic you’d like to use for the essay- strongest possible option!
Create outline. Start with an original title Use roman numerals (use notes from past on format for outline) Remember: this is an OUTLINE vs. Essay. DO NOT write out complete sentences EXCEPT for the thesis statement, TOPIC SENTENCES also. If a 4-5 paragraph essay, need transitional closing sentences Remember all elements of a successful paragraph. Include support from the text on outline (cite examples/page numbers)

11 Female Influences I. Intro Grab: adolescents have many role models…
Intro to novel TKM and 2-3 summary Thesis: Mrs. Dubose, Aunt Alexandra and Miss Maudie each provide individual female influences on Scout as a maturing young girl. II. 1st body TS- Mrs. Dubose’s rough exterior still taught Scott how to be a lady. b. Support and cite “ ‘what are you doing in overalls? You should be in a dress…’” (101) c. Transitional sentence: Mrs. Dubose’s ex of courage vs. AA’s pride in family and tradition. III. 2nd body-TS- AA’s teaches of family and tradition to Scout. IV. 3rd body-TS- Miss Maudie gives Scout another POV to consider. V. Conclusion

12 Additional Thesis Statement help…
* 4 things your statement should have: 1. Takes some sort of stand- your opinion on a matter (this is the “What” if your statement) 2. Justifies discussion-proves a point 3. Expresses one main idea you are proving 4. Is specific with “How” you will prove this stand/point *

13 How are you going to prove it?
Thesis Statement What + How What are you proving? How are you going to prove it? So What? Why so significant to overall novel? Mrs. Dubose, Aunt Alexandra and Miss Maudie each provide individual female influences on Scout as a maturing young girl.

14 Thesis Statement What are you proving? How are you going to prove it?
What + How What are you proving? How are you going to prove it? So What? Why so significant to overall novel? What: the success/weaknesses of the persuasive speeches How: the modes of persuasion used (lump these for each body) Why: ties into the what; if successful, what was the outcome? If weak, what was the failure?

15 Transitional Sentence
2 main functions: Summarizes the main point in the paragraph Foreshadows the next main point

16 Web cluster practice- MAKE IT BIGGER!

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