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The Profile Sketch.

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1 The Profile Sketch

2 What is a profile? Only a few pages, often published in magazines or newspapers as an essay. It can be a profile of someone he/she knows or a stranger. Consider it a sketch - providing details of the person’s character, an overview of the person’s life story, and highlights of the person’s achievements and accomplishments.

3 Who should it be? The sketch can be about anyone, including a stranger, famous person, or a person that you know very well. Think about someone that you’ve found to be very interesting – it can be someone on the news, in a magazine, or someone from your personal life.

4 What is in a good profile?
Details Dialogue Storytelling Use of scene Summary Reflection Interesting Encourages readers to think about the person on a deeper level. Can be humorous or serious

5 What it is not… It is not a biography or autobiography
It is not book length, with lengthy descriptions of the life and times of a person. It does not have to be about a “good guy”

6 What should I include? Details about the person’s private life, psyche, and public world. Inner world and outer world Inner world – deals with a person’s thoughts, feelings, opinions, and views of other people. Outer world – important setbacks and obstacles, accomplishments and achievements

7 Your profile should answer the following questions:
Why is the writer profiling the person? What is unique about the person? What is significant about the person? What are the person’s achievements or accomplishments? What obstacles or setbacks did the person have to overcome? Why is the person in the news or public consciousness? Does the writer like the person? Dislike the person? Why?

8 Structure using Narrative
Inciting incident Conflict, such as setbacks or obstacles Turning point and climax Resolution or end of story

9 Developing Character Dialogue: Interesting quotes from the person or from others about the person Description of Appearance: Observe the person, make note of their physical appearance. Use concrete, particular, significant details. Dramatic Action: Show what a person does, their actions, reactions

10 Point of View Use both the first person (“I”) and third person (“he/she”). Third person will be used to write the narrative. First person will be used to share personal reflections of the character.

11 Examples “The Tweaker: the real genius of Steve Jobs”
“Dangerous Minds” by Malcolm Gladwell “A Man of Taste” by D.T. Max

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