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The Bible: The Gospel of Luke

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2 The Bible: The Gospel of Luke
The New Testament and the Church Chapter A The Bible: The Gospel of Luke

3 Chapter Summary The Bible: The Gospel of Luke
This chapter will explore the Gospel of Luke, the last of the synoptic Gospels. Luke casts a wide net, reaching out to all and inviting them to the Kingdom. Luke makes special effort to portray Jesus’ love and concern for the poor, outcasts, sinners, women, and Gentiles.

4 “Jesus Welcomes Those Who Are Poor” (Luke 16:19–31)
In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus shows special love for those who are poor and urges the rich to be in solidarity with them. The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus illustrates Jesus’ attitude toward the rich and the poor. Jesus calls us to compassion for and service to the poor among us. Jesus holds all people accountable to share the gifts with which they have been blessed. ©James Steidl/

5 “Jesus Welcomes Those Who Are Poor” (Luke 16:19–31)
Discussion Questions What does it mean to be poor? Is it easy to tell if a person is poor? How does Luke emphasize Jesus’ special concern for the poor? ©De Visu/ ©ShortPhotos/

6 “Jesus Welcomes Women” (Luke 7:36–50)
Luke’s Gospel places emphasis on Jesus’ concern for women, who were greatly marginalized in society. Jesus ignored social and religious restrictions regarding women. Luke’s story of Jesus’ anointing by the sinful woman shows Jesus ignoring social and religious norms to lift up a higher law. ©duncan1890/

7 “Jesus Welcomes Women” (Luke 7:36–50)
In Luke’s Gospel, Jesus often shows God’s generous and inclusive love through his concern for women. Activity Read Luke 7:36–50. What words does Luke use to describe the woman? What does she do for Jesus? What were the Pharisee’s concerns about Jesus? What did Jesus think about the woman? How did he respond to her? © ivan-96/

8 “Jesus Welcomes Outcasts and Sinners” (Luke 15:11–32)
Luke shows Jesus’ compassion and forgiveness for sinners and other outcasts. Luke’s Gospel contains many stories about Jesus’ special love for outcasts and sinners. ©StepanPopov/

9 “Jesus Welcomes Outcasts and Sinners” (Luke 15:11–32)
The Parable of the Lost Son (Luke 15:11–32) shows God’s compassion and forgiveness for even the worst sinner. Jesus portrays God’s great desire to be in relationship with all his children, even those who have strayed. Discussion Questions How do you think the Parable of the Lost Son ends? What do you think the older brother does next? What would you do? ©jcpgraphic/

10 “Jesus Welcomes Everyone” (Luke 17:11–19)
Luke, a Gentile himself, makes clear that non-Jewish converts are included in God’s plan of salvation. God’s plan of salvation includes all people. Luke’s Gospel emphasizes that Jesus reached out to Jews and Gentiles alike. ©Mike Elliott/

11 “Jesus Welcomes Everyone” (Luke 17:11–19)
Luke’s stories of the Good Samaritan and the cleansing of the ten lepers portray Jesus welcoming Gentiles into discipleship. This welcome extends to all people today, including us, even when we stray from God’s path for us. How do you think Jesus felt when only one of the ten people who were healed in Luke 17:15 thanked him for what he had done? ©Jurand/

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