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Lessons at the Lake from Mark Chapter 6 Two Lessons from Here! A Lesson on Rest A Lesson on the Church Lessons at the Lake from Mark Chapter.

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7 Lessons at the Lake from Mark Chapter 6
Two Lessons from Here! A Lesson on Rest A Lesson on the Church Lessons at the Lake from Mark Chapter 6

8 The Situation for Christ and the Disciple was Discouraging
*Verse 1 & 4 Own country *Verse 6- Blatant Unbelief Verse 14 Martyrdom * Verse Exhaustion Verse 31 Come Apart and Rest a While Ministry is Always Hard- Athletes, Soldiers, laborers, Farmers 2 Types of Rest- Human & Spiritual Human Rest Involves Eating Right- vs 31 No time to eat Sleeping Right- Vs 31 rest a while Leisure – vs 31 Ye Yourselves Apart The Lord Commanded It Your Body Demands It The Lord Participated in It Your Ministry Deserves It

9 The Two Secrets to Spiritual Rest
With God’s Compassion comes God’s Strength vs 33-38 With Prayer Comes Gods God’s Power- Vs 46-50

10 A lesson for the Church Acts 2: 42-47
What is a Kibbutz? A lesson for the Church Acts 2: 42-47 The Early church was not a Kibbutz but they had some things in common that remind us of a Kibbutz Both face great Persecution- 4:1 Both have a Great Purpose-vs 42 Both have a Great Power- vs43 Both have a Great Plan- vs 44 & 45 Both have Great People- vs47 The Church has 3 Secret Weapons the Kibbutz did not Have Great Prayer- vs 42 Great Praise- Vs 47 Great Promises- Vs 47


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