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(A Study of Church Discipline)

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1 (A Study of Church Discipline)
The Erring The Church Our Families Ourselves Saving (A Study of Church Discipline)

2 (A Study of Church Discipline)
What is Discipline? Personal Offenses Public Offenses The Forgotten & Misunderstood Command The Purpose of Withdrawing & From Whom Should We Withdraw? The Case at Corinth (1 Cor. 5) – Part 1 The Case at Corinth (1 Cor. 5 & 2 Cor. 2, 7) – Part 2 The Case at Thessalonica (2 Thess. 3) How to Treat those Disfellowshipped Does it Apply to Family? Can We Withdraw from the Withdrawn? Procedure for Withdrawal Objections to and Questions about Withdrawal Saving The Erring The Church Our Families Ourselves

3 Saving the Erring, the Church, Our Families, and Ourselves
Personal Offenses As we strive to save the erring, the church, our families and ourselves, there will be personal offense that must be addressed There are two kinds of offenses Personal offenses – One sins against another Public offenses – Public sin – not personal (or merely against another) Jesus addressed personal offenses in Matt. 18:10-20

4 Context: Relationships
Matt. 18 Vv. 1-5 – Who is The Greatest? (Humble) Vv. 6-9 – The One Who Offends (Respon.) Vv – The Lost Sheep (Value of One) Vv – Going to Offender (Resolving) Vv – Unforgiving Servant (Forgiveness)

5 Do You Ever Feel That You Have Been Done Wrong?
What do you do? Who should you tell? How do you feel about that person Who is to say how you react? Who should you have with you? Do You Ever Feel That You Have Been Done Wrong?

6 The Attitude That is Wrong
Matthew 18:10-20 Personal Offenses 10 "Take heed that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that in heaven their angels always see the face of My Father who is in heaven. 11 For the Son of Man has come to save that which was lost. 12 What do you think? If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine and go to the mountains to seek the one that is straying? 13 And if he should find it, assuredly, I say to you, he rejoices more over that sheep than over the ninety-nine that did not go astray. 14 Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish. The Attitude That is Wrong

7 The Action That is Right
15 "Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he will not hear, take with you one or two more, that 'by the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.' 17 And if he refuses to hear them, tell it to the church. But if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector. The Action That is Right

8 The Authority That Works
18 Assuredly, I say to you, whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven. 19 Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them." The Authority That Works

9 The Attitude that is Wrong (vv.10-14)
Saving the Erring, the Church, Our Families, and Ourselves Personal Offenses The Attitude that is Wrong (vv.10-14)

10 The Attitude that is Wrong
Despise (v. 10) What does that mean? Strong’s: “to think against, i.e. disesteem” A.T. Robertson: “‘think down on,’ with the assumption of superiority.”’ Lenski: “‘to think down on’ as though these little ones could be disregarded, as though they amounted to little or nothing” To have contempt for another To hate (i.e. lack of love – 1 John 3:15) The Attitude that is Wrong vv

11 The Attitude that is Wrong
Despise (v. 10) What does that mean? Why despise them? The One Despised Apparently Has “Sinned” Offended – caused to sin (vv. 6-9) Compared to sheep gone astray (vv ) Brother sin against you (vv ) Forgiveness (vv ) The Attitude that is Wrong vv

12 The Attitude that is Wrong
Despise (v. 10) What does that mean? Why despise them? Could I be guilty? Anytime I: Have bitter feelings Think someone is not worth reaching for.. View another as a “less” disciple I am despising another! The Attitude that is Wrong vv

13 The Attitude that is Wrong
Despise (v. 10) Reasons We Should not Despise Angels (v. 10) No evidence of “guardian angels” May suggest that angels in general guard disciples Heb. 1:14 – angels work for us in some way May be that their spirits become angels (Matt. 22:30). The Attitude that is Wrong vv

14 Every individual is still the object of the
Despise (v. 10) Reasons We Should not Despise Angels (v. 10) Christ came to save them (v. 11) They value of one soul (vv ) Every individual is still the object of the Savior’s love! The Attitude that is Wrong vv

15 The Attitude that is Wrong (vv. 10-14)
Saving the Erring, the Church, Our Families, and Ourselves Personal Offenses The Attitude that is Wrong (vv ) The Action that is Right (vv )

16 A Contrast The Action that is Right The Action that is Right Rather
Than Despise (vv ) Approach With Compassion (vv ) The Action that is Right The Action that is Right vv vv

17 The Action that is Right
The Sin Private sin (between two) – not public Evidence: “Against you” (v. 15) Private interview says sin is private Peter asks about sin “against me” (v. 21) The Action that is Right vv

18 The Action that is Right
The Sin The Point Times that sin is personal (private) – something that is between two parties and God Lessons: The more private matters are kept private matters, the less public trouble we will have Public matters are not to be treated as private matters Teachers of error Sin before others (i.e. Gal. 2:11-21) The Action that is Right vv

19 The Action that is Right
The Sin The Point The Rebuke Primary Approach (1st Step) Offended goes to the offender Tell him his sin Definite - not hurt feelings Proof – not mere questions Purpose (gain him / settle) Attempt to keep private matters private The Action that is Right vv

20 This is required to be done alone:
1. That he may have an opportunity of explaining his conduct. In nine cases out of ten, where one supposes that he has been injured, a little friendly conversation would set the matter right and prevent difficulty. 2. That he may have an opportunity of acknowledging his offence or making reparation, if he has done wrong. Many would be glad of such an opportunity, and it is our duty to furnish it by calling on them. 3. That we may admonish them of their error if they have done an injury to the cause of religion. This should not be blazoned abroad. It can do no good-it does injury; it is what the enemies of religion wish. Christ is often wounded in the house of his friends; and religion, as well as an injured brother, often suffers by spreading such faults before the world. (Barnes)

21 The Action that is Right
The Sin The Point The Rebuke Primary Approach (1st Step) Secondary Approach (2nd Step) Others with you Serve as witnesses But they also appeal to the offender (“hear them”) Causes the offender to ask, “Is it that serious?” Qualifications: None given in this text – other passages help Spiritually minded (Gal. 6:1) Wisdom – help settle difference (1 Cor. 6:5) Level headed – fair (even correcting me) What does it take to settle? (explanation, repentance, in some cases restitution) The Action that is Right vv

22 The Action that is Right
The Sin The Point The Rebuke Primary Approach (1st Step) Secondary Approach (2nd Step) “Final” Approach (3rd Step) Tell it to the church – take it to the elders More appeal before withdrawal takes place Causes the offender to again ask himself about the seriousness of the matter “Let him be…heathen and publican” parallel to: Deliver to Satan (1 Cor. 5:5) Purge out old leaven (1 Cor. 5:7) Put away wicked person (1 Cor. 5:13) Withdraw from disorderly (2 Thess. 3:6) Note that person (2 Thess. 3:14) The Action that is Right vv

23 The Action that is Right
The Sin The Point The Rebuke The Purpose (the value of limited approach) Makes it easier to settle the problem The more people involved – harder to settle Danger of partiality and factionalism Have a goal of keeping unity (Eph. 4:3) The Action that is Right vv

24 The Action that is Right
The Sin The Point The Rebuke The Purpose (the value of limited approach) Makes it easier to settle the problem To limit the impact on weaker brethren Must watch for effects on weaker (1 Thess. 5:14) If every private matter became public discussion and trial, the church would be in an uproar The Action that is Right vv

25 The Action that is Right
The Sin The Point The Rebuke The Purpose (the value of limited approach) Makes it easier to settle the problem To limit the impact on weaker brethren Keeps the church from being distracted in primary work of reaching the lost Work is spread of gospel (1 Tim. 3:15) When approached about a private matter – first response – not to inquire into matter – but to inquire whether the plan of Mt.18 was followed! The Action that is Right vv

26 The Action that is Right
The Sin The Point The Rebuke The Purpose (the value of limited approach) Makes it easier to settle the problem To limit the impact on weaker brethren Keeps the church from being distracted in primary work of reaching the lost Keeps the world from blaspheming gospel of Christ Our conduct can cause the gospel to be blasphemed (Tit. 2:5; 1 Tim. 5:13-14) Does harm to parade our differences before the world The Action that is Right vv

27 The Attitude that is Wrong (vv. 10-14)
Saving the Erring, the Church, Our Families, and Ourselves Personal Offenses The Attitude that is Wrong (vv ) The Action that is Right (vv ) The Authority that Works (vv )

28 The Authority that Works
Approved by God (v. 18) Whatever we do in discipline should be approved by God What starts as a personal sin, may bind action on all the rest Appeal to God (vv ) Prayer of two (i.e. vv ) Christ is there All need not be involved to make it work (Ill: Were the elders there? Was the preacher there?) The Authority that Works vv

29 The Attitude that is Wrong (vv. 10-14)
Saving the Erring, the Church, Our Families, and Ourselves Personal Offenses The Attitude that is Wrong (vv ) The Action that is Right (vv ) The Authority that Works (vv )

30 When You Have Been Wronged
Don’t despise Go with compassion Settle the difference Forgive

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