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William Straka III and Christine Molling

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1 William Straka III and Christine Molling
Center for Satellite Applications and Research (STAR) PATMOS-x Intercalibration of AVHRR Andrew Heidinger NOAA/NESDIS/STAR, Madison, WI, USA William Straka III and Christine Molling University of Wisconsin, CIMSS, Madison, WI, USA 2011 GSICS Users’ Workshop Oslo, Norway

2 Progress Papers published
Heidinger, AK; Straka, WC; Molling, CC; Sullivan, JT; Wu, XQ (2010). Deriving an inter-sensor consistent calibration for the AVHRR solar reflectance data record. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING, 31(24), GSICS ATBD submitted and data has been released for testing Initial study was for 0.63 and 0.86 mm channels on all AVHRR’s ( ) Calibration Work has been extended to include 1.6 mm channel on NOAA-16, 17 and METOP-A All AVHRR’s from 2009 and 2011. PATMOS-x can now process GOES Imager and MODIS data. This allows us to study calibration impacts on products since we can run the same algorithms on different sensors. Supported by the NCDC SDS/CDR program.

3 Some Examples of AVHRR/MODIS and AVHRR/AVHRR SNO’s in 2010

4 Large Impact on NOAA-19 Calibration Due to its short life time.

5 Example of Using PATMOS-x Applied to AVHRR, GOES and MODIS to Check Calibration Consistency: Cloud Optical Depth (MODIS-GOES-AVHRR – North-East Pacific August 6, :00 UTC) AQUA/MODIS GOES-11 NOAA-18/AVHRR Scatterplots using a logarithmic scale. Calibrations used are MYD02, PATMOS-x (AVHRR) and NESDIS (GOES) Note, that the angles are different and an optical depth retrieval should account for that.

6 Example of Using PATMOS-x Applied to AVHRR, GOES and MODIS to Check Calibration Consistency: Cloud Optical Depth (MODIS-GOES-AVHRR – North-East Pacific) COD Scatterplots using a logarithmic scale. 0.65 mm Reflectance Scatterplots using a logarithmic scale.

7 Conclusions PATMOS-x AVHRR Solar Reflectance Calibration extended through 2010 and 2011 1.6 mm channel now included PATMOS-x being used to study cross-sensor calibration consistency GSICS acceptance procedures continue.

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