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Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong Part 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong Part 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong Part 1

2 What continues to be the mind-set that opens a person’s understanding
to the truth about God? DA 139 11/12/2018 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong

3 How did our Lord’s earthly walk identify with the walk believers should enjoy—no exemptions from any weaknesses, no special access to help that we can not access? DA 147 11/12/2018 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong

4 What can we learn about God’s humility in Jesus being willing to discuss salvation with Nicodemus, a religious leader? DA 168 11/12/2018 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong

5 In Christ’s tactful, gracious conversation with the woman at Jacob’s well, how did He emphasize the purpose of the gospel, again proving Satan wrong with his charge that God was unreasonable? DA 189 11/12/2018 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong

6 What welcome message did Jesus give all His followers
when He healed the paralytic at the Bethesda pool? DA 203 11/12/2018 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong

7 What were some of the hellish doubts that swept over John the Baptist’s weary mind, and what was his only defense in keeping himself from utter depression? DA , 220 11/12/2018 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong

8 What can we learn about the compassion and fairness of God when we see how He looks upon human beings, wherever they are born, however they are schooled? DA 239 11/12/2018 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong

9 picks and trains His disciples
What do we learn about God when we note how He picks and trains His disciples and future leaders? DA 246 11/12/2018 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong

10 How do you think God prepares men and women today for His service?
11/12/2018 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong

11 dimensions from the healing of the leper and the paralytic?
What can we learn about the interaction of our physical, mental, and spiritual dimensions from the healing of the leper and the paralytic? DA 11/12/2018 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong

12 In dealing with the Pharisees, what great lessons about the character of God and the kind of people who will be in His eternal kingdom was Jesus teaching? DA 275, 276, 11/12/2018 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong

13 What was one of Christ’s
chief goals in regard to the importance of the Sabbath? DA 283, 284 11/12/2018 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong

14 Why did Jesus choose fallen human beings to be His representatives after He
returned to heaven? DA 296 11/12/2018 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong

15 How did Jesus use His sermon
on the mount to right wrong conceptions of Himself and present the principles of His kingdom that describe His faithful believers? DA 299 11/12/2018 Jesus Interacted With Men and Women by Life and Word—and in So Doing, Revealed What God Was Like, Thus Proving Satan Wrong

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