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Nicole Naditz, M.Ed, NBCT Google Certified Teacher.

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Presentation on theme: "Nicole Naditz, M.Ed, NBCT Google Certified Teacher."— Presentation transcript:

1 Nicole Naditz, M.Ed, NBCT Google Certified Teacher

2 Who are you? What grade level(s) do you teach or support? A.K-5 B.6-8 C.K-8 D.9-12 E.6-12 F.K-12 G.College/university

3 Who are you? What is your role in education? A.K-12 Teacher (all subjects except technology) B.Information/media/technology teacher C.Administrator D.Instructional technology coordinator, lead teacher, support provider, etc. E.Other

4 Who are you? How well do you understand the term Web 2.0? A.Ive never heard of it. B.Ive heard of it but never understood what it means C.I think I know what it means, but Im not sure D.I know it and I could explain it to others.

5 What is Web 2.0? Think-pair-share 1.Think about how you would define Web 2.0 2.Share your definition with a partner. Refine your definitions

6 What is Web 2.0? Working definition Any Web-based tool that allows the users to interact with, contribute to and/or change the content on the Web site or share their own original content. Many of these sites also allow users to collaborate on their creations.

7 What are your favorite Web 2.0 tools? Share your ideas in the backchannel

8 Todays session objectives Participants will describe specific ways Web 2.0 tools can be used to provide instructors and learners with data about student progress. Participants will describe specific ways Web 2.0 tools can be used to provide instruction to learners. Participants will describe specific ways Web 2.0 tools can be used to provide additional practice and resources to learners. Participants will create new resources for students using some of the Web 2.0 tools from this session.

9 Todays session agenda Supporting via formative assessment Supporting by providing lesson content on your Web site Supporting by providing extra practice/enrichment on your Web site Supporting via social media tools Other great tools Search tools: What do you love? and customized searching Organizational tools: Evernote and MentorMob

10 Have these things handy Google Doc with all of the links for the tools we will explore (provided to you via email)youll want this open in a Web browser so you can go to the links quickly Your login information for the tools we are exploring: Google docs, Google Moderator and YouTube Socrative (your room number) Poll Everywhere Brainshark Quizlet File you created with your multiple-choice and open-ended questions for a lesson you teach PowerPoint for a lesson you teach

11 Comments? Links? Suggestions? Google Moderator backchannel: Google Moderator backchannel

12 Getting started Supporting via formative assessment Supporting by providing lesson content on your Web site Supporting by providing extra practice/enrichment on your Web site Supporting via social media tools: Other great tools Search tools: What do you love? and customized searching Organizational tools: Evernote and MentorMob

13 Supporting via formative assessment Create a Google form (located in Google Docs or Google Drive Check for understanding Get instant data: informs teachers and students on progress Students can answer on paper or computers, but with a short URL or a QR code, they can also respond using cell phones, tablets, iPod Touch with wifi.

14 Hands-on Google Forms and Flubaroo Video Tutorial: creating a FORMative assessment Lets try it! Bonus tutorial: creating short URLs and QR codes:

15 Flubaroo???? For use with Google Forms (part of Google Drive/Documents). Find more info at http://flubaroo.com Its a script that grades the responses on your forms. Can be set to assign different point values to different responses Can also accept multiple variations for open-ended responses.

16 Flubaroo Screen Shots

17 More Flubaroo


19 Hands-on Google Forms and Flubaroo Video Tutorial : Adding Flubaroo script to FORMative assessment: Lets try it! Get the script and load it on your form Volunteer to have your form be a test case Put the URL to your live form on our backchannel page: We respond Run the script and grade us.

20 Reflect, connect, apply Take some time to reflect on and share how you might use Google Forms and Flubaroo in an educational setting. Share your ideas in the backchannel.

21 Another formative assessment tool Socrative: instant class polling and also team competitions for your content to create (no http) for students to do activities (no http): students answer from phones, tablets, iPod touch (with wifi) or computer. There is an iPad app. Works particularly well with QR codes for students using mobile learning devices.

22 Hands-on Socrative Lets try it! Participate in a quiz: From your phone, tablet or computer, type (type madame where it says room number) Participate in a Space Race Socrative Creation Tutorial: Steps are reviewed on the handout (Google Doc) Create a quiz Run the quiz as a quiz or space race

23 Yet another formative assessment tool Poll Everywhere: another way to do whole class checks for understanding….or pose a debate question! choose K-12 account create poll--students answer with cell phones Edit polls

24 Hands-on Poll Everywhere Lets try it! Participate in two Polls: What will you do on summer vacation? What are you doing Tuesday? Create a Poll Edit a poll: participant options; photos as answer choices Tutorial: Share a Poll URL Email Facebook Twitter

25 Reflect, connect, apply Take some time to reflect on and share how you might use Socrative and Poll Everywhere with learners. Post your ideas in our backchannel.

26 Backchannels for formative assessment or interactivity Google Moderator: ; You or students post questions or comments (or related links) Students can vote on questions or comments Works great in combination with a QR code. Step-by-step directions: moderator moderator

27 Primarily for support at home Brainshark: turn your PowerPoint lessons from class into narrated movies. Easy to record your narration Accepts animations you've programmed in PPT Converts to a movie format that is easy for all users to open

28 Hands-on Brainshark Lets try it! First, watch me do a small sample using the steps below: Sign into Brainshark Upload a PPT to Brainshark Add narration Save file Share file via email Copy link to a Web Site Use the embed code Now use the same steps to try changing one of your own PPTs to a video file with narration. If youd like to share, put the link in our backchannel.

29 Annotated YouTube Videos Annotated YouTube videos Create an account in YouTube (use your Google account) Upload one of your recorded lessons Add "pop-up" annotations with additional information or questions

30 Linked YouTube Videos Add links to other videos great for linking to other videos on similar content choose-your-own- adventure videos Tutorial at:

31 Eliminate firewalls and buffering Download extension for Youtube: only works in Chrome browser Detailed instructions: use-of-class-time-by-eliminating-buffering-time/ Want more info on extensions?

32 Hands-on Annotated and Linked YouTube Videos Video Tutorial: Lets try it! Create a channel on YouTube Upload a video to the channel (use the Brainshark video or another one) Add a pop-up annotation Add a link to another video Save and share More information also available at

33 Reflect, connect, apply Take some time to reflect on and share how you might use Brainshark and linked or annotated YouTube videos to provide content and extra resources to your students. Post your ideas on our Google Moderator page.

34 Other ways to provide video content Educreations for iPad GeniusScan for iPad (not video, but combines multiple photos into one PDF document: great for sharing multiple documents/handouts with parents and students Check in the tools menu of your interactive white board for screen recording. May need to convert videos before putting on Web site. Ustream: (lots of ads and other programming constantly streaming) Download Jing to record 5 minute, narrated screen captures. Snagit has acquired Jing, so may need to change/update accounts soon.Jing

35 Todays session agenda Supporting via formative assessment Supporting by providing lesson content on your Web site Supporting by providing extra practice/enrichment on your Web site Supporting via social media tools: Other great tools Search tools: What do you love? and customized searching Organizational tools: Evernote and MentorMob

36 Extra enrichment or practice Quizlet: http://www.quizlet.com create your own flashcards search extensive database for existing flashcards students can use as study cards, download to phones, and play games with the cards to help them remember NEW! Just released "multi-player" version!

37 Hands-on Quizlet Lets try it! Create account: http://www.quizlet.com Play in Quizlet: Talk about the days of the week in FrenchTalk about the days of the week in French Search in Quizlet: Create a flashcard set: Share flashcards in chat area

38 Todays session agenda Supporting via formative assessment Supporting by providing lesson content on your Web site Supporting by providing extra practice/enrichment on your Web site Supporting via social media tools Other great tools Search tools: What do you love? and customized searching Organizational tools: Evernote and MentorMob

39 Facebook Group Pages No "friending" students Control member- ship All members of your learning community can share resources and ask and answer questions

40 Tools for organizing resources, research and ideas Edmodo Create your own virtual classroom or educational space. Post tests/quizzes, assignments, create groups, administer surveys and more. Appropriate for elementary through high school

41 Google Voice: Gives you an Internet phone number Use for students to be able to reach you without using your private number For asking questions During field trips (can be set to forward to your cell phone) Use for students to leave a content-focused messageelevator speech style Who is the most important character in this chapter? How would you explain the steps in this process? Out of the events of the Civil War, which was the most important and why? Introduce yourself in French…

42 Class Pager Text messages have a 100% read rate! Send text messages to your students Their number remains private to you Your phone number is not used so your number is private to them Create one class for free…additional classes are pricey. What it does: What it costs:

43 Skype and Skype in Education Put your students in touch with content experts Use Skype in Education to connect your students with other classes working on related topics/ themes.

44 Reflect, connect, apply Take some time to reflect on and share how you could use tools such as Quizlet, Facebook Group Pages, Skype in Education, Google Voice and/or Class Pager with your students.

45 Todays session agenda Supporting via formative assessment Supporting by providing lesson content on your Web site Supporting by providing extra practice/enrichment on your Web site Supporting via social media tools Other great tools custom search engines Organizational tools: Evernote and MentorMob

46 Google Custom Search Provide pre-screened sites for student research

47 Hands-on specialized searching Create a limited search engine for your students using only sites you want them to see in their results. Lets try it! Step-by-step directions available at searching searching

48 More tools for organizing resources, research and ideas Evernote: http://www.evernote.com Save what you find online into folders you've created that are immediately synced to all of your devices that have Evernote! Use the Chrome extension to send pages directly to Evernote while you browse.

49 Tools for organizing resources, research and ideas MentorMob: http://www.mentormob.com create a "playlist" of Web documents to teach a lesson (or for students to show what they've learned or organize what they've found on a research topic).

50 Play time!!!! Use the remaining time to explore and create using these tools or others. Share cool ideas and favorite resources on our Google Moderator page:

51 Thank you! Session evaluations: Mobile Appthose who have downloaded the conference mobile app to their iPhone or iPad devices can use the speaker or session filter to find your specific session and submit their evaluation via the Evaluate Session button. Mobile Websitethose with any smartphone device can access the conference mobile website at, use the speaker or session filter to find your specific session, and submit their evaluation via the Evaluate Session button. Conference Websitethose with any internet enabled device can access the conference website at, use the Custom Program Search to find your specific session detail page, and submit their evaluation via the Evaluate This Session Reach me Email: Twitter: nnaditz Class Web Site: Blog: http://3rs4teachers.wordpress.com Presentations page: New (under construction) Web site for Google Apps:

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