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DISCUSSION 5 minutes Look at the laminate of a traditional mask from around the world on your desk. In groups of 3 or 4, determine: 1) What country/culture/continent.

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Presentation on theme: "DISCUSSION 5 minutes Look at the laminate of a traditional mask from around the world on your desk. In groups of 3 or 4, determine: 1) What country/culture/continent."— Presentation transcript:

1 DISCUSSION 5 minutes Look at the laminate of a traditional mask from around the world on your desk In groups of 3 or 4, determine: 1) What country/culture/continent it originates from, 2) What you think it might be used for, 3) What it is made from and how it was made, Write notes on the mini whiteboard and be ready to feedback to the rest of the group

2 FEEDBACK 1 minute 2

3 FEEDBACK 1 minute 3

4 FEEDBACK 1 minute 4

5 FEEDBACK 1 minute 5

6 FEEDBACK 1 minute 6

7 FEEDBACK 1 minute 7

8 FEEDBACK 1 minute 8

9 FEEDBACK 1 minute 9

10 FEEDBACK 1 minute 10

11 FEEDBACK 1 minute 11

12 Learning Objectives You will: What I’m looking for…
Learn about various cultural masks from around the world. Learn about African masks via the creation of a visual copy. Develop your skills in colour and tone using pencil crayons. Learn about African tribal masks including their origin, purpose, materials they are made from and the meanings behind them. What I’m looking for… You can recognise typical traditional masks from around the world and know a little information about them. You have an ability to draw an enlarged accurate copy of an African mask. You are able to use colour pencil crayons successfully to add colour and tone to your drawing.

13 You also need to collect: a laminated grid
Take one of the laminates from the area in the room denoted by your differentiated level of challenge 20 minutes (colour sticker on your progression sheet) You also need to collect: a laminated grid a sheet of A4 paper which also has a pre-drawn grid on it. Place your laminated grid onto your image and draw it onto the A4 paper in pencil 13

14 20 minutes Continue to work on your copy, however, take on board any feedback and comments which have been given to you by your peers. When you are ready start adding colour and tone using the pencil crayons 14

15 How accurate the drawing is, How well they have used the grid,
5 minutes PEER ASSESSMENT Stop for a few minutes and look at the other people’s drawings on your table. Now…discuss the following: How accurate the drawing is, How well they have used the grid, Are there any areas that need to be adjusted? If so, offer suggestions as to how it can be enhanced/improved 15

16 Begin by looking for the palest colour in your mask
Then find the next colour tone How has the next tone been generated with the exact same colour? Now use the darkest tones and lots of pressure. The last stage is to add white highlights.

17 PREP.WORK PREP.WORK WK1 Make sure that you complete your copy of the African mask in full colour. Write the name of the tribe that your mask belongs to (on the back of the laminate) and go to Use the pro-forma on the VLE and complete it to create a research page.

18 5 minutes Turn to the back of your sketchbook, look at the learning objectives from the start of the lesson, tick each statement to indicate how confident you feel you have met each one (fully, partially, not at all). Learning Objectives You will: Learn about various cultural masks from around the world. Learn about African masks via the creation of a visual copy. Develop your skills in colour and tone using pencil crayons. Learn about African tribal masks including their origin, purpose, materials they are made from and the meanings behind them.

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