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Humanity Leadership tool-kit

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1 Humanity Leadership tool-kit

2 Things I’m proud of Write down 3 things about yourself that you are really proud of in your career to date? What do these things say about you? Share back to the group Group listens and adds insights or understanding to what these things say about you. How to facilitate this. Explain how this exercise is about getting to know at a deeper level of understanding the talents and preferences of the team members Explain that it is also an exercise designed to deepen the listening skills of the team for what is unique about each other Write up these 4 steps on a flipchart or use this powerpoint Ask the team to spend a few minutes answering question 1 and then when ready question 2 Ask who would like to go first and share back to the group When the first person finishes as the group to add any other insights or understanding to “what this says about this person”. Leader shares insights last and only if there is something else to add Then ask the next person When finished as the group to have a meta-conversation (that is a conversation that reflects on what just happened) to share back how was that experience

3 Just 3 Breaths 3 breaths Take a deep breath in and as you exhale deeply – notice how your breath exits your body (nostrils, mouth, lungs, abdomen) Take another deep breath in and as you exhale – relax Take another deep breath in and as you exhale – ask yourself what’s important right now Adapted from The Google search inside yourself leadership programme. How to facilitate this: Explain how this is an exercise that you have found to be personally rewarding (share your experience of using it) and how you think it might benefit the team (engage their willingness to give something new a go – however skeptical) Ask people to sit in a comfortable position whatever that is to them. Ask them to close eyes if they would like or just lower their gaze so that they are less distracted. Guide through the process as it= as the guide you do the process whilst reading it Then ask the group to reflect and share back their experience of that exercise

4 Building Strengths What are you really good at that you enjoy doing and gives you energy when you do it. How do you currently use this strength in a way that fulfills you in your life? How might you put this strength to greater use in our team? You can also use strengths finder (see for more details on this Or Explain how understanding and aligning strengths is a key way to build success in the team and that the more you focus on strengths the more that they will be successful Use this slide or put these 3 questions on a flipchart. Get people to answer question 1 then share back, question 2 then share back etc. At the end of the process as them to share back their experience If you want to follow this up in your next 1:1 with the team members then ask them to bring a solid proposal of how to use strengths more to you in your next 1:1

5 My learnings What was something you completed recently (success or failure) Upon reflection what did you learn most about yourself? Upon reflection what do you most want to claim as being your key defining moment or contribution to the outcome? To whom in the team or wider could you be grateful for this outcome? How to facilitate this: Discuss how learnings are important to team and personal growth – learnings from failure are just as important as success Put these 4 questions onto an A4 print out with room to write Give people 20 minutes to go to a quiet space and reflect and write Come back to the group to share At the end debrief what was common amongst them

6 Greatest Imaginable Challenge
Ask the group what’s their idea of the team’s greatest imaginable challenge Ask other key stakeholders what’s their idea of the team’s greatest imaginable challenge Pull together like themes to create How to facilitate this: Tell the group you want to create a vision, BHAG or use this title from Jake Miller a Greatest Imaginable Challenge and why you think you need to create one and how you might use it and why you believe it’s the team’s job to give input to this (note you may decide that it’s the team’s job to create, or it’s the team’s job to give input and you’ll create the final version – either ok ask long as you state this process up front You might have some ideas of GIC that you have seen before that show the team what this looks like. Then you can distill its characteristics e.g. time bound by 2020, 6 words or less, memorable etc. At this stage agree on the timeframe (e.g. by 2025 Then ask the group members to brainstorm on their own first of all their ideas of the Team’s GIC Share back ideas onto 1 flipchart Get the team members to brainstorm who are their key stakeholders as a team – ask them to pick one each (or a representative from each stakeholder group) Then ask the team member to go and call/visit these key stakeholders right now – telling this person that they are working on their GIC and that as a key stakeholder of the team they value their input – ask them what are the 3 ideas that come to their minds Get the team members to come back and share back to the group what their stakeholders shared and write up on a flipchart Now you have 2 flipcharts side by side – you might want to reflect on common themes Split the group into pairs (or 3’s depending on group size) and get them to work with a partner on what the GIC statement might be Give each pair 10 mins and then come back and share their idea Have all the ideas on the whiteboard Explore common themes of inspiration and maybe agree on a clear winner If no clear winner – rub out all 3 and then hand over the pen and ask someone to write up the GIC using the common themes of inspiration The pen is handed over to new people to try another version until the group is aligned or until there is enough alignment (they can live with it) Work out how to put this into action in the team – where it lives hard copy, how to integrate it into their JD’s, then create or align to strategic plan

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